
Co-ordination And Relevance

"Co-ordination and Correspondence".

A man is anxious, a woman expects.
A man finds it, a woman keeps it.
The man is leaving, the woman is waiting.
He - opens, She - enters.
He brings, She - chooses.
He's coming, she's standing.
He - gives, she is hiding.
The man - to Heaven,
Woman to man.
A man forgives, a woman remembers.
Man is an action,
A woman has a result.
He is water, she is a vessel.
He is an onion, she is an arrow.
... she believes, she trusts.
She trusts, she hopes.
He loves, she falls in love.
A man is wise, she is intelligent.
He is a theory, she is an experience.
He doubts, she's right.
He wants, she wants.
A man is building, a woman is making out.
A man provides, a woman judges.
He starts,
she finishes.
... is open, the woman is closed.
... - grain, woman - the fruit.
... - height, woman - depth.
... - space, the woman is chaos.
... knows, a woman feels.
He is sail, she is the wind.
It burns, it smolder.
He is impatience,
She is endurance.
He is the Spirit of the law,
It is the letter of the law.
He misses, she's crying.
A man is from himself, a woman to herself
A man teaches a child,
A woman is growing it.
He is vain, she is capricious.
He is calm, she is rebellious.

A man is a plow, a woman is a field.
He asks, she demands.
A man is enough, a woman is not enough.
He is prudent, she is cunning.
He is a servant, she is the master.
A man is a king, a woman is a state.
He is an ax, she is an executioner.
He lives, she lives.
The man is the content,
Woman - shape.
A man is merciful,
The woman is just.
A man is a weakness, a woman is power.
He pushes,
She - pushes.
The man is the eyes, the woman is the ears.
The man is the smell, she is the taste.
He is a day, she is a night.
He is the autumn, she is the summer.
He is dissatisfaction,
She is unsettled.
He opens, she closes.
A man is death, a woman is a disease.
Man is heaven, woman is earth.

Way ... The path is incomprehensible and long. The path of the reunification of what came from above and, later, divided in search of oneself.

I often come across one question: when I, having become independent, began to look for it, the only one that should have been created for me, could I then feel it? But everything happened, after all, in the end, so that I had to comprehend the separation experience created by my immature and unconscious desire to reunite with the one that, as it seemed to me, was chosen by my world, struck me in the heart.
Now I understand that my heart was struck by something completely different, and not by what I reached, when I reached the middle age, speaking only in the conventional language, only vaguely thinking, and, afraid of going into reflections, I feel to this day a strange, childish awkwardness before love.
No, now I understand that everything that we meet outside is formed by our inner world. All that is in our response, has roots and shoots that have already ascended in our soul. Does this not explain the fact that we are sometimes infinitely far from the person standing at us at arm's length, but, suddenly, for an incomprehensible, at first sight, reason, we quickly open where it seemed impossible to be seen, and let another Breathing into your world, sometimes, under the most amazing circumstances.
Is not this an accident, but, which because of its obsession looks, perhaps, a regularity: strange, incomprehensible, subtle, but regular.
Does not your environment begin with you? Division ... You have to learn your experience, then any, or almost any, case in your life will become clear and understandable in many ways, and all the "strange" will remain in the field of your personal and forever incomprehensible for this life.

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