
Appendicitis - signs and symptoms, first aid

In fact, doctors can not give specific information about why an individual needs appendicitis, the signs of which we will consider below. Some call it the link of the immune system, others call it functions. But still, it's safe to say that a person with a remote appendicitis is no worse than the one who has it. In this article, I would like to disclose the main signs of appendicitis, as well as its characteristic manifestations, and what kind of first aid is needed.

Appendicitis - signs

To begin with, the manifestation of it can take place in both acute and chronic forms. The first case occurs much more often. The most common symptoms are pain in the navel, under the spoon and nausea. Sometimes vomiting may occur. At the same time, painful sensations, which have a constant, aching, growing character, can be observed right below the abdomen, closer to the caecum. Symptoms are aggravated during movement or lying on the left side. The body temperature rises to 38 degrees, and constipation or diarrhea may occur.

It is very important to pay attention in time to such symptoms in the elderly and children. In the first appendicitis, the signs of which are not so pronounced, is transferred quite heavily. As for children, it is quite difficult to diagnose, since they can not always reliably explain where and what hurts them. That is why, at the slightest manifestations, signs of appendicitis should not be ruled out.

It happens that the pain with appendicitis is temporary and gradually passes. But still it is not a reason to rejoice. After all, in this case, the process of inflammation develops, in which bacteria enter the abdominal cavity, which can lead to a fatal outcome. That is why at the very first symptoms of appendicitis manifestation it is necessary to contact a polyclinic.

If we talk about how appendicitis manifests in chronic form, then we should note the following. It is rare enough to diagnose it more difficult. He has a periodical manifestations, which take place in a mild form and do not have a pronounced character. Such manifestations are very similar to those that can occur with gynecological diseases, as well as diseases of the intestine, kidneys. But chronic appendicitis, the signs of which can be light, can pass into the acute.

First aid

Calling an ambulance is the very first and most important thing that you must do. After this, it is necessary to put the patient on the bed and put on the stomach a heating pad with cold water or ice. In this case, you should not give or drink or eat food. Painkillers should also not be taken, as this will complicate the diagnosis of the disease when doctors arrive.

Surgery to remove appendicitis

If after the examination by the doctor the diagnosis of the appendix was confirmed, in this case, operations to remove it can not be avoided. That's why you have to put up with this and trust the fully experienced surgeon. To do this, you can, of course, choose your own doctor, the experience of which inspires confidence. But this is possible in the event that you have enough time, as the operation to remove an acute appendix may require an emergency for your own good.

It is almost impossible to avoid such inflammation. Someone lives with an appendix all his life, and someone can manifest it even in childhood. All this is purely individual. But you can still reduce the risk of the occurrence of such inflammation by carefully monitoring the state of your intestines. To do this, you need to eat right, not allowing any constipation. But still, in this way completely avoiding the removal of the appendix is almost impossible.

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