
Marriage Alliance: What's At Basis?

Ideally, the basis of the marriage should be the love of two people to each other. But this does not always happen. There are other causes, forcing a man and a woman to marry.
For example, the famous psychologist Muriel James singles out several types of marriages: a love marriage, a romantic marriage, a marriage of convenience, a friendly union and an open marriage.
Each of this marriage union basically has only its inherent reasons.

This is an ideal marriage, based on the love of two people for each other, respect and mutual understanding. With such a strong foundation, a marriage of love has every chance of a long life. Although, like all other types of conjugal unions, it is also subject to family crisis testing, which is inevitable even in the strongest families.

Marriage of convenience
Such a marriage union was very widespread in the past. First, such unions were joined by representatives of the ruling families: thus, dynastic and political problems were resolved.
The material dependence of a woman on her husband also led to the fact that a marriage of convenience in the past was very common. Although with today's emancipation and women's material independence such marriages are not something rare.
At the heart of the marriage of convenience may be the desire of a person to get rid of loneliness, escape from the parental care, get the opportunity to take care of someone and feel the care of a loved one.
It can not be said that such a marriage is doomed to a short life. While the calculation is paralyzed, the marriage is held. In addition, there is always the possibility that the calculation will grow into something more ...

Romantic marriage
Such a marriage union is built on passion, love, idealization of one's partner. But, as noted, psychologists, together with a passionate passion, which is short-lived, the foundation of the marriage union also collapses. The first problems such a marriage union begins to experience after the honeymoon, when the first love passes and everyday life comes.

Open marriage
Members of such a union do not profess the principle of monogamy. They allow themselves and their partner to communicate on the side.
Both spouses are satisfied with this, since they do not consider this behavior a betrayal. The main thing is that the couple is associated with deep feelings, the rest is a temporary phenomenon, but it helps to brighten up life and make a difference in it.

Friendly alliance
Friendship, common interests, mutual understanding and mutual assistance form the basis of this marriage. Such unions are more common for the elderly.

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