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How to properly cook wheat porridge with meat: the advice of experienced culinary experts

Wheat porridge with meat is a great way to eat tight and tasty. Such a product not only gives the person strength, but also helps to maintain a sense of satiety for a long time. Why is this and what is the secret of cereals? The reason is that such products are very well absorbed by the human body and, gradually digesting, make him forget about food for the next few hours. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the ideal combination of meat and cereals. Any nutritionist can confirm that such people should constantly include such porridges in their diet. And they can be cooked in different ways. There are hundreds of different ways, among which everyone can find the most suitable option for themselves.

Porridge with chicken

For those who love proper nutrition, you will definitely like wheat porridge with meat, for the preparation of which the following products are used: for 2 legs with a pair of wings, a half cup of wheat cereal, any spices (if desired), and 1 unit of various vegetables (carrots, onions, peppers, tomato ).

The dish is prepared very quickly and fairly simply:

  1. First, the meat should be crushed as much as possible. For this, the legs must be separated from the hips, and the wings simply cut through the joints.
  2. The resulting pieces should be lightly fried in a pan without adding oil. Yes it is not necessary. Literally in a couple of minutes, the fat begins to be heated from the chicken itself.
  3. Fresh vegetables chop, add them to a frying pan and put out a little with meat.
  4. There also pour out well-washed wheat cereals in advance.
  5. Pour all the boiling water so that the liquid was about a centimeter above the contents.
  6. Salt and add your favorite spices.
  7. After boiling reduce the flame and cook under the lid for half an hour at minimum heat.

Then the frying pan can be removed from the plate. In conclusion, wheat porridge with meat should stand for another 15 minutes. To make the cereal better steamed, you can wrap a frying pan with a blanket.

With minced meat and mushrooms

Wheat porridge with meat will be even more tasty if you add mushrooms to it. They will make the dish more juicy and fragrant. The following ingredients will be required for work: one and a half cups of Artek groats 2 bay leaves, 1 onion, 300 grams of minced meat and fresh mushrooms, salt, 1 carrot, half a teaspoon oregano, some greens and 35 grams of vegetable oil.

In this case, the dish should be prepared as follows:

  1. Cut the onions into cubes, and the carrots into a semicircle.
  2. Randomly chop the well washed mushrooms.
  3. In a frying pan in preheated oil, first for 3 minutes fry the onion until golden brown.
  4. Add the carrot and continue the temperature treatment for another 4 minutes.
  5. Enter mushrooms, salt and mix well.
  6. In a few minutes, you need to add minced meat and fry all a quarter of an hour on medium heat.
  7. Put the products in a saucepan and add 1: 2 water.
  8. After boiling, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.
  9. Send the pan to the oven for 30 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to bring the temperature up to 200 degrees.

Finished porridge should be given for another 10 minutes to stand. After that, it can be laid out on plates and served, lightly sprinkled with chopped greens.

Cooking Secrets

To understand the sequence of all actions, you first need to figure out how to weld wheat porridge. After all, it is the basis of the dish. According to the classic recipe, you will need to work: two glasses of water and 20 grams of butter per cup of wheat cereal.

Usually it all starts with the preparation of products:

  1. The groats should be thoroughly rinsed, so that no foreign impurities remain.
  2. Water pour into a saucepan, put it on a stove and bring to a boil.
  3. To fall asleep washed rump and to cook it without a cover of 20 minutes on small fire. During this time, the mass should slightly thicken.
  4. After this, the pan should be removed from the plate, covered with a lid and sent briefly to a pre-warmed oven. Alternatively, it can simply be wrapped in a warm blanket.

After 30 minutes the porridge will be completely ready. For a greater flavor, it can be flavored with a piece of butter. Meat is sometimes prepared separately and combines the ingredients already in the dish. So first you need to learn how to cook wheat porridge. After understanding for yourself all the subtleties of this process, you can determine at what stage it will be better to introduce meat.

Technology to help

Today, every housewife has many assistants in the form of different kitchen appliances. Smart mechanisms take on all the hard work and turn the cooking process into a complete pleasure. For example, wheat porridge with meat in a multivark is done quite easily. To do this, first you need to pick up all the necessary ingredients: 1.5 cups of wheat cereal, 400 grams of pork pulp, 600 milliliters of water, 2 onions, salt, a couple of carrots, black pepper peas, 3 cloves of garlic, bay leaf and 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.

All actions must be performed sequentially:

  1. Wash the washed and peeled carrots on a large grater, and carefully cut the onions with small cubes.
  2. Rinse the rump with warm water until flour dust disappears from it. Otherwise, the porridge will turn out sticky and tasteless.
  3. Pork wash, dry with a napkin, and then cut the meat in small pieces.
  4. In the cup multivark heat up the oil.
  5. Fill the onion and, setting the "frying" mode, treat it to a golden hue.
  6. Add the carrots. The frying process continues for another 3 minutes.
  7. Put the pork into the bowl, along with whole teeth of garlic. Fry foods together for 8 minutes.
  8. Pour boiling water, salt and introduce all available spices.
  9. Close the lid and continue processing in the "quenching" mode for 25 minutes.
  10. Remove the garlic, otherwise the porridge will be bitter.
  11. Switch on the panel to the "croup" and extinguish until the timer signal sounds.
  12. Leave the porridge in the "heating" mode for another 15 minutes.

After that, you can all call to the table and lay out the mess on the plates.

Porridge with stew

Going to the countryside, people understand that in the absence of a stove and oven it will be difficult to cook a delicious lunch or dinner. How to be in this situation? Wheat porridge with meat can be useful here. The recipe for ready-made stew is so simple that even someone who has never worked in the kitchen will cope with it. For this dish, you will need a minimum of products: wheat cereals, onions, stews (beef or pork), vegetable oil, salt and fresh herbs.

For work it is better to use cauldron, as in field conditions you will have to cook at the stake. Everything is done extremely simply:

  1. Grind the onion cubes and fill it with cauldron of boiling oil. Allow the product to boil for 5-6 minutes so that it can release the juice well.
  2. Open the jar and transfer its contents to the cauldron. Meat should be cooked for 5 minutes.
  3. After that, you need to fill up the groats and mix the foods well. Further, they should be cooked under a lid on a small fire. Porridge will be considered ready when the croup in it is completely boiled.

In a plate, you can sprinkle a dish with any chopped greens.

Porridge with meat and vegetables in a pot

In the old days in the villages, the housewives cooked porridge in cast-iron pots. This dish was best suited for use in a Russian oven. In it, any product, without burning, warmed up from all sides. Now the ovens have replaced the stoves. And instead of cast iron, many housewives now use ceramic pots. They are very convenient to extinguish a variety of products. For example, wheat porridge with meat in pots is made very simply, and at the end of the dish in the same bowl is served to the table. To prepare dinner for 3 persons you will need: 0.5 kg of veal, 1 squash, 300 grams of water and wheat cereals, 1 carrot, salt, 2 onions, 50 grams of vegetable oil, ground pepper and greens.

Once all the products are assembled, you can start work:

  1. Put 10 grams of oil on the bottom of each pot.
  2. Cut the meat into small pieces, add salt and sprinkle with pepper. After this, it must be decomposed into prepared containers in equal parts.
  3. Vegetables are washed, cleaned, and then chopped: cut onions in half rings, zucchini - cubes, and carrots - grate on a large grater.
  4. Prepared foods to spread out on pots.
  5. Top with rinsed rump and pour 100 ml of water into each container.
  6. Set the pots on the baking sheet and send them to the oven for 50 minutes. Inside the temperature should already be about 200 degrees.

Ready porridge can be put on plates or served directly in pots, decorating the dish with fresh shredded herbs.

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