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Photos and biography Semen Semenchenko

Biography Semen Semenchenko seems rather ambiguous. Some people consider him a hero of Ukraine, others - a swindler or even an extremist. Indeed, quite a lot of dark spots has in his record Semen Semenchenko. The biography of this military, political and public figure of Ukraine will be the subject of our close study.

Question about the name

Let's find out how Semen Semenchenko was named at the birth. Biography of this person's real name reveals. By his own admission of the hero, given to them in one of the interviews, Semen Semenchenko is a pseudonym. The main reason for his use of the serviceman was the desire to protect his relatives.

His real name he never directly voiced. However, the participants of the hacker association "Cyberberkut" claimed that his real name was Konstantin Grishin. Later this information was confirmed by one of the fighters of the battalion Donbass. Thus, Konstantin Grishin - Semen Semenchenko. The biography of this person is now completely connected with the last name, as he made the appropriate changes in the form prescribed by law even in the passport.


But if Konstantin Grishin is the real name of Semyon Semenchenko, then the question arises of his nationality. Semenchenko is a Ukrainian surname, but Grishin is not. So who is Semen Semenchenko by nationality?

The commander of the Battalion Donbas never concealed that he was Russian by birth and was born in Sevastopol.

Life before the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine

Biography Semen Semenchenko is divided into two main periods: before the outbreak of armed conflict in eastern Ukraine and after it. The fighting in the Donbass was the turning point, after which this man gained general fame. It was then that Konstantin Grishin became Semyon Semenchenko.

Konstantin Igorevich Grishin was born in June 1974 in Sevastopol. I graduated from school in my hometown. I went to study at the Black Sea College. Nakhimova, but then had to transfer to SSTU (Technical University), which, however, also did not finish. From 2006 to 2008 he was a student of the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography in the direction of filmmaking, but did not pass his thesis. Thus, the biography of Semen Semenchenko points to the presence at the moment only of a complete secondary education.

Since 1998 he worked as the editor-in-chief in the publication "Sevastopol Bulletin". This period of his life ended in 2001. From that moment until 2004 he held the post of director at one of the commercial enterprises. After that, after moving from Crimea to Donetsk, he opened his own business.

In addition, Konstantin Grishin (Semen Semenchenko) took an active part in public life. The biography shows that from 1998 to 2004 he headed a large public association, took part in the Maidan in 2004.

War in the Donbass

Biography Semen Semenchenko speaks about fundamental changes in his life after the start of hostilities in the Donbass in 2014.

In the beginning of the same year, Konstantin Grishin was an active member of the EuroMaidan. When military operations began in April in the Donbas, Semyon Semenchenko (from that time he called himself so) organized a territorial battalion "Donbass", consisting mainly of local residents. According to Semenchenko, the material support of this formation was promoted by the Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, and the base was originally located in Dnepropetrovsk.

The soldiers of the volunteer battalion managed to take control of a number of settlements of the Donetsk region, previously controlled by the People's Democratic Republic, until August 2014.

During this period of activity, Konstantin Grishin did not advertise information about his past, but hid his face under a balaclava to protect his family. The biography of Semen Semenchenko remained a mystery to the general public. Photo of the mysterious commander of the battalion "Donbass" in black camouflage flew all the Ukrainian media.


While still commanding the battalion Donbass, Semyon Semenchenko decided to open his face, which happened on September 1, 2014 in Dnepropetrovsk. This was due primarily to the decision to start an active political activity. Already on September 25 he registered as a candidate for the Verkhovna Rada of the party "Samopomich", where he passed under the second number. Following the results of the elections held in late October, the Samopomich party unexpectedly gained almost 11% of the total number of those who voted, having won 32 seats in the parliament.

Becoming a people's deputy of Ukraine, Semen Semenchenko, according to the legislation of the country, was forced to leave the leadership of the battalion "Donbass". He was dismissed from military service in the rank of captain.


Biography Semen Semenchenko is associated with numerous scandals, which are often provoked by a lack of information about this person, speculations, although quite a lot of real facts.

The dark spot remains the life of Konstantin Grishin before the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Many ill-wishers say that at this time he was engaged in major financial frauds and even received a prison sentence.

Quite a big response was caused by its deprivation in December 2015 of the captain's rank and transfer to the soldiers of the reserve. It is alleged that this decision is related to the illegal receipt of the title, and supporters of Semenchenko explain this by political repression.

In addition, the fame received interviews with the fighters, some of whom claimed that the actions of Semen Semenchenko contributed to the death of a large number of personnel entrusted to him by the combat unit at Ilovaisky. Semenchenko succumbed to criticism and for other military miscalculations, and sometimes he was even imputed to deliberate actions.

A family

Semen Semenchenko has living parents and a brother living in the Crimea. They stayed on the peninsula after joining it to Russia.

Semen Semenchenko is married to a native of Donbass Natalia Moskovets (from Makeyevka), who is Ukrainian by nationality. In this marriage four children were born. Elder son Grigory turned 8 years old. In addition, there are sons Mikhail and Artem, as well as a daughter.

general characteristics

We found out who Semen Semenchenko is. Biography, nationality and human activities were considered in the article. We also learned about his real name.

An impartial assessment of the life and activities of this person is extremely difficult, as many of the motives and details of his actions remain a mystery, and a significant part of the biography has many dark places and discrepancies. Therefore, it is rather expected that most people refer to Semen Semenchenko, above all, according to his political views.

However, perhaps the future will slightly open the curtain over some of the riddles that envelop the biography of this man.

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