Food and drinkRecipes

Chicken cake from pancakes: and it happens!

Not every mistress succeeds in baking delicious pancakes the first time, despite the fact that there are many recipes for this dish. Yeast, in milk, starch or kefir, American pancakes, with or without filling, have become not only popular and favorite dish of our cuisine, but also a sign of the master's mastery.

The more she succeeds in this art, the more often the question arises: what can be done from pancakes yet? How to show your imagination and culinary skills, than to please your family?

Pancakes are not only an independent dish. They can act as components, for example, for a salad. It will take approximately equal amounts of starch pancakes, beef, onions to taste. First they make pancakes. Take the same amount of starch and flour, add sugar and salt to taste, beat eggs, and add warmed milk. All beat well with a mixer. In the end, it is recommended to pour a little vegetable oil. The dough should turn out to be liquid.

Half an hour later, when it is infused, it is possible to fry in a hot frying pan greased with grease. While the pancakes are being cooked, cut into half rings (the thinner, the better), the onion, pour it with cold water and vinegar. Finished, still warm pancakes folded with a tube and cut into thin strips. Mix with onion, pre-dried on a towel, and sliced beef with boiled beef. Season with sour cream, yogurt or mayonnaise, add garlic, spices, spices to taste. Especially delicious is a salad, if it is served before serving for one or two hours in the fridge.

Another delicious dish can be a pancake cake.

To make a cake of pancakes with condensed milk, you need thin pancakes, created for any favorite recipe. The main thing is not to add a lot of sugar in them, because condensed milk even without it has a luscious taste. But vanilla will give such a dish a special piquancy.

The cake can be very simple: every layer (pancake) is simply smeared with a ready-made condensed milk. And you can show imagination. For example, alternate filling of sour cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese, apples. The topmost layer is poured with condensed milk, sprinkled with coconut chips, grated chocolate, cinnamon, - the choice depends entirely on personal preferences.

A pancake cake does not have to be sweet. Long since in Russia, the hostesses were famous for their ability to cook a kurik or unsweetened pancake cake with chicken stuffing. For its preparation, you will need magnificent yeast pancakes.

They are cooked like this. First, mix a glass of warm water, 250 g of flour, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a half-packet of dry yeast. Leave as long as the mass does not foam. Then it is stirred, adding the rest of the products: another 250 g of flour, a little more than a glass of milk, salt, vegetable or melted butter. The dough should look like liquid sour cream. When it comes up again, pancakes can be baked.

To make a chicken pancake cake made delicious, we prepare a filling of chicken, mushrooms, rice mixed in equal proportions. For piquancy, the ready-made stuffing can be flavored with nutmeg, pepper, other spices or spices.

When pancakes and filling are ready, it's time to form a cake of pancakes. Each pancake is smeared with sour cream or mayonnaise, and the filling is laid out on it. Everything is repeated to the last layer. A ready cake of pancakes with chicken is smeared on all sides with sour cream, sent for several minutes in the oven.

Cake with salmon will delight gourmets with an unusual delicate taste. Pancakes for its preparation can be taken any. Each of them is well tolerated by a mixture of cream cheese and a small amount of sour cream. Then, a thinly salted fish sliced in thin strips is laid out: salmon or trout. It is covered with finely chopped dill. A cake of 20-25 pancakes will decorate any festive table.

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