Sports and FitnessFishing

How to properly ship a float on a fishing rod?

Most fishermen start their fishing route with a float fishing rod. However, not everyone knows how to properly ship the float. Many people face the problem when they think that the float on the water is behaving incorrectly. But it depends on the float and its shipping what fishing will be.

Why do I need to ship the float correctly?

Many anglers often ask the same question: "How to properly ship the float on a fishing rod?" This is not for nothing. After all, the sensitivity of the bite depends directly on this. As a result, the angler can see the bite more easily, and the fish will not particularly resist. Therefore, experts recommend to ship the float in such a way that only the antenna protrudes from the water. Even during a strong wind he will remain motionless. Even if he moves to another place, he will still be visible above the water.

How to ship correctly?

Most novice anglers are interested in how to properly ship the float. After all, this process is very important for fruitful fishing. To make it easier to do this on a river or lake, you need to prepare in advance at home. During the preparation of the tooling, before attaching each new component, the structure must be launched into water (a two-three-liter jar can be used). If you build a structure you will be on a pond, you will also have to constantly immerse the float in the water after each new fixing. This is necessary in order to assess how much the float is loaded and whether you need more cargo. So you need to ship the float to the most appropriate level (usually to the base of the antenna).

How does the antenna affect immersion?

Many people are interested in how to properly ship the float, but this process also depends on its type. When buying a design, you need to pay attention to the float. The value will also have how the antenna is installed, from what material it is made. After all, in some cases it is made from a single piece, so it will not float. After all, when shipping a float with a hollow antenna, you need to make sure that only a small part of it remains (only ¼). And if the antenna is created from a single piece, then it should only be slightly immersed in water. Only in this way the fish will not feel the resistance of the float, so the bite will be as effective as possible. If the antenna without buoyancy is too heavily immersed in water, it will lead to heavier gear, but will not affect the sensitivity of the float.

Tuning tackle for long-range casting

Before properly shipping the float for long-distance casting, you need to adjust the tackle. To do this, you need to collect a jar of water and begin to tune the fishing rod. On the float it is necessary to attach a fishing line with the same diameter as the fishing line used on the tackle. At the bottom of the line, you need to fasten the weights so that the antenna takes the desired position. However, it must be remembered that the hook with the nozzle has its own weight, which can also affect the immersion of the float in the water. After the necessary number of sinkers has been selected, you can start collecting the gear. The sinker needs to be placed above, so that they are as close as possible to the float. Immediately they should not be strongly clamped, as this can spoil the fishing line. Light loads can be attached to the float itself.

Having completed this design, you can avoid entanglement of the line. Due to the fact that the weights are not fixed immediately, they can be moved along the line until they occupy the necessary position. After that you can press the sinker to the end. But strongly to press strongly is not recommended, as it is possible to spoil a fishing line. Of course, the bite will also be if the tackle is not properly assembled. Nevertheless, many are wondering how to properly ship the float. The fact is that with the right collection of fishing rods you can catch a large fish, rather than small things.

Shipping the float to the crucian and roach

Most fishermen use one sinker instead of a few small ones. If you need to know how to properly load the float on the crucian carp, you should use several weights, not just one. Moreover, all of them must also be distributed correctly. After all, one large weight creates a big noise, which can frighten the crucian carp. Therefore, if you distribute the weights on the line correctly, they will gradually enter the water.

Some are interested in how to properly load the float on a roach. But to catch this fish, you need to throw the float relatively far. In this case, you have to use heavier weights. Place them near the float, and a little higher - a few more pellets.

What to use: pellets or sheet lead?

When deciding how to properly load the float for the current, it is necessary to decide what to use: pellets or lead? Opinions on this issue are divided. During roach fishing, it is recommended to use pellets, since this allows the float to be loaded as much as possible. Especially this fish is characterized by high caution, and with the help of pellets the float will enter the water almost noiselessly. When catching carp or perch, you can also use lead sheet.

You can even combine loads. However, one basic principle must be taken into account: the closer they are to the hook, the less weight they must have in order not to scare away the fish. That is, it is better to use several small weights than one big one.

If the wind is outside

In windy weather, the question of how to properly load a sliding float becomes relevant . After a strong wind disturbs the fisherman. Because of the waves, the antenna will then dive into the water, then leave it. For fishing to be successful even in windy weather, it is necessary to try to underload the float. This will lead to the fact that not only the antenna but also the part of the float will stick out from the water. Due to this, it will be possible to play the bait available on the hook, so the fish will have an appetite, and it can get caught. But you need to make sure that the nozzle does not reach the bottom of the river, otherwise the fish may not notice it.

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