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How to store a PVC boat in winter? Proper storage of PVC boat in winter

Active recreation on the water is gaining more and more admirers. Very many families purchase inflatable boats made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), not only for fishing, but also for traveling on rivers and lakes, beach holidays and tourist trips. Almost everywhere the surface of water bodies is full of bright colors of tourist, pleasure and fishing boats and boats. We see in them and married couples with children, and noisy youth companies, and silent single-minded fishermen somewhere away from the general noise and fun.

Choose for every taste

Such boats can be either small, two- or three-seater, and real hulks. There are children's inflatable models, something in between a boat and a mini-pool. They love to splash babies. There are special tourist destinations, designed for rafting along mountain rivers.

Boats are oar and motor, relatively inexpensive and worth crazy money. Possession of such a "toy", in addition to pleasure, also brings quite tangible worries. For the preservation of cheap property it is very important to properly store the PVC boat in winter.

What's the problem?

The handling of PVC products at low temperatures has its own characteristics. In places of folds, traces of creases appear on them. The consequences of exposure to low temperatures can be different. This depends on the temperature at which the boat was stored and at what impact. That is, it began to move, pump, move, etc. Therefore, the question of where to store a PVC boat in the winter can suddenly turn out to be a serious problem.

If the product was stored at a temperature with a small "minus" or after that a little "rested" in the heat, the consequences are reversible. Traces will disappear within a couple of days. If the temperature during storage is below minus 15-20 ° C, serious damage is not excluded.

What kind of material is PVC?

In the past years, boats were made of rubber fabrics, and stored them, peppering with talc or baby powder. Manufacturers of modern products focus on their reliability and durability. But how really? How to store a PVC boat in winter, so that in the spring it can not suddenly be found that it has become unusable? Agree, you do not want to bite your elbows .

Inflatable boats are manufactured exclusively from multi-layered certified materials. They have a certain temperature range, at which the manufacturer guarantees consumer qualities.

How to store a boat made of PVC in the winter?

Storage of them in finished form according to the instructions is allowed with a very wide range of temperatures - from minus 45 ° to +50 ° C. It is understood that the boat is not touched or moved. Then it will "outlive" even the harshest winter.

If the room is heated and the PVC boat is stored at a temperature above minus 5 ° C, you can move and store it. True, at "zero" and below the product of polyvinyl chloride strongly lose its elasticity. Collecting such a boat in a compact package will not be easy.

Conclusion: if the boat "hibernates" in an unheated room (it does not matter - pumped up or rolled up), it is safer in the frosts not to touch it at all. This is the easiest and most popular advice on how to store a PVC boat in winter.

What else is important

The most favorable temperature is in the range of 15 to 40 degrees Celsius. Other storage conditions are not so important, in this sense PVC is quite unpretentious. The only warning is - do not hold the boat next to the heaters. And, of course, take care from open fire.

If you plan to store a PVC boat in a garage, basement or shed, remember the rodents. Of course, they do not eat PVC. But if in the boat the fish crumbs have fallen around after the fishing season or there are stains from the fish, rest assured that it will be gutted with rubber.

Not only PVC

Most often the design of inflatable boats provides for wooden parts, for example, seats made of waterproof plywood. Its properties can be very different, depending on the manufacturer.

Boats of domestic origin are completed mainly with plywood, made of birch veneer with the requirements of GOST. In Chinese products - a little different. Poplar veneer is used.

Birch plywood is ten times stronger and more durable. The same applies to other components.

That is why even before buying, think about how to store a boat of PVC in winter and not only in winter. And choose a reliable manufacturer.

It is necessary to know that the concept of "waterproof plywood" does not guarantee preservation in conditions of high humidity. Such material does not deteriorate in water without access to air. But when stored in a humid room with a temperature drop, mold can succumb. Fungus is able to "gobble up" items in one season.

What to do

Now consider how to store a boat made of PVC in the winter, in more detail.

First of all, after the summer operation is completed, the boat must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and organic residues. That is, food, fish scales, mucus and so on. If this is not done, storing a PVC boat in winter is impossible in the heat. The smell of decaying remains is provided to you. And relatives will force you to move the boat away from the dwelling (for example, in a barn), where the mice are cold.

Wash the boat with soap - foam will detect small defects and then seal them. Thorough drying after washing is mandatory, especially plots of plywood or next to the transom. In doing so, carefully inspect the wooden elements, find all the chips, stratifications, swells and burrs.

When things do not go smoothly

Having found such defects, contact the manufacturer (if the boat is a warranty). Best before the onset of winter - in the spring will begin a general fishing boom. Or try to take your own measures. This is stripping an emery, coating a layer of special varnish for yachts, impregnating or gluing epoxy, etc.

You can wash the inflated boat with a simple rag or sponge. Apply any modern means, including laundry soap. Just make sure that the remnants of them do not get into the open reservoir when fishing.

Which is most convenient?

How to store a PVC boat - in a folded or unfolded form? To save space, it is more convenient to pack it in a backpack or bag from your own set. But you can keep it pumped up. The main thing is to provide a level support and a wide area of contact.

However, this does not exclude the appearance of condensate inside the sealed compartments, which reduces the life of the valves. Therefore, before the start of the season, the condensate from the cylinders must be removed.

Boat with engine

Now consider winter storage of PVC boats with a motor available in a number of models (mainly imported manufacturers). What are its nodes require increased attention? How best to store a boat with PVC motor?

The first and main of the nodes is the reducer. It is constantly in the water, is subject to increased stress and possible collisions with undesirable obstacles.

The mixture in the carburetor contains oxygen and water vapor. With constant operation of the engine, their impact is imperceptible. When the motor is stopped and stored indoors, condensation is likely to appear on its internal surfaces. With prolonged absence of operation, the consequences may not be very pleasant. Therefore, the advice "how to properly store a boat with PVC engine" for three quarters contain information specifically about the measures for the safety of the engine.

Is conservation needed?

Some believe that the oil that is part of the mixture has a preservative effect. Such information can be found in numerous tips how to store a PVC boat with a motor. Is it true? At first, yes. But later the oil drains from the surface, since it has no additives. Without protection in a cold room, the motor will not last for a long time.

Storage in the warmth extends the service life, but in general this is not an option. It is necessary to take measures for conservation, and at the same time to conduct diagnostics with prevention. Determine whether it is within your power, or it is easier to send the engine to the service.

In general, nothing complicated in this work, but it takes time, free space, tools and at least a small experience. Or a hint of friends - mainly in diagnostics (especially if the unit is not new).

Starting the procedure

The conservation process consists of two parts. At the first stage, which is most conveniently carried out "on the ground" (directly on the water on the last day of the season), start by feeding a preservative to the power system. Propagating with fuel, it settles in the form of a protective layer on the elements of the piston and crank-rod group.

Accurate instructions are given, usually when buying a preservative. At the end of its operation it is necessary to unscrew the spark plug and spray a certain amount of preservative directly into the combustion chamber.

Then, before screwing the plug, it is necessary to stretch the motor several times to distribute the liquid evenly over the surface of the cylinders. It also helps to remove water from the pump body and cooling system. Motor leave for a while standing upright, then return the spark plug into place.

Continuing work

For the next stage of our activities, you will need a utility room or even a small workshop. There must be available in the presence of a vice and other tools, at least to a minimum.

From the "consumables" you will need transmission oil (take only special oils for gearboxes, according to the manufacturer's requirements), spare washers-gaskets, a small drain pan for used oil. In addition, a lubricant for rubbing parts, and possibly a new filter, and mineral motor oil (for four-stroke engines).

On the case of the reducer, unscrew the screws. Slowly drain the oil (the first to emerge accidentally got into the motor water). If the screws are "stuck", you need a large screwdriver with a lever. Damaged washers will have to be changed, so spare should be kept ready.

Check the oil

If the oil has changed color or transparency, the oil seals are out of order, and they need to be replaced with the oil. To buy spare parts at once is sometimes impossible, it is necessary to order and wait a long time. Therefore, repairs should not be postponed until spring.

Pay attention to inclusions in the oil of metal dust or shavings. After running in, this is a normal phenomenon, but in other situations it is a sign of a malfunction in the state of gears.

Diagnosis in this case should be qualified. Repair will have to be assigned to the specialists of the service center.

If the oil color does not change over the summer, we calmly merge it and change it to a new one. Most often it is sold in tubes, which simplifies the replacement process. Before buying, find out the volume that is contained in the gearbox. A replacement is made when the motor is in a vertical position.

What to do with the screw

After this, go to the inspection of the propeller. If you find large chips and damage, it is best to replace the screw. Otherwise, unacceptable vibrations and beats on the shaft may occur, which will render the bearing and packing of the reducer unusable.

Minor damage can be attempted. The blades can be straightened, though not in all cases. And you need a reliable tool. If you are not sure about your capabilities, it's better to change the screw to a new one right away.

Other moments

Inspect the propeller shaft, it is important that it is not bent and not beat. The cause of defects can be collisions with obstacles under water. If there are problems, you will be returned to the service center.

If everything is OK, cover the shaft with protective grease.

Another important node is the fuel system. Engage in its service is better only if there is at least some experience. Or under the guidance of a good master.

Undeveloped gasoline must be completely drained, the fuel filter disconnected and purged.

End of work

Then, apply lubricant to the frictionless metal surfaces of the motor, especially the suspension elements. The engine is now ready for long-term storage. As you can see, storing a PVC boat in winter with the engine included in the kit is not the easiest thing, but still quite real.

If the motor is not to warm up in the winter, do not closely pack it, just cover it with a sheath.

Now you know all or almost all of how to store a PVC boat in the winter. If you comply with the above rules, your beauty will serve with faith and truth for more than one season and will allow you to get a lot of summer impressions from fishing, traveling on the river and just happy moments. We wish you a pleasant stay with your family and good mood!

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