
What is love?

What is love? They say that Love is a verb, and answers the questions "What to do?" "What to do?". It turns out that when you do something to create love or to save it and make it up, for example: you think only of your loved one, make him a surprise or massage, buy a gift, then this is love ?! And just like that, constantly doing something, you can love and be loved. It means that love is giving up. State when you are always in giving. With this I agree, to be in giving it is wonderful. Then you really begin to experience warm feelings for this person and even become attached to him. It begins to seem that he is the best. Well, really, you spend so much energy and energy to love him. But is it true love?

Love has one other side. And this is such a love, when only with one glance at him do you pronounce the phrase "And let the whole world wait". When you see it, your soul fills itself and even overwhelms the edges with love, so much so that it is enough for everyone who approaches you for a distance of 10 meters, or even more. When you can not help smiling with happiness and tears of joy. When the legs subside, when they meet with him, and covers the whole body with trembling, at his touch.

And it is such a love, forgiving. After all, you accept it and love it entirely as it is. And you do not want to change anything in it. You allow to be his shortcomings and humility to his wrong actions. You know that you can forgive him everything, because you just love him, and without demanding anything in return, let him be himself. You can easily let him go if this is his wish, for the most important thing for you is that he is happy.

I know that true love is not given for nothing. It must be earned. It takes time, strength, patience and gratitude to go through all the trials that will be sent to you before you know true, pure and mutual love.

As one person told me that love does not exist. What I want to answer this: Love is the purest and most sincere feeling. If you are given the LOVE, take care of it, appreciate it, and no matter how the relationship is built with the object of your love, it is important that you are given this feeling, and it fills you, your soul, makes you come alive, smile, enjoy life. Take care LOVE in your soul do not kill her, but on the contrary let her live, feel her, this is the highest gift that you can only get from the Gods. Protect your LOVE! And only love can work miracles, thanks to love feats are accomplished and people change for the better. I know and I believe that she is such a person, and everyone who knows how to cherish and appreciate LOVE gets her as a reward.

Although ... It is likely that I am mistaken. And this is only my point of view that Love is first of all feelings, and only then the verb. I think that in time I will deal with this deeper. What do you want!

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