Food and drinkRecipes

Lush pancakes on the "Snowball". Simple and quick recipe

For most people it is breakfast that is fundamental. It allows you to saturate the body, charge it with energy and give enough strength to work. Someone prefers porridge for breakfast, someone whips up a sandwich with sausage and cheese.

But there is a category of people who start their day with baking. We offer you today to cook amazingly delicious pancakes on the "Snezk" magnificent. This recipe is an excellent find for young mothers, who quickly need to make breakfast for their tomboy schoolchildren or kaprizul-kindergartners.


The benefits of living bifidocultures found in fermented milk products are undeniable. Among drinkers sour milk is especially popular drink "Snowball". It, unlike kefir, has a homogeneous tender structure and has a sweetish flavor. Very often the drink is used in baking. Especially good pancakes on the "Snow". The recipe is very simple and does not take long to prepare.

Necessary ingredients

  • Two tablespoons of water.
  • 250 ml of "Snowball".
  • One chicken egg.
  • 250 grams of flour.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda.
  • One tablespoon of sugar.
  • Vegetable oil needed for frying.

Cooking process

Pancakes on "Snowball" have a number of advantages. Firstly, the use of "Snowball" in the recipe allows you to save on the use of granulated sugar. A small amount of sugar in a dish is a significant plus for the figure, and for health in general. Secondly, you do not need to use yeast to prepare the dish. Sour-milk products, mixed with soda, give excellent foam. Pancakes on the "Snezka" are magnificent and appetizing.

To prepare, you need a deep bowl, in which it would be convenient to mix the ingredients. We pour into it "Snowball" and break there the same egg. If you want pancakes to have a yellow saturated color, then add one more yolk or take for cooking homemade "village" eggs, which are very yellow in themselves.

Thoroughly mix the egg mixture and sour milk drink. Add gradually water, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Mix flour and soda in a separate bowl. Then gradually add this dry mixture to the dough.

It is important that the frying pan on which you plan to bake pancakes at the "Sněžka" was well heated. We pour the oil. We are waiting for it to warm up properly. In the meantime, you can prepare a glass of water. It is needed in order to avoid sticking the dough on the spoon.

Try to pour fritters away from each other. The dough is liquid and has a tendency to spread very much. Closely poured pancakes on the "Snowball" will stick together, and it will turn out to be a pancake. As a rule, about an average of five to four sundowners can fit into the average frying pan.

With what to serve fritters on the "Snezka"

Any culinary expert or nutritionist will say that the right interesting serving of the dish is half the success. Breakfast is no exception. With what can you serve pancakes at the "Snezka" (the recipe is described a little above), so that the dish manila hungry households with only one of their appearance?

  • Melt a piece of butter on a water bath. Add some warm milk, sugar or honey to it. Pour over serving cups and serve to the table. To dunk in such a mixture of pancakes on "Sněžke" is a pleasure.
  • Combine the softened butter with the orange syrup. Whisk with a blender or a mixer until thick. Lubricate the fritters with the cream and serve.
  • Rub the strawberries with sugar. Dilute in a separate container one teaspoon of potato starch. Combine the starch and the "strawberry" sugar. Put the dishes on a slow fire. Bring to a boil. Cool down. At the final stage, you can add a little vanilla sugar or half a bag of vanillin.
  • Pound one glass of cranberries and one glass of sugar. Add to the mixture a little lemon peel and three tablespoons of ground nuts. Such a mixture can be smeared with pancakes or served in a bowl, where guests themselves will dunk pastries.
  • Using a blender, whip three tablespoons of honey. As soon as it turns white, add one hundred grams of softened butter. In conclusion, add lemon peel or orange.
  • And of course, nobody canceled ready-made homemade jams, jams and jam. Serve on the table what has already been tested and just loved your household. In this case, breakfast will certainly be eaten up to the last crumb.

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