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In 6 months, what kind of doctors should you go with a child? 5 most important specialists

In the first year of life, the health of the baby deserves special attention. The child is still too young to complain about any changes in health. In this case, specialists can notice many deviations in development during simple inspections. In 6 months, which doctors need to be required?

Pediatrician - chief children's doctor

The district pediatrician watches the baby from the moment of his discharge from the hospital to his home. This specialist monitors increases in weight and height of the child, advises parents on nutrition and care. It is with the pediatrician should consult with any changes in the state of health and behavior of the baby. This specialist prescribes treatment for many viral and respiratory diseases, and, if he finds symptoms of some specific pathologies, he sends consultations to other narrowly specialized doctors. The pediatrician will necessarily tell every mother what kind of doctors need to take place in 6 months, and also reminds you about the need to vaccinate.

Six months is the age of a planned medical examination. It was chosen not casually, in 6 months it is possible to notice a number of deviations, inconspicuous at an earlier age. If, in the opinion of all specialists, the baby is healthy, it's time to do the planned vaccinations. Which doctors need to go to 6 months is necessary? Standard list: neurologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist and ENT. In some polyclinics, mothers are also offered to show the baby to the cardiologist and / or surgeon. But in the absence of special evidence, these specialists are not included in the mandatory list of medical examinations at 6 months.

The neurologist: visiting necessarily!

A neuropathologist is a doctor who oversees the mental and mental development of the baby, as well as the functioning of the nervous system as a whole. In the absence of any special evidence, visit this specialist with the child until the first birthday should be at least 4 times (the fifth time - in 12 months). If you do not know yet, in 6 months, what kind of doctors you need to go through, start a list of specialists from a neurologist. To be afraid of this doctor it is not necessary, during reception he will look, whether the kid is able to turn over and how much are confident its movements. Psychological development is assessed by the mimicry of the baby, his reactions to the events around him. What is especially pleasant, even with the detection of any pathologies, most neurologists prescribe to their youngest patients sparing physiotherapy correction methods. Swimming, massage and special gymnastics for kids are all not only pleasant, but also quite useful options for recovery, appointed by neurologists.

Orthopedist: after 6 months may be too late

At the age of six months, it is advisable to show the baby to an orthopedic surgeon or surgeon. This specialist evaluates the development of the skeleton and muscles. Problems with posture and the position of feet during walking can be seen until the moment when the child begins to get up and walk on his own. To correct a variety of deviations from the norm, you can by doing a course of massage and using special orthopedic products. In 6 months, what kind of doctors need to pass except pediatrician and neurologist? Orthopedists must visit. During the examination, the umbilical or inguinal hernia can also be detected - a physiological anomaly of development, the treatment of which must be performed at an early age.

Ophthalmologist: healthy eyes from early childhood

Some parents, when referring to specialists about the backwardness of the preschool child in development from their peers, are surprised to learn that their baby has some deviations in the functioning of the sense organs. The child's vision and hearing need to be checked periodically, since minor disturbances to notice in everyday life are not always possible. Remember: the earlier the treatment is started, the more effective it will be. Be sure to visit an ophthalmologist in six months. The kid will not be able to name the letters and symbols on the posters for vision testing, but the doctor will be able to evaluate the main parameters of development of his eyes during the examination. What kind of doctors need to be at 6 months old ? In our list of preventive examinations remained the last position. And this is ENT doctor.

ENT doctor - a significant specialist for babies at the age of 6 months

The doctor, who is familiar to each of us as an "ear-throat-nose", checks the acuity of hearing, development and condition of the respiratory tract, as well as respiratory function. At one time, parents will be able to make sure that the baby breathes freely and hears them well. It is important to understand that the ENT doctor is no less important specialist than the ophthalmologist. Some disorders of respiratory function and hearing may go unnoticed at home. Only during the examination by a specialist can the pathology of development and chronic diseases be completely excluded.

Now you know, in 6 months of which doctors must pass necessarily with the baby. This list can be supplemented if there are any special indications.

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