Food and drink, Recipes
Bitches "Po-Selyanski": recipe for cooking
Bitlets "Po-Selyanski" are traditionally prepared by Ukrainian hostesses, who want to tasty and satisfyingly feed the whole family. We offer you four variations of this dish. And we wish everyone a culinary success!
general information
Externally, the little bits "Po-Selyanski" (photo placed below) strongly resemble cutlets. They are also made of minced meat, but have a round-flattened shape. Cutlets are fried in a frying pan, then served on a table with different side dishes (vegetable stew, potato puree, rice and so on). As for the bitlets, they are usually stewed in a sauce (creamy, mushroom or tomato). It turns out very juicy and incredibly tasty dish.
A simple recipe
Grocery set:
- Beef tenderloin (or nonfat pulp) by 0.5 kg;
- Onions - enough for 100 g;
- Favorite spices;
- Flour (variety is not important) - 30 g;
- 50 ml of purified water;
- A 50-gram portion of margarine (fat) is needed for frying.
Practical part
- First we need to get stuffed. We take beef and cut into medium pieces. We send it to the meat grinder. A cup with the ready forcemeat while we remove aside.
- With a sharp knife, we remove the husks from the bulb. The flesh must be crushed. Here we choose one of two ways - to pass through a meat grinder or simply to chop with a knife.
- Shredded onions are added to the bowl with ground meat. There we pour water in the right amount. Sprinkle with your favorite spices. We mix it all with a clean hand. The main thing is to achieve homogeneity of the mass.
- We proceed to the formation of bitlets. This process does not involve any complications. We take minced meat and make from it a thick and lush cutlet (round-flattened shape). We continue in the same spirit until the ingredients are exhausted. Each bit should be rolled in flour. Then fry thick cutlets in a heated frying pan, using refined oil.
We turned out ruddy and lush little beads "Po-Selyanski." The calorie content of the dish is 208 kcal / 100 g. Also on the table you can serve boiled potatoes, light salad and plum compote. But you must understand that in this case the total caloric value of the dinner (dinner) will increase.
Bitches "Po-Selyanski" with mushrooms
Necessary ingredients:
- 1 kg of beef + 50 grams of fat;
- Tomato paste - enough 80 g;
- 650 ml of water, of which 500 ml for sauce, and 150 ml for minced meat;
- spice;
- We take 50 grams of refined oil and flour;
- 100 grams of boiled mushrooms (or 50g in dried form);
- Onion - 520 g, of which 120 g we put in minced meat, and 400 g - in sauce.
Description of the cooking process
We take out the metal cup and put it on the table. Install the meat grinder. Pre-cut pieces of beef are twisted together with bacon.
Peeled off the bulb of the bulb with a knife. We send it to a deep bowl. We take 120 g of chopped onion and send it to mince. In the same metal cup, pour a little water. Sprinkle with spices. Solim. We begin to mix our stuffing.
Sprinkle the chopping board with flour. From the previously minced meat form balls with a diameter of 5-6 cm. Each of them on both sides is rolled in flour and pressed lightly with a wide knife.
In a heated frying pan with oil, carefully place the little bits. As soon as one side is covered with a ruddy crust, turn them over to the other side. Then shift the little bits into a saucepan with thick walls.
Now we will mushroom. We must boil them until ready, then grind them. Do you have only dried mushrooms at home? They too will approach. Only need to soak them in the water, leaving for a few hours, or better - at night.
We leave the remaining chopped onion in a hot pan. Fry in refined oil. When the onion gets a golden hue, you can lay pieces of mushrooms. These ingredients are fried together for a couple of minutes. Add the tomato paste in the right amount. We mix everything. We reduce the fire to a minimum. We mark 5 minutes. We pour in water (or broth, left after cooking mushrooms). Solim.
The resulting sauce is added to the pan in which the crochets are placed. We put on the stove. Stew the dish. After 10-15 minutes turn off the fire.
We distribute on the plates our bits "Po-Selyanski." The recipe with the photo clearly demonstrates how this dish should look ready. You can serve any garnish to it, but stewed potatoes are best.
Bitches "Po-Selyanski": a recipe with a turkey
Grocery list:
- Rice in raw form - 80 g;
- Flour for breading;
- One bulb on the side;
- 0,7 kg of turkey fillet;
- spice;
- refined oil.
For sauce:
- Take 100 ml of sour cream and cream (both medium-fat products);
- 300 g of champignons;
- Spices, including nutmeg;
- Flour - enough for 1 tbsp. Spoons;
- One onion;
- Refined oil.
How to prepare a dish
Slices of turkey and a diced bulb are passed through a meat grinder. In the resulting stuffing we add rice, cooked almost until ready. We carefully mix these components. Solim. Sprinkle with spices. Mix again. If the stuffing turned out very thick, then you can pour a little milk or cream into it.
We make little bits, roll in flour. Before you put them in a hot frying pan, you need to shake off excess flour. Lightly fry "cutlets" (until a crust on both sides).
The remaining bulb and mushrooms are washed with tap water. We put them on a cutting daughter.
Champignons cut into quarters, and onions - half rings. Warm up the frying pan with butter. First lay out pieces of onions, then mushrooms. Fry them until the liquid evaporates. We pour in flour (no more than 1 item of a spoon). Be sure to mix.
In the pan with mushrooms and onions pour the same amount of sour cream and cream. Solim. Sprinkle with spices. Bring the sauce to a boil. We put bits. The fire is reduced to a minimum. Cover the frying pan with a lid. How many will be beaten crocheted "Po-Selyanski"? Twenty minutes will be enough. We wish everyone a most pleasant appetite!
Cooking bits in the multivark
- Take 2 tbsp each. Spoons of refined oil and tomato paste;
- one egg;
- Greens and sour cream for serving;
- Medium bulbs - 2 pcs .;
- 250 g of mushrooms (preferably fresh);
- 4-5 tbsp. Spoons of flour;
- 450 g ground beef;
- spice.
detailed instructions
Step 1. Clean the bulbs with a cube.
Step number 2. Mushrooms washed, remove dirt. We cut into small cubes.
Step No. 3. To save time, we will use the ready-made stuffing. Add crushed mushrooms and onions to it. There we break the egg. Solim. Sprinkle with spices. Stirring.
Step number 4. From the stuffing begin to sculpt the round crochet.
Step 5. In a separate bowl, combine the flour and tomato paste. We pour a little water. Stirring. Pour the spices. We got a breading, in which you have to roll every bit.
Step No. 6. Cover the bottom of the multi-cup with refined oil. We lay out our meat bits.
Step number 7. We find in the menu and set the mode "Quenching". The recommended time is 30-40 minutes. If necessary, you can open the lid and add water. After 20 minutes after the start of the program, carefully turn the little bits, using a special spatula. A beep will alert us when the dish is ready. We spread it on plates, watering sour cream and decorating with branches of greenery.
Tips and Tricks
- If you prepare little bits "Po-Selyanski" for children, then you can sprinkle them with sesame seeds. This ingredient will make the taste of the dish more saturated.
- Do you want to significantly reduce the cooking time for bitlets? We suggest you use not lumpy beef, but ready (low-fat) minced meat or turkey fillet (chicken).
- For deboning the crochets, not only flour, but also crumbs for breading is suitable. Then in the process of roasting meat patties will be covered with crispy crust.
- You can cook this dish not only in a frying pan, but also in a multivark and a steamer.
- If you decide to please your children with fragrant crayons, which are not yet 6 years old, then do not add mushrooms to mince.
- Ukrainian housewives prepare a special sauce for this dish. First in a frying pan fried mushrooms with chopped onions and chopped greens, and at the very end is added tomato paste.
We do not even doubt that the "By-Selyanski" crochet will be enjoyed by both kids and adult family members. Would you like to prepare a hearty lunch or dinner? Then use beef and lard. And those who follow the figure and adhere to a healthy diet, can make bits of chicken or turkey meat.
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