Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

What does the corn dream about: versions of various dream books

Corn - a very fruitful cereal, its large cobs and strong green stems are considered the embodiment of vitality, affluence and fertility. It is these associations that arise in a person who has a dream about her. In addition, the peculiar shape of the ear of this grain culture often serves as an excuse for ambiguous jokes, so very often the dream in which it appears also has a sexual background. Why do you dream about corn? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. To understand it will help the book of dream books.

Dreamer of Dmitry and Hope Winter

These interpreters have their own opinion about what the corn on the cob is dreaming about. They believe that such a dream warns that only having shown proper firmness and consistency, the sleeper can achieve a reliable income for his family. If the dreamed cob seems to be withered and too hard, it means that the excessive severity of the dreamer may become a hindrance to his prosperity.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

In this dream book written a lot of interesting things about what the dream of corn. The field, overgrown with this cereal in a dream, symbolizes a very lucrative, but risky occupation, which can cause a sleeper certain tension. But to pick corn on the corn in dreams is to give oneself a pleasant pastime, which will become a fascinating entertainment amidst diligent work.

Ripe corn dreams of material profit, and green - to ill health. If a woman dreams that she is cooking corn cobs, then she will meet her with a new admirer. Butter from corn in a dream personifies a hot passion, and to cook something on it means to experience a passionate love for your chosen one.

Сонник XXI века

In this proven dream book it is written that a dream about this cereal entails a large profit. As to what the field of corn is dreaming about, there is a detailed explanation - such a dream portends a profitable business, which, most likely, will be related to agriculture.

The newest dream book

The compilers of this popular dream book argue that corn in a dream predicts an intimate contact with the sleeper, devoid of any romantic relationship.

English dream book

This dream book speaks directly about the dreams of corn. The ear of this cereal symbolizes the male sexual organ in a dream. And, if he has a bright yellow color or a sleeper has a sweet corn taste, then in reality he can expect complete harmony in sexual relations.


This dream book binds corn in a dream with abundance and fertility. This dream for men and women is usually treated differently. For representatives of the weaker sex corn cob symbolizes relations with a man, and the more ripe and large he is, the prettier will be her future partner. The dream of corn cobs growing in a field on a long stem, foreshadows healthy children, pregnancy, prosperity and family happiness.

For men, the dream of corn predicts material profit, success in any business, and the field that this cereal is planted symbolizes the work that it should do. And the more sturdy and tall the corn stalks dream, the more fruitful the works of the sleeper will be.

The dream of harvesting corn is one of the most favorable. Seeing him, in the near future about his future may not worry. And what the corn (grain) dreams about, and at all speaks about the fantastic wealth waiting for the dreamer in the future. The fact is that the seeds of this cereal symbolize money in a dream. Accordingly, the more of them in a dream - the richer will be a sleeper asleep.

In this dream book there is an answer to the question of what the boiled corn is dreaming about . It is associated with friendly meetings, pleasant surprises and fun pastime.

Culinary Dream Book

The culinary dream book offers its version of what a dream about this cereal dreams about. The endless field of green corn symbolizes the coming happiness in family life. And if a dreamer dreams of a stalk with many ears, then he will have charming children.

Sonnik Miller

The peeled corn cobs seen in the dream foreshadow, in Miller's opinion, success and joy in life. If in a dream the sleeper is busy harvesting corn, then in reality he will sincerely rejoice at the prosperity of relatives and friends.

Walking in a dream over a luxurious corn field means a big profit for the farmer. Such a dream predicts a dreamer's harmony in the house and a wonderful harvest.

A young man who has seen corn in a dream can be sure that happiness awaits him and a meeting with new friends awaits him. However, a battered and crushed cereal symbolizes misfortune and loss.

Corn grain, thrown in a dream in the newly plowed land, signifies the patronage of an important person and the inevitable success. To see in a dream the first shoots of corn - to wealth and fame.

If the dreamer dreamed of a corn grain, bedded in a day nursery, then all his boldest hopes will come true, and grandiose plans will be perceived and understood by others.

Popcorn in a dream symbolizes the boundless trust and patronage of influential people. To use green corn for food - to harmony in friendly relations.

Now you know what the dream of corn is. In general, this is a favorable sleep. He portends well-being, wealth and happiness in personal relationships. However, the crushed corn or beaten corn stalks in the dream indicate some difficulties that await the sleeper in the near future. On how to cope with them, you can learn from other details of sleep.

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