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"Fenibut" (drug): reviews. "Fenibut" for the child: reviews of doctors, recommendations

The disease of the child is not so rare today. But for parents, this phenomenon is always associated with experiences, especially if the doctor prescribes a "serious" drug. Before you start taking this medication, you always want to hear feedback. "Fenibut" for the child is appointed by the attending physician, who fully knows the information about the state of health of the baby.
Therefore, to trust the doctor's appointments is a very reasonable decision. Although the reviews of those who used the medicine, too, are important.

From the history of drug appearance

Medication "Fenibut" was invented and studied in the Soviet Union by teams of scientists who worked at the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. Herzen at the Department of Organic Chemistry and the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

As a result of experimental work, the drug was recommended as a remedy for the astronaut's first aid kit. What did he give them? The reception of this medicine allowed the astronauts to work at the proper level. This drug in space flight conditions was much more effective than conventional tranquilizers.

What is Phenibut?

The drug "Fenibut" can not be reliably attributed to drugs that have a tranquilizing effect. It can cause a nootropic and soothing effect. It is not a narcotic.

The drug stimulates the mechanism of the course of metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex, reduces the feeling of anxiety and tension. Improves mental and physical performance, memory, normalizes sleep. Increases the motivation of activity without excitement. Often prescribes the drug "Fenibut" for children. Instructions for the use of the drug indicate an improvement in the functional state of the brain, which is extremely important in the period of the child's schooling.

The drug is available in tablets. When buying a medicine, it is recommended to pay attention to what form it has. Very often the pill has to be divided into several parts. Some manufacturers have taken care that it was convenient to do.

Causes of prescription

Of all the drugs in this group, the drug in question is the most innocuous, although "Fenibut" tablets for children under one year of age are not recommended. And in some instructions the restriction of taking the drug to 3 years is indicated. However, the remedy is well known to parents whose children often visit a neurologist, regardless of their age. The drug "Fenibut" indications for use is different. The reasons for prescribing this medication may be various kinds of trauma, infectious diseases, increased excitability, stuttering, enuresis, and other abnormalities in health.

The agent in question may be prescribed as a prophylaxis for anxiety conditions that may occur in a patient before surgery or other painful procedures.

Effectiveness of the drug

The effectiveness of this medication can be judged by taking into account the patients' feedback. Tablets "Fenibut" - a drug that does not have an unambiguous evaluation of those who used it.

Some of the parents after the course of taking this medication note an improvement in the behavior of children, the emergence of new training skills, which before the use of tablets was very difficult to achieve.

There are testimonials that the medicine helped the child cope with stuttering. Side effects and addiction in this case was not observed, although the course of treatment was very long.

Good efficiency of the drug is noted by teachers who work with children who are trained in correctional classes. As a rule, children with disabilities of speech formation, mental retardation, and deviations in the formation of the emotional-volitional sphere are included in such groups. The positive effect of the drug "Fenibut" is celebrated a month after the start of the course of treatment.

Problems with urination were resolved with the help of the drug in question at an early age. Since then, the disease does not recall itself. No side effects were observed either at the time of taking the drug or at the time of its withdrawal.

Other parents had to give up this medication because it caused excessive excitability, the child could not fall asleep.

There are cases when after taking the drug the baby slept for a very long time. This greatly alarmed the parents, they were forced to call for emergency medical care. The drug was stopped.

There are reviews where this medication is spoken of as a neutral remedy. He did not cause either addiction, or negative, or positive effects.

Apparently, the drug has a variety of reviews. "Fenibut" for a child and people of other ages very often the patients themselves recommend buying Latvian products. In their opinion, it is more effective.

The reaction of the body to taking the drug

In addition to positive effects on the body, the drug sometimes has side effects, so from people who took it, you can hear negative feedback. "Fenibut" for a child can cause increased excitation, dizziness, drowsiness. At the first reception of a medicine, nausea, an allergic reaction in the form of skin rash, itching is possible. Children should be given medicine with care.

Very often the question is whether the drug is addictive? Doctors give a negative answer to this question. Parents have conflicting reviews. "Fenibut" for a child can be dangerous only if the instructions for its use are not observed or there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Most doctors insist on this opinion.

Dosage of the drug

If there are no contraindications to taking the drug, then patients of any age can be prescribed tablets "Fenibut". Dosage for children is significantly different from the norm of taking medication for adults at a time.

Babies under 8 years are prescribed 50-100 mg of the drug three times a day. At a three-time intake of 250 mg per day, children of 8-12 years old can also be prescribed a drug "Fenibut". Instructions for use for children of any age determine the treatment course from 1 to 2 months.

A single dose for a child under 8 years of age should not exceed 0.15 g, and for 8-14-year-old patients - 0.3 g. The norms of a single dose can be increased or decreased by the attending physician depending on the individual characteristics of the patient or his disease.

Overdose of medicine

In case of an overdose, there is pronounced drowsiness, vomiting, lowering of arterial pressure, disturbance of kidneys. Having found out these symptoms, you should stop taking the drug. Gastric lavage, reception of activated charcoal - first aid in case of an overdose of the medication in question.

With prolonged use of the medication, it is necessary to control the activity of the liver and a blood test.

Methods of taking the medicine

Take the pill "Fenibut" inside. Wash down with clean water. The order of food intake does not matter.

Self-medication is strictly not recommended.

Special care must be taken when canceling the medicine. All patients note that a sharp discontinuation of the drug leads to a deterioration of well-being. The medicine "Fenibut" needs to be canceled, gradually reducing its dose. Especially this recommendation applies to children. If the instructions for drug discontinuation are not respected, tantrums often appear in small patients, tearfulness, excited state for several days.

This is explained by the fact that a substance is released in the human body that exerts an exciting effect on the central nervous system. The drug "Phenibut" is a deterrent effect. After the abolition of this medication, the unrestrained "phenylethylamine" makes itself felt to the fullest. Therefore, the gradual abandonment of the "Fenibut" means a well-grounded recommendation.

Sometimes the technique is effective, in which at the time of rejection of this medication prescribe sedatives on herbs. The scheme of their reception is as follows: the dose of "Fenibut" tablets is gradually reduced, and the norm of a single dose of a sedative is gradually increased.

Current research results of the drug

For more than thirty years of experience using the drug "Fenibut" in medical practice, scientists have been able to detect and prove some interesting effect of the drug on the patient's body.

For example, if a person takes a healthy person at a dose of 0.8 g per day for 10 days, then it has a stimulating effect on memory. What happens? RAM is improving.

The use of the drug in question does not cause violations of coordination of movements, the accuracy of the actions performed, the person's attention also does not suffer. These indicators distinguish the drug from other tranquilizers.

Low toxicity is another positive characteristic of the "Fenibut" product. Instruction, reviews of patients, doctors, researchers indicate the positive effect of the drug on the activity of the cardiovascular system.

It is proved that after taking this medication after 15 minutes, its presence is found in all tissues and organs. Complete elimination from the body occurs in a day due to the work of the kidneys.

Instead of concluding

In the process of experimental work and based on the results of clinical data, the effectiveness of the drug "Fenibut" is fully proved. In addition, this drug has clear advantages over other nootropic drugs.

This makes it possible to use the agent in question to treat children and the elderly. Although his admission in patients of these age categories should be under strict control.

The cases of prescription of the drug to adults are much broader - crisis conditions, alcohol dependence, stress, depression, etc. The dosage and duration of the use of the drug "Fenibut" is of an individual nature that only a doctor can determine.

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