Health, Alternative Medicine
Healing licorice. Instructions for use
Licorice root is a miraculous natural remedy. It allows not only to restore human health, but also to restore youth and beauty. Thus, the plant was considered the second most salubrious after ginseng in the ancient Chinese medicine men.
Licorice, the instruction for its use includes numerous items describing the benefits and ways of using the medicinal representative of the flora, has in its composition many elements necessary for human health. So, in the root of a wonderful plant, there are sucrose and glucose, gum and starch, and also copper. There are in its composition bitterness, ascorbic acid and essential oils.
Licorice, the instruction for its use, notes its softening and expectorant effect, is used, as a rule, in the pathological processes of the lower and upper respiratory tract. The root of a medicinal plant is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis and eczema. Apply it and with diseases of the digestive tract. It is effective for constipation, hemorrhoids and light food poisoning.
Licorice, the instruction for its use indicates its ability to lower the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, eliminates the formed plaques in the vessels. Taking the root of a healing plant allows you to get an easy diuretic and laxative effect. Due to a number of active elements, licorice has an anti-inflammatory property.
Licorice, the instruction to which indicates the form of release of the medicinal product, is realized in a network of pharmacies in filter bags that have a mass of one and a half grams (in packages of ten or twenty pieces). Healing plant is made and in the form of syrup. It is poured into bottles with a capacity of one hundred and one hundred and twenty-five grams. In pharmacies you can buy and shredded raw materials. The rhizome of the plant is packaged in packs of fifty or one hundred grams.
Effective licorice from cough. The instruction marks the area of its application. Recommended medicinal plant with pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, as well as smokers with tormenting their cough.
Include licorice in the course of treatment with pyelitis, pyelonephritis and cystitis. A medicinal plant is able to alleviate a patient's condition with hypofunction, observed in the adrenal cortex. Together with other medicines licorice helps with gout and rheumatism.
How to apply?
Apply a healing plant in various ways. A tincture of licorice root is prepared from the filter packs. The instruction gives recommendations for obtaining this drug. Three filter packs containing medicinal raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and infused for twenty minutes. Prepare licorice and decoctions from the root. In this case, take ten grams (1 tbsp.) Of crushed raw materials and add a glass of boiling water. The mixture is aged for half an hour in a water bath. After cooling, the drug is filtered and brought to the previous volume with boiled water.
Decoctions and infusions from the medicinal root are recommended to be consumed in a warm form. The effectiveness of potions is evident within two to three weeks of their intake.
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