
Baby powder: instructions for use

Children's powder, whose composition includes mineral talc and zinc oxide, absorbs excess moisture and dries the skin. It can contain plant extracts, such as chamomile, to soothe and relieve skin inflammation.

It must be remembered that baby powder is not a universal tool in the fight against diaper rash. It can not be used for babies younger than one month, and if there are pustules on the skin.

In modern powders, liquid talc is used, which protects the baby's skin. Apply the product on dry skin. First, the powder must be rubbed between the palms, and only then put on the baby's skin. The weakest places of the infant relief are folds on the neck, knee and elbow joints, armpits. In the pharmacy you can find a powder with a cooling effect. Modern diapers so well cope with the task set before them that the need for using powder does not disappear, but many continue to use it, not just children. Pediatricians recommend the use of powder only in extreme cases, when there is no way to redeem the child on time. In the rest it is enough to observe the optimal temperature regime, so that the child does not sweat, use clothes made from natural materials and regularly bathe the baby.

Children's powder can get into the child's respiratory tract, so special attention should be paid to its composition. Unfair producers can add so-called phthalates, which are harmful not only to children, but also to adults. Such substances negatively affect the central nervous system and the endocrine system of a young child. If you find on the package such inscriptions as, DEHP, CMR, BBP, you should refuse to purchase such goods.

Baby powder from acne is also in demand in adults. She perfectly copes with this little trouble. However, the scope of its application is much broader. If your baby is already big, and the baby powder remains, do not rush to throw it away. With its help, you can sufficiently "wash" your hair in the field. To do this, the powder is spread over the hair and combed. Powder helps to get rid of excessive sweat discharge on the scalp, but the hair color becomes dull.

Publications devoted to useful advice, suggest using powder as an "ambulance" to remove unwanted greasy stains on clothing. To do this, it is applied to a cotton swab, rubbed into the stain, and excess powder is removed. I found a baby powder even in the garden. If you mix the soil with it and plant the bulbs of plants, then no beetles and other pests are root to the roots.

As it turns out, children's powder in the household is a useful thing. Use it for the prevention of sweating and diaper rash in children is better in extreme cases, taking into account the characteristics of the organism of your offspring. In no case should we forget about such fragile jewelry as the health of a child.

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