Sports and Fitness, Equipment
What is a motorcycle turtle protective?
Modern sports motorcycles are able to reach speeds of about 200 km / h. Therefore, to protect themselves while driving on similar models, drivers need reliable equipment. To make minor injuries when falling at an impressive speed will allow a good protective jacket-turtle.
- Shoulder pads;
- Lining for the forearm;
- Breast protection;
- Lining on the back;
- Neck protection.
The above elements are interconnected by a high-strength mesh material, which is also responsible for ventilation. However, today, motorcyclists are also provided with a protective turtle, where all components are connected together by belts and fasteners.
Models for motocross
To increase the chances of winning in the race, riders need the most convenient and practical equipment, which does not constrain movements. Therefore, a turtle protective for motocross is most often just a lining on the chest and back.
Road models
Outfit for the city has ventilation in the form of a monolithic mesh frame. There is a system of fasteners and fasteners, which can reliably fix such armor on the body.
Among the road models, special demand among riders is enjoyed by the protective turtle Fox, Speed and Strength, Armor and Neverland. It is under these brands that the most affordable prices, lightweight products are produced.
What should I focus on when choosing a motocross?
There are a number of parameters that deserve special attention when buying motorcycle protective gear:
- The lining of the shoulders should be quite massive, which will provide additional protection for the neck and collarbones.
- It is desirable that the protection elements of the forearms end where the elbow pads begin. The optimal option - fixing the flaps with belt fasteners criss-cross.
- For breast it is recommended to select a monolithic carapace, which is extremely tightly attached to the body. By the same principle, you should choose the back pads. It is better to give preference to armor, which contains the most sturdy fasteners, made of reliable materials.
Price issue
The cost of medium-level hoes, which are quite capable of satisfying the demands of novice bikers, ranges from 4000 to 7000 rubles. Models for riders of professionals with an increased level of protection are estimated in the domestic market at 14-15 thousand rubles or more.
To sum it all up, it's worth noting that a hoe can be completely useless in the absence of the same helmet. Therefore, novice bikers should think about selecting a whole complex of body protection products.
Picking up the hoe, I need to once again assess the reliability of all structural elements, check how tightly the protection sits and fixes on the body.
In this case, the price directly indicates the quality of the goods. Naturally, it is much easier to purchase cheap plastic pads, which only visually create the impression of protection. However, treatment in the event of a fall from a motorcycle can be much more expensive than buying a really high-quality outfit.
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