Food and drink, Recipes
Talcane - what is it? Recipes with photos
If you belong to the number of those people who all their lives watch their weight and from time to time sit on diets, safely enter the talcum into your skate. What it is?
A truly curative food is based on the ancient recipe of the Turkic nomads. And yet the talcum, what is it? Reviews consuming people simply amaze the complexity of the action of this supplement.
The action of talcans on the human body
The product of talcum entering the body, immediately begins to function and feed it from the inside. The main nutrient, which is richly sprouted grain - is fiber. It is able to stimulate the intestine sufficiently well, as a result of which many days of constipation ceases and the work of the digestive tract improves, and the skin is renewed and purified accordingly. Talcane is also characterized by healing abilities, so it is recommended to take it to diabetic patients, people with gallstone disease or have kidney or liver problems. Even a completely healthy person, and now they almost do not exist, such an additive.
The structure of the dietary supplement is almost instantly perceived by the human stomach and within minutes the nutrients are already supplied to you and filled with vital microelements and vitamins. Thus, strengthening immunity, and maintaining health. Dietary fibers powerfully purify the body, removing all unnecessary substances from it. Therefore, it is customary to consume a talcum for weight loss.
Large positive changes are confirmed by people consuming talcans. Feedback indicates a slowdown in the aging process of the body. Paradoxical as it may seem, the reverse mechanism is launched in the body: the appearance of the skin improves, the hair and nails grow, self-dissolution of salt accumulations and cholesterol plaques in the blood, the work of the heart and brain becomes active, and the body receives an incredible charge of vigor and energy.
Types of Talcans
Let's recall the main question of the article: talcans - what is it? And the answer is a special supplement based on whole grains, and since the cereals are different, the talcans are also distinguished:
- Wheat talcum - prevents aging of the body;
- Talcane based on rye grains - it is able to normalize metabolic processes, and also to improve well-being and mood;
- Talcane barley is often included in the diet of Tibetans. Supports the body in good spirits, even at an altitude of 4000 meters and above;
- Oat talcum is necessary for people leading a healthy lifestyle.
Recommendations for use
Whatever you choose for yourself is a variant of the talcane, each contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements, so it will help saturate your body with the most useful substances.
Depending on the purpose that is being pursued, it is possible to take the talcane differently. Product Reviews are also diverse in terms of consumption.
Some are enthusiastically eating, like a delicious treat, others - it does not fit its specific taste. Most important here is the taste preferences. So, the recommendations:
- In order to lose excess pounds, you should take the product on an empty stomach half an hour before meals in an amount of 10 mg and wash down with any liquid, as this is a dry product. Lunch is consumed in an ordinary form, and the rest of the meals we try to cook on the basis of talcana. Daily consumption - 8 tablespoons.
- In case of a problem with constipation, also take on a hungry stomach 10 grams of talcane and additionally for breakfast a dish with a tulkan. Daily consumption - 4 tablespoons.
- To add weight, all the food throughout the day should be seasoned with sweet desserts or drinks, based on talcana. In addition to it, desserts can include sour cream, nuts ... In short, anything you want. Daily consumption - 4 tablespoons.
- In diabetes mellitus, as such, there is simply no standard warning when consuming desserts from this product, so that they are not on a sugar basis.
- During pregnancy or lactation, it is allowed to take food from the volcano. Daily consumption - 5 tablespoons.
- Children's consumption of talcans is allowed with complementary foods, not earlier. To begin with, it is mixed in milk. And in the future they prepare a weak drink or puree, brewing the talcum with boiled water. It is very useful to take it for child allergies.
Dishes with a tulkan are very diverse today. It can be any food that includes flour or cereals. In this case, when preparing a dish, simply replace small quantities with large or small grinds. Consider the main recipes, the talcane in them is combined very harmoniously.
Drinks and cocktails with a tulkan
1) Cocktail №1. Mix 0.5 teaspoon of the most gently ground talcum in 250 ml of kefir or your favorite yogurt (like what).
2) Cocktail №2. Beat 2 tablespoons. Spoonful of talcana with 250 grams of your favorite juice (you can take any kind). There, if desired, you can put a few spoons of sour cream. Tasty, awkward in cooking and, most importantly - useful, but non-nutritious.
3) Cocktail №3 Stir one spoonful of milk and add the honey at the discretion.
4) Grain tea based on talcana. Pour 2 hours spoonfuls of dry talcana, add to it 100 ml of tea, and immediately mix, we pour in 50 ml of hot freshly boiling milk and butter in melted form. Let's brew for 5 minutes.
Second courses
2) Bashkir cuisine reveals the folk recipe for cooking talcana. In the room temperature oil pour a little bit of boiled water and add talcum, abundantly mix. Must form a thick mass. From the resulting test, we form small balls.
3) Porridge of talcum. Brew 3 tablespoons of boiled water with boiling water or a rich meat or vegetable broth. Leave for swelling, then add any canned fish or boiled pieces of meat.
Desserts with a Tulkan
1) Gentle dessert. Ode the teaspoon spoon is mixed with low-fat sour cream or yogurt, better than natural origin. In the end we put a few pieces of your favorite fruit or berries.
2) Chok-Chok. Mix the talcum with chopped pine nuts, add honey and a little boiled water. From this mass for children you can sculpt anything you like, for example, animal figures. So the children will, eat them more willingly.
3) Rafaello from the Tulkana. Mix 150 grams of butter and the same amount of condensed milk. With constant stirring pours in the talcum. As a result, a dense porridge structure should be obtained. We form small balls of it, inside of which we can put nuts, and roll them in coconut shaving. It turns out a most useful "rafaello" or as it is called - talcanello.
Cutlets from Tulkana
Soups with a Tulkan
1) When cooking ordinary soup at the end of cooking, instead of the conventional kind of cereals, you can pour several spoons of a large grind.
2) Soup with barley dumplings. Cooking dumplings: 3-5 tablespoons. L. Mixed with 1 st. L. Flax flour and 1 tbsp. L. Wheat flour. Water is added so much that the dough is formed tight (as for ordinary dumplings). We roll it into a kind of tourniquet, 1 cm in diameter, after which we cut into pieces. Preparation of vegetable broth: shinkuem onions, carrots, parsley root, celery. Scald the broth and add the spices (bay leaf, pepper, cumin and coriander). In the boiling broth we put the dumplings and continue to cook until they fully surfaced. In the end we add cut greens, who loves what. Maybe even a sorrel. Season with thick sour cream or garlic butter. It is also common to add boiled mushrooms to such soup.
Now we can give an answer to our question - talcans what is it? Talcane is the most useful and tasty product for our health. Try and you pamper yourself with useful food.
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