HealthAlternative Medicine

Lofant (grass): useful properties, benefit and harm

Grass Lofant Tibetan - a perennial shrub, also called Korean mint. In height, the plant reaches one meter, can grow in very severe natural conditions at temperatures up to -15 o C.

The leaves of the plant in length reach 10 centimeters, have an oval shape with denticles along the edges. Blossoms lofant inflorescences of purple.


The Tibetan Lofant grows mainly in North Asia. The original habitat was the Himalayas and the mountains of Tibet, later the plant was brought and distributed in Siberia, Japan, East Asia and Korea. It grows mainly on sandy and sandy loamy soils.

Harvesting and harvesting of grass

Lofant is a grass, the collection of which begins from the end of June and lasts until August. The stem is cut with a very sharp knife, while the flowers and leaves are neatly picked off manually. Gathering raw materials usually on hot days, as at a high ambient temperature, the plant accumulates the maximum amount of essential oils. In one season, you can remove at least two very large crops of grass.

The collected raw materials are dried naturally in the shade, in a well-ventilated room. Keep it in the future you need in a glass container with a tight lid. The shelf life of the Tibetan lofant is two years.

Essential oils

Tibetan lofant contains a large amount of essential oil, rich in various trace elements. The area of its application is wide: it eliminates acne on the skin, has a strengthening effect on the hair and eliminates dandruff.

Cope with childhood depressions and neuroses is perfectly helped by the grass lofant. Its use to cure these conditions is simple: it is enough to make a bath with a decoction or essential oil or put a few twigs of the plant in a pillow.

Recipes from the Tibetan loser

Decoction of the loser with the addition of honey is used for atherosclerosis, stenocardia, decreased immunity, neuroses and headaches. Preparing the preparation is simple: the dried flowers and leaves of the grass are poured with boiling water and insisted for 40 minutes, after which they are filtered. Take the decoction of the decoction several times a day.

From the Tibetan lofant also prepare infusions. They are taken with diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. For the preparation of the infusion 4 tablespoons of dry parts of the plant are poured with 2 cups of boiling water. The solution is left to be infused until its temperature equals room temperature. The resulting infusion is filtered and taken three times a day on a tablespoon before eating.

Spirituous tincture, which includes lofant (herb), is taken with depression and neurological diseases. In a liter of vodka soaked 50 g of dry or 200 g of fresh parts of the plant. To insist the drug should be for 20 days, while it should be shaken regularly. Before use, the ready tincture is filtered. Take a teaspoon several times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days, after which a break is made a month long.

Tibetan lofant is often brewed as an ordinary tea leaves and is drunk instead of tea with honey.

A distinctive feature of the lofant is that it does not conflict with other medicinal plants. For example, a mixture of herbs from oats, Tibetan lofant, cranberry, elecampane and burdock strengthens the body. To increase immunity, they drink herbal tea, the components of which are morali root, Tibetan lofant, lemon balm, elecampane and eleutherococcus.

Grass loofah: contraindications

Before eating this herb , consult a doctor. Tibetan lofant can not be taken with the following pathologies:

  • After surgery.
  • In the presence of malignant oncological formations.
  • With individual intolerance of components and allergies to certain substances that are part of the lofant.

Grass anothic grass

Anisovy lofant is much more famous under the name of the fennel polycohole. In height, a perennial plant reaches one and a half meters, blooms with pink or purple inflorescences with a pleasant aroma.

Anise lofant is an herb that does not belong to pharmacopoeial plants and is not used in official medicine. Despite this, studies of the plant composition by scientists were carried out. As a result, it was revealed that the fennel multicellular has antioxidant, bactericidal, fungicidal and immunostimulating effect, due to which it can be used as an additional preparation in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal disorders and as a means of strengthening the body And the immune system.

There are no contraindications anise lofant, but it is better not to take it for pregnant and lactating women.

Procurement of raw materials

Throughout the growing season, the plant is harvested for culinary purposes, but as a medicinal product it is collected only during the appearance of buds and subsequent flowering. Thin shoots with leaves are cut with garden scissors and then dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated room. The dried parts of the plant are stored in paper dense packages or glass containers with lids.

Chemical composition

From the point of view of the composition, the anisic lofant is practically not studied. Despite this, lofant - grass, which in its ground part contains about 15% of essential oil. Almost 80% of the oil is methylhavicol - a substance that gives the plant an aroma of anise. Essential oil, in turn, consists of 20 compounds, the quantitative content of which is constantly changing, because of which the lofant itself begins to smell differently. Each part of the grass includes tannic substances and acids - ascorbic, apple, coffee and lemon, phenolic compounds, glycosides, flavonoids and many other components.

Pharmacological properties

The healing properties and phytochemical composition of the anisic lofant attracted close attention at the beginning of the XXI century. The carried out researches, which purpose was both revealing of biologically active connections in a plant, and standardization of raw materials and search of new treatment-and-prophylactic means, have come to the end with success. The results of clinical experiments have led to the information that essential oils contained in the lofant have anti-inflammatory, antimycotic, antimicrobial and pilotropic effect. According to the results of the research it was found out that dermatology can use an anise lopant grass. The use of this plant and its essential oils is effective in treating seborrhea, dermatitis of fungal nature and cicatricial alopecia. In addition, anise lofant was recognized as a promising raw material for the production of drugs that have antimycotic and antimicrobial properties. Fennel polycoil can also be widely used in cosmetology, thanks to antioxidant and pilototropic action.

Use in folk medicine

Useful properties of the anise lophant as a medicinal plant have found wide application in unofficial medicine. Hoods, tinctures and gatherings with a multicolour are used to treat respiratory diseases - pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis and cough. Lofant has no less effectiveness in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis and peptic ulcer. Tinctures based on this plant have a simulating effect on digestion and improve the work of the pancreas, they are also taken with vegetovascular dystonia, atherosclerosis and stenocardia. Lofant reduces blood pressure in hypertension. Effectively affects people with insomnia. Often, drugs based on it are used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system.

Infusions and decoctions of the fennel polycohole are applied externally: the essential oils that make up the plant effectively cope with dermatitis, dry skin, fungal diseases, neurodermatitis and cracks. No less effective anise lophant, like Tibetan, in the fight against alopecia and seborrhea. Decoction of the plant is added to the baths, in which children are bathed with allergic diathesis.

Brooms from dried lofant, taken in the bath, help to cope with fatigue, return tone and elasticity to the skin, remove toxins. Practically complete absence of contraindications and a large number of useful properties, the content of vitamins and minerals makes the anise lofant an ideal tonic and biostimulant. Herb lofant, photo of which is presented to your attention in the article, has a powerful stimulating effect on the body and helps to cope with many diseases.

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