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What is dry fasting? Results of dry fasting. What happens to the body during dry fasting?

In addition to traditional methods of treating various diseases, alternative methods are becoming increasingly popular. Many people have already heard about the benefits of curative fasting. But there are more radical methods. Among them, dry fasting is becoming more common.

Appearance of the method

One of the first known people who experienced and began to talk about the benefits of starvation is Paul Bregg. He advocated a healthy lifestyle and complete abstinence from food - a repose. But he did not talk about the need to give up water, rather, on the contrary, he claimed that it was needed. With the simple refusal of food, in his opinion, one can get rid of many diseases.

Of course, among the physicians his theory was not supported. Also, many supporters of other alternative therapies disagree with him. But, despite this, he has many followers. Some of them, like Paul Bregg, published books on a healthy lifestyle and engaged in the promotion of hunger.

Among them, for example, the doctor Filonov SI, professors Nikolaev Yu. S., Kokosov A. All of them practiced starvation and disseminated information about this method. But Filonov began to propagate not only a message, but a complete refusal of water.

Operating principle

A method of dry fasting is based on the fact that any inflammatory process in the body requires water for its development. The problematic place swells. A moist environment only contributes to the fact that it starts to actively breed a different kind of bacteria, worms or viruses. Deficiency of water, on the contrary, leads to their death. This is the basic principle on which this cure method is based.

The founder of this method is SI Filonov. Dry fasting, in his opinion, contributes to the fact that fat is split more rapidly than with the usual abstinence only from eating with the preservation of the drinking regime. In this case, all diseases are eliminated faster, because microorganisms can not exist without water.

Types of starvation

Therapy, based on complete failure of water, is divided into two subspecies. The first of these is the method of hard (complete) dry fasting. In addition to a complete rejection of water, it is required to abstain from any water procedures. The prohibition includes bathing, brushing teeth, washing hands and other processes associated with human contact with water.

When mild fasting is not allowed only to eat and drink water. However, hygienic procedures are not prohibited. You can swim, brush your teeth (you can not swallow water, just rinse your mouth), get into the rain. They say that with a wet starvation of the skin out faster slag. But with both types of dry abstinence, any enemas are prohibited.

Potential hazards

Speaking about the dangers of starvation without water, many doctors say that death can not be ruled out. It can occur when a person loses up to 25% of the body weight. They also argue that it is difficult enough to save a person who adhered to the principles of dry fasting for 7 consecutive days. Irreversible consequences for the organism come after 3 days.

There is a regularity according to which when a loss of liquid in the amount of 1 to 5% of the total mass of a person is persecuted by severe attacks of thirst, the temperature may rise, a feeling of nausea may appear. Dehydration by 6-10% entails shortness of breath, speech disorders, muscle weakness. If the body loses from 11 to 20% of water, the body begins to cool, the tongue swells, hallucinations appear, hearing and vision are impaired.

Alternative view

But the founder of the method and his followers, who practice the treatment of dry starvation, do not agree with the opinion of official medicine. They say that without water, a person can withstand 12-16 days, the registered record of such abstinence is 18 days. This is their opinion is based on the fact that the body switches to endogenous nutrition. At the same time, the proteins begin to "eat up". The organism takes them from those organs that it considers less important. First of all, the destroyed painful tissues, edema, adhesions, tumors, atherosclerotic plaques are destroyed. In medicine, this process is called autolysis. In this case, the body as it operates itself, it independently gets rid of harmful tissues. You can start this process only if you refrain from food. With classic starvation, in which you are allowed to drink water, autolysis is also present. But if the body stops eating not only food, but any liquid, it flows much faster.

The regenerating effect of dry fasting, according to the supporters of this method, comes 3-4 times faster than with the classic abstinence from eating.

Therapeutic effect

Adherents of the method of dry fasting do not get tired of talking about its medicinal properties. So, they argue that this method of mandatory therapy should be used in the following cases:

  • Concussion: all problems arise from the swelling of the brain tissue, so it is so important to minimize it in the shortest possible time;
  • Colds;
  • Problems with internal organs;
  • Deforming arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease and other similar diseases;
  • Non-persistent ovarian cysts.

In the absence of moisture, all problems are minimized. Such fasting for more than 11 consecutive days leads to the fact that the regime of the passage of physiological processes changes, tissue regeneration is activated, the epiphysis (so-called mysterious pineal gland) starts to actively work . But many appreciate the very different results of dry fasting. As a result of abstinence, consciousness finds itself in an unknown state to this day. This is a good way of self-discovery, the opportunity to test your body and learn about its hidden reserves.

The followers of the theory say that dry fasting had to be sustained by Jesus during the wandering through the desert for 40 days. In their opinion, this is what contributed to his resurrection. As a result of abstinence, his body was rebuilt and switched to a photon state.

The acidotic crisis

But do not think that sticking to the basic principles of fasting and refraining from food and water for several days is easy. It's not just about the need to endure the feeling of hunger, thirst or the psychological aspects of giving up everything.

Before you start to practice starvation on a dry one, you must understand that with it a ketoacidotic crisis is inevitable. This is due to the fact that from the outside the body does not receive any food or water, it is forced to extract resources for life activity within itself. In this case, very different chemical reactions begin to take place in him, the metabolism changes.

This process is accompanied by an increase in the level of ketone bodies. These are products formed as a result of incomplete breakdown of fats or triglycerides. Poor health appears on the 2-5th day. In the first times of starvation the crisis is expressed especially brightly. It is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, nausea, lack of air - all the symptoms that are present during intoxication. The number of ketone bodies grows until the body finds a way to utilize them. There may also be severe pain in the process. They need to be ready in advance.

But those who practice periodic fasting, say that with each time the crises are less pronounced. With subsequent abstinence, they come faster, pass easier and last considerably less.

The followers of the theory say that every acidotic crisis is replaced by an improvement in well-being. This occurs when ketone bodies begin to be disposed of. Their number is gradually falling. Ketone bodies are high-energy components, they are the fuel for the synthesis of new amino acids, and thanks to this process tissue regeneration begins.

Positive effect

In the process of starvation, all weak links inevitably die, giving way to strong ones. In the absence of moisture, degenerate, weak, damaged, diseased cells are the first to suffer. All the non-viable components are dying. So, in the body there are only the strongest - healthy cells that can withstand any conditions and give decent offspring. Thus, a natural rejection is carried out.

This is the basis for rejuvenating and revitalizing effect of abstinence. The benefits of dry fasting for people who could withstand all the restrictions are obvious. They speak not only about improving the state of health, increasing the body's resistance, endurance, but also about the appearance of new forces. Some talk about improving physical performance, others note increased performance, unprecedented clarity of mind and consciousness.

Possible variations

One of the most common is one-day dry fasting. They are often practiced for colds. At the same time, the body warms up, and the diseases are burned. It should last 36 hours. That is, the last meal takes place in the evening, and the next - in the morning every other day.

At the first attempts to advise to hold out at least 24 hours - until the evening of the next day. Dine preferably with raw or boiled vegetables. If this does not work out, then in order to start, you need to try to hold out at least until noon.

Experienced people practice longer abstinence. Someone has 3 days, and some people have dry fasting for 5 days or more. Their duration depends on the goals set, the preliminary training and the capabilities of each person.

Important aspects

If you decide on such a radical method of therapy and recovery of the body, like dry fasting, it is advisable to do this under the supervision of a doctor. But unfortunately, not everyone has such an opportunity.

It is important to understand not only how fasting passes, but also how to prepare for it. To do this, it is advisable to start a few training days for vegetables. Suitable for this purpose cabbage, carrots, beets, watermelons, plums, grapes, apples. Fruit or vegetable diet helps to cleanse the body, shakes it, includes protective forces. But kefir, cottage cheese or meat does not fit. Moreover, from dairy and meat products it is desirable to refuse at least a day before the entry into starvation, and it is better to do this for 3-4 days.

But we need to find out not only how to prepare for abstinence. It is important to understand how to get out of it correctly. Before completing it is important to drink any preparation for the intestine, for example, 3 capsules of the "Lineks". Breakfast is better ½ cup of juice, you can drink it every hour before lunch. For the second meal, a vegetable stew, salad, a few bananas, and porcini gruel (without adding oil, salt or sugar) will do. You can also cook buckwheat or rice (from raw varieties) porridge. For an afternoon snack an ideal variant will be juice or fruit. For dinner, you can prepare a vegetable salad, boiled potatoes, any porridge.

With intolerance of juices, they can be replaced with oat broth. This scheme is ideal for patients with ulcers, colitis, gastritis. Also it should be adhered to beginners and people with excess weight.

Short abstinence

Periodic fasting for 1-3 days is called cosmetic. During this time, the capital restructuring of the body does not have time to begin. Passes, so to speak, a small cosmetic repair. Immunity is restored, some of the slags are removed, the digestive organs rest from the load, the nervous system comes into tonus, all energy channels are cleaned.

The benefit of starvation for the psyche is so obvious. The will is strengthened, self-confidence grows, stress resistance appears.

Practice short-term abstinence can be with any regularity. Some people prefer to have one dry fast each week. 1 day to survive without water and food for them is not difficult. But, the truth, some speak, that the organism gets used to such continences. Those who practice rarer, but prolonged fasting, one-day weekly posts are not needed.

Many daily days of unloading are perceived as a holiday, as an opportunity to cleanse, improve well-being and give the body a day of rest. Of course, for people suffering from chronic or cold diseases, a hunger strike is a real test.

Possible loads

If you could get used to one-day abstinence and realized that the hunger pangs are too exaggerated, then you can try to move to longer posts. To begin with, you can try two- and three-day options. You need to prepare for them. On the eve it is better to make a cleansing enema, for a few days to give up animal food.

With short starvation, you can do any work, except for hard work. True, on the third day you need to spare your body. It is necessary to try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air in motion. The ideal option is the usual walks.

Prepared people can also try a longer dry fasting. 7 days, for example, can not withstand all. But practitioners say that after 4 days the feeling of hunger is dulled. However, it is important not to artificially support it, for example, not to think about food, which you can eat after the abstinence.

The maximum period for which the adherents of the theory of dry fasting are solved is, in most cases, 11 days. Only not many are able to withstand a longer period.

Cascade fasting

One of the variants of abstinence was developed by Lavrov. The scheme assumes 5 periods, each of them can be repeated without special restrictions. This is the so-called dry cascade starvation. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to alternate the days of hunger and food, beginning from 1 day and ending with 5. That is, the day of hunger is the day of food, two days of hunger - two days of food, so it lasts up to 5 days. After the last 5 days the exit begins.

But this is not the only version of the cascade. Also there is a gentle method. It consists of alternating consecutively 1, 2, 3 and 4 days of hunger with 1-3 weeks of food after each period of abstinence. This cascade ends with 5 days of famine and a gradual withdrawal. For sick people, it can be replaced by the so-called cautious regime. With it, fasting day is replaced by 12 hours.

The reduced cascade fasting can be used only by experienced followers after a long break from the previous post. With him, 3 days of abstinence are replaced by 5-10 days of eating, after which a person starts a 5-day fasting.

Feedback and Potential Benefits

Beginners are recommended to practice at first one-day (if possible 36-hour) abstinence. Accustomed to them, you can gradually increase the period of hunger for a start can be for several hours, moving gradually to 2-3-day posts without food and water.

Many decide on experiments, reading about dry fasting reviews. The results are visible quickly enough. So, someone needs to get better and cleanse the body a little, others want to get rid of chronic diseases. Of course, achieving the last task is slightly more difficult. For these purposes, one-two-day abstinence will not work. You need to prepare to limit yourself for a longer period. To do this, you need to start practicing short hunger strikes, and after the body gets used to them, move on to longer.

Only in this way can a relatively painless transfer of a certain time without the ingestion of food and water into the body. It is impossible without preparation to begin long dry fasting. Before deciding and morally tune in to this post, you need to "rehearse." If you want to try a long starvation as early as possible, but you have never limited yourself so hard, then it's better to choose cascading, sparing starvation.

People who practice such abstinence say that they have more willpower, they become more determined, which helps to achieve success in many undertakings. This is due to the fact that for most it is difficult to voluntarily refuse to eat food, and especially water throughout the day. Decision-making even about short-term fasting and fulfillment of the planned plans makes a person more determined, he becomes stronger in spirit.

In addition, it is dry fasting that allows a person to understand how much food and water he needs to maintain life. This contributes to the normalization of nutrition, the revision of its foundations.

Most adherents of the principles of fasting without water say that during normal periods they eat everything, do not refuse even deliberately harmful foods and drinks. But unloading allows them to cleanse the body, the digestive organs get so much rest for them. Do not overestimate the results of dry fasting.

But it is important to understand that immediately after it the load on the body should be moderate. Knowingly supporters of the method argue that special attention should be given not so much to preparing for starvation as to the way out of it. With one-day abstinence, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to all established rules. It is important to remember only that the first meal should be easy, so as not to give a serious strain on the digestive system. It is also important to pay attention to the quality of products: the purified intestine is extremely sensitive to various pathogenic microorganisms.

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