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Deer of musk deer. The musk deer's flow: medicinal properties, application

Parts of animals have always been used in medicine. From ancient times people wanted to find a cure for all diseases. One of these medicines was the secret of the glaucoma of the musk deer. This is indeed a unique substance that can cure many ailments.

Description of the deer

The musk deer, whose photo you can see below, is a small animal from the deer family. The length of his body is 1-1.2 m, and weight - 14-15 kg.

On the upper jaw, he has 2 fangs. They are used in fights for supremacy. It is easy to understand by canines that you are facing a deer of musk deer, whose photo is shown to us by a pretty pretty animal. His skin costs a lot of money. Meat is also considered a delicacy, but it has a specific taste.


Musk musk deer is the secret of a special gland located between the chest and the external genital organs. It contains from 11 to 21 grams of the most valuable natural product.

Musk musk deer is used for making cosmetics, and in medical preparations. Useful effect of this tool people noticed in ancient times. As far back as 400 BC. It was mentioned for the first time about the deer of musk deer, whose stream brings many benefits.

Healers of the East used it to protect themselves from a bad eye. Still it or her added in infusions from inflammations and for a raising of immunity. The monks of Tibet have known for a long time about the miraculous power of healing that the stream of musk deer possesses. Its application is extensive. At least 200 agents for treatment have this substance in the composition. It should be noted that the secrets of many of them are still kept by monks and do not tell anyone.

In Europe musk deer musk is used mainly not in medicine, but in perfumery for fixing odors. The main exporter of this money was and will be the East. It is from it that most of the glands of musk deer are taken out.

Features of the structure

Located on the stomach of the male gland produce a musk enzyme with a certain smell, which has a light hue of ammonia. They are a hemisphere, a circle or a cake. One side of this leather bag is covered with short wool. Inside the gland is a brown liquid with inclusions of epithelium and foreign bodies: needles, hairs of hair, leaves. They penetrate here through the outer opening.

The inner part of the gland's surface consists of numerous "papillae." The jet produced by them has a black color, and becomes brown in the light, as mentioned above. The smell of the substance is specific, the mass is thick, similar to oil. After special treatment, it acquires a pleasant aroma and medicinal properties.

The composition of musk is rather complicated. There are fatty acids, and steroids, and cholesterol, and a source of odor called mascon. When the jet dries, an unpleasant smell disappears, but when wetted, it reappears. This musk is the most expensive.


Let us consider in more detail what the substance of the musk deer is used for. The jet is used in many cases:

  • In the East, this substance was impregnated with a piece of cloth and carried it with it on the belt to protect it from the evil eye.
  • A stream of musk deer is widely used in Tibet. What does she cure? First of all, male impotence. Since this substance synthesizes the genital glands of an animal, it helps to restore its own testosterone, which increases the desire and improves the erectile function.

  • Perfumery also uses a spray of musk deer. It helps create perfume with an aphrodisiac. The products themselves have a slight smell of tobacco, notes of leather, a fragrance of animal attractiveness. They last a long time, when sprayed on the skin are mixed with their own secret. As a result, an exciting smell appears.
  • Chinese sorcerers also use a stream of musk deer. Its healing properties are diverse. It is used to make more than 250 varieties of potions.
  • Scientists from India conducted a study and proved that the substance contained in the glands works well on the CNS and CCC. Improves the nutrition of blood vessels and nerves, removes stagnation, normalizes blood pressure.

Application in medicine

This is how he is a miracle - the deer of a musk deer. The jet is often used in folk medicine. This miracle cure is used to fight anemia, hysteria, fainting, epilepsy, seizures. It is also used to normalize the heart. The effectiveness of musk has already been proven in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.).

They use a musk deer musculature to treat cancer tumors of various etiologies. Often for patients, this is the last chance of recovery in the late stages of the disease. It is worth noting that very often this method of treatment helps. Positive effect was noted for tumors in the digestive tract, urogenital system, internal organs, endocrine system, and CNS.

Musk musk is often used to treat diseases such as:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Liver disease;
  • Urate in the kidneys;
  • stroke;
  • Paralysis and heart attack.

With success, mental and nervous illnesses are treated. There are several cases where people who have been in coma for a long time left it with the help of this remedy. Thanks to the action of the secret, immunity rises and normal general well-being is normalized. Musk has a powerful anesthetic effect.

Also note that the action of the jet is similar to the action of the hormone cortisol, which is used to normalize the metabolism of carbohydrates and improve brain activity, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How to choose and buy a musk deer?

This means to buy is quite real, because there are always raw materials. Unfortunately, in our country so far it is obtained by the method of evisceration of the carcass of a dead deer. Whereas in the Arab countries there are special farms on which the substance is extracted without killing an animal.

More often on sale there is a dry secret of a gland, being in a leathery sac, having hairs from one of the sides. If the quality of this part of the deer is good, then there are no cracks on the bag (not too dry), and there is a single outlet hole. The size of the gland is different, weight - from 20 to 26 grams. Some manufacturers, trying to earn more, can put any harmful impurities such as wood chips or fractions into the bag for weight.

Dosage and Administration

It is recommended to buy ready tincture. Although it all depends on the purpose and course of treatment. If a person needs a small course of therapy, you can buy a small trickle or a little powder. With a longer time, you can take a pharmacy tincture. Although you can cook it yourself. To do this, take 50 grams of dry matter and mix it with 0.5 liters of good vodka. Ingredients are added to the glass bottle, which must be shaken daily. Liquid insist for a month in a warm place.

The drug is taken in liquid form only after consultation with the doctor. In addition, it is necessary to observe a safe dosage, as exceeding it can lead to poisoning and burns of the digestive tract. The safe amount is calculated according to the weight. So, at a weight of up to 60 kg apply for 1 tsp. A day, from 61 to 80 kg a dessert spoon is laid, with a mass of over 81 kg - 1 tbsp. L.

The regimen is as follows: 3 times a day for a single dose 30-40 minutes before meals. Drink or seize the medicine can not, a little bitterness must endure. And in the future it will completely cease to be felt. Alcohol and alcohol at the time of treatment are prohibited. You can use a dry substance. In this case, a similar amount is taken for treatment, as well as when taking the tincture. For the time consumed dry matter the size of a match head.

Contraindications for taking the substance

As with any other means, it has contraindications to admission:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Breast-feeding.
  • Age to 3 years.
  • A long reception leads to a decrease in the fertility function of the body.

Cost of raw materials

Such a valuable animal is a deer of musk deer. A jet, the price of which for 1 gram is 2000 rubles, should be used only after consulting a specialist. One gland contains about 20 g of dry spray. The cost of the tincture is calculated according to the dry matter.


Now you know who the deer of musk deer are. Its jet is so healing that its use can lead to the extinction of these graceful animals. We hope that this will not happen, and people will learn to rationally use the gifts of nature.

Summing up, we will draw some conclusions. The stream of musk deer is a powerful healing aid, which helps even in the most severe cases. Among other things, this substance has a wonderful stimulating effect, especially for male power. The effectiveness of musk has been proved by many years of research not only by ancient healers, but also by modern medical workers. So use this remedy to improve your body. Do not forget about consulting with doctors.

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