HealthAlternative Medicine

Birch tar is the guarantee of beauty and health

Birch tar is a natural, environmentally friendly natural preparation. It is prepared from the light, upper part of the birch bark of a young tree. Birch tar retains all its useful properties that are inherent in any living tree. It is quite complex in its composition and includes such important elements as benzene, xylene, toluene, as well as a huge amount of organic acids, phytoncides, resinous substances, phenol, etc.

Despite the fact that the birch tar smells so that absolutely no one will ever doubt his ability to spoil a whole barrel of honey, after all his healing power is enormous.

Tar absorbs many useful properties that are contained in the bark cortex, it has a pronounced antiparasitic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. He is willingly used both in cosmetology and modern medicine, and in the preparation of folk remedies in the treatment of many diseases of a different nature. Just about some effective and time-tested folk recipes for the treatment of various diseases of tar and will be discussed in this article.

Birch tar - a guarantee of beauty and health of hair and skin

If it itches the scalp, dandruff appears, then birch tar can help. Treatment with a mask made from birch tar can be carried out at home. To make it, you need 10 grams of tar, 30 grams of castor or burdock oil and 1/2 glass of vodka. All ingredients are mixed to a uniform concentration, and then carefully rubbed into the scalp 2 hours before the expected washing.

Birch tar can also accelerate the process of hair growth, make them more shiny and thick. To do this, 2 times a week, rubbed tar water in the scalp. It is not difficult to prepare it - 50 grams of tar is diluted in 1 liter of water, after which it is insisted for several days. After 2-3 days, the foam formed on the surface is removed and the water is poured into a clean jar, a residue remains at the bottom of the dishes.

If the skin of the face is oily, and on it pimples appear from time to time, then this problem can be eliminated with the help of birch tar. Tar can be used from acne, applying it with a simple cotton swab on the inflamed and problem areas of the skin (for a couple of hours). And really, and use tar soap, using it several times a day with washing. The tar soap perfectly prevents irritation and inflammation, cleans and tones the skin, making it tender and velvety.

Birch tar for the treatment of various diseases

Traditionally, birch tar is used to treat skin diseases - scabies, pyoderma, various eczema and even psoriasis.

More unusual, but no less effective, is tar treatment of tuberculosis, sore throats and even cancer diseases.

In addition, folk medicine quite often uses tar from various parasites. To prepare this product you will need a spoonful of honey, which is first added one drop of tar and drunk before going to bed. Every day the amount of tar per drop increases and is brought to 8 drops. The course of treatment should be repeated annually.

However, you should know that birch tar gives a huge load on the kidneys. Therefore, if there are any slightest problems with the kidneys, it is not recommended to take tar inside.

Birch tar, like many other drugs, has a serious contraindication - it is an individual intolerance. In any disease, it should be remembered that there are certain treatment regimens. Therefore, before you start using birch tar for treatment, you should definitely consult with a specialist.

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