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How to draw a cat - tips for novice artists

Suppose you are passionate about cats. You are touched by these delightful creatures, their grace and independence. You can spend hours enjoying their games, jumping, forgiving them your scratched hands, and their purring for your ears is better than any music. Like all enthusiastic people, you can not ignore your subjects with images of their pets. And one day, looking at the next pictures, in which funny cats, drawn in pencil, fooling around or sleeping, you suddenly think: why do not you try to create something like that yourself?

You begin to look at shaggy models, notice their habits, movements, facial expressions (oh, sorry, muzzles). Finally, you get an album, pencils and an eraser to try your hand at artistic endeavors. And then the first obstacle arises. How to draw a cat, if he constantly runs away from you and does not want to pose calmly? You can first practice on a sleeping animal.

If this is your first experience of figurative activity, then first of all, understand one very simple idea: almost all objects and most living things in this world can be represented in the form of circles, rectangles and triangles. This knowledge greatly simplifies the task of "How to draw a cat in stages".

Look at your pet from the back. Now mentally spread it into several circles. Happened? Gain the experience. Observe the animal, constantly depicting the imaginary parts of its body.

As soon as you feel that you have it without difficulty, take a pencil in your hand and open the album. Think about how to draw a cat. Will he sit, lie down or move? Then boldly start to work.

First of all, outline the outline. Usually these are three circles: the head, the middle part of the trunk and the back. The legs are drawn as curves. You can immediately depict the tail.

Then gradually fill out the contour with details. Draw the ears. We designate a spout on the muzzle. It will serve as a kind of reference point for depicting eyes and mouth. Try to give the muzzle the right expression.

We proceed to the paws. It's not scary, if at first they look like sausages, then you fix it. Smooth outlines the contours of the body.

When the sketch is completed, carefully study the resulting sketch. You might want to make changes. We are just now learning how to draw a cat. A study without errors is not complete.

The sketch is necessary, that you already confidently put on the paper the main lines of the drawing. Secondary strokes are then erased with an eraser. The image is detailed. A mustache is added to the cat, fingers appear on the paws. Or maybe you want to draw a bouncy bang, a brow or a smile. How to draw a cat from the county of Cheshire is already an assignment for the next lesson.

The finished pencil drawing is painted with paints or markers. Dare, do not be afraid of bold experiments. Let your first drawing be not perfect, do not give up your studies. With each time you will be more confident to draw lines on paper, convey the movements and habits of your pet.

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