Automobiles, Cars
How to recycle cars? Is it possible to repair a recycled vehicle?
In the Russian Federation, a program has been successfully operating for several years already, allowing us to recycle old cars without unnecessary worries. It pursues several goals, important not only for the state, but also for owners of vehicles. In addition, one of the main tasks of the program is to update the modern car industry and support the domestic market.
Objectives of transport utilization
For several years the state has been carrying out a program for the utilization of old motor vehicles and their aggregates. First of all, it is important for updating the fleet of domestic industrial enterprises.
The disposal procedure, in addition to restoring fleets, also has the following advantages:
- Thanks to the write-off of the old equipment, road safety improves, the risk of emergency situations can be significantly reduced;
- The recycling program provides a discount for the purchase of the next domestic car, so there is a stimulation of sales from the Russian manufacturer;
- The ecological situation improves, after all, with proper and safe processing, a significant portion of heavy metals do not enter the atmosphere;
- Secondary use of raw materials in production;
- Thanks to the use of used metals, you do not need to spend huge sums on the extraction of new resources, this ultimately affects the cost of a new car and makes it cheaper;
- Reuse of used auto mechanics and spare parts.
Thus, how to dispose of cars, it is important to know each owner, because thanks to the state program, the owner needs only to state his intention, and all the rest will help to make special companies.
Why is the program interesting to car owners?
The question of how to dispose of cars for car owners is relevant for many reasons, the main ones of which are presented below:
- A strong wear and tear of the mechanisms, which leads to the inability to continue to use the transport for the intended purpose - car owners do not have any reason to keep the old car, which will only grow older and deteriorate with time;
- Where a car can be recycled, a very wide range of transport owners is interested now, since the old car, thanks to the state program, can be profitably exchanged for a new one, making an additional payment that is much less than the cost of a new car;
- Sometimes it's just a forced measure, for example, when hijacking a car it is very advantageous to remove it from registration and not pay tax further.
The old machines recycling program
Based on the requirements of legislation, the following vehicles are subject to disposal:
- Who have been lawfully in the last six months;
- The owner must be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- The age of the car must be more than six years;
- Removed from the account in the State Traffic Inspectorate;
- In the car all accessories must be available.
Where to dispose of the car under the program? Dealerships are engaged in the recycling, which help to carry out the whole procedure, including transportation of the vehicle. The result is a certificate that allows you to buy a new car with a significant discount.
What package of documents should I submit to the traffic police?
The first step is the removal from the registration of the transport immediately before contacting an authorized dealer where the vehicle will be disposed of. In the traffic police need to submit the following documents:
- A statement of intent to dispose of the vehicle;
- A document certifying the identity of the applicant and a power of attorney if the person is not an automobile owner;
- Technical passport of the car;
- Certificate that the car is registered with the State Traffic Inspectorate;
- number plates.
The car, which is subject to write-off, does not need to be brought, as it will not be possible to go back to it. He, after being disregarded, on the evacuator must be sent to the dealer, where the cars are disposed of. In large cities, as a rule, there are a large number of dealer centers offering to recycle old cars at favorable conditions.
For example, in Moscow the optimal conditions for disposal are offered by the centers:
- "Vtorstal" (Vostryakovsky Proyezd d. 10 B p. 8).
- "Vtorchermet NLMK Center" (Mytischi, Projected travel, 4530, 6, building 1).
- "Vtormet" (Suzdalskaya str., 14A).
In St. Petersburg:
- "AVTOPORT" (Vyborg highway, 27 k2B).
- "Astoria Motors" (St. Sophia str., 4 A).
In case of loss or impossibility to provide a certificate or registration marks, it is necessary to submit a written explanation of what happened to them.
After the car is taken into account, all the information submitted is forwarded to the tax inspection, which is obliged to recalculate the transportation tax. The state duty for recycling is currently not charged.
In the State Traffic Inspectorate it is necessary to take a certificate stating that the car has been taken into account.
Dealer actions for disposal
How are vehicles disposed of and what are the further actions of the owner after taking them off? Many dealer centers conclude an agreement with the owner for subsequent disposal. In addition, representatives of these organizations take on all the functions associated with the execution of subsequent documents.
To hand over to the car dealer it is desirable to issue an act of acceptance of the vehicle.
Participants of the state program are given a certificate for the further purchase of a new vehicle. To do this, you need to provide your passport details. Compensatory payment depends on which vehicle is sent for recycling.
The task of dealers usually includes assistance in choosing a new car according to the parameters that are of interest to the person who passes the old car for recycling. Also, car dealers can help with the preparation of a package of documents for the purchase of a new vehicle.
Utilization of transport enterprises
How to dispose of cars of legal entities? An expert evaluation of the transport to be written off is made and a conclusion is given on the condition of the car. The enterprise makes a withdrawal from the balance of this vehicle with the issuance of the necessary local acts.
The car according to the procedure described above is removed from the account in the traffic police. Further with the dealer the contract on which basis it is possible to return money resources for metal and the basic units of the car is concluded. It is also possible to recycle on a net basis.
After the representative of the legal entity and the dealer agree on the transaction, the car is delivered to the disposal point. As a result of its conduct, the company is issued with acts of acceptance and transfer and writing off, all the conditions of the contract are fulfilled.
Possibility to restore recycled transport
Is it possible to repair a recycled vehicle? The answer to this question is ambiguous, since in 2011, the legislation regulating relations in the field of setting and removing from the account of vehicles by the State Traffic Inspectorate bodies, appeared a provision stating that it was impossible to restore it when taking it into account.
Instead, it was possible to stop registering the vehicle. Termination is a somewhat different form of removal taking into account the machine, which does not provide for its further utilization. This procedure is especially important for owners of stolen vehicles or for those who can not afford to repair a car in the near future and do not want to pay tax for idle time of the car. In this case, the car owner is given the opportunity to resume registration on the vehicle.
In addition, motorists found another way, by which you can try to repair a car, which still fell for recycling. How to recover a recycled vehicle that succumbed to recycling before 2011? Since there is no retroactive force, there is a possibility that previously collected vehicles can still be registered in the traffic police again.
To do this, you need to find the owner of the car that was recycled. This person must go to the traffic police and write a statement on the restoration of the registration, which indicates all the parameters of the car, the year of production, equipment, etc. The machine on the tow truck is delivered to the registration authority, then you can carry out the transaction of sale and registration of transport in your name.
Summing up
Do not be afraid to say goodbye to your old car. The recycling program not only makes it easier to carry out the entire procedure without unnecessary hassle, but also helps in acquiring a new transport.
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