Food and drinkRecipes

Secrets of cooking: how to cook rice to make it crumbly

Despite the fact that in European countries, rice appeared somewhat later than in Asia, we estimated the useful properties of snow-white grains a long time ago. From this grocery gorgeous dishes are prepared. Moreover, the amazing ability to combine with a wide variety of ingredients allowed to draw a podium of honor among the garnish assortment. But how to cook a delicious side dish, and not just rice on the water? I suggest to get acquainted with some secrets. How to cook rice so that it is crumbly? How much time and in what quantity of water does it boil?

Choose a variety

Fig rice is different. Experienced mistresses certainly more than once in this convinced. The main feature, which they refer to when choosing this cereal for a particular dish, is the shape of the grains. So, long-grain rice is preferred to be used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. Round grains are an excellent base for puddings, since they absorb water very well, due to which they swell during cooking. This kind of rice splits superbly, which is necessary when preparing sushi and rolls. But for cereals, risotto and soups, medium-grained rice is chosen, which has a high starch content, respectively, and viscosity.

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly

In order for this garnish on the plate to lie on the grain, you need to know a few secrets. The most important is the ratio of water and cereals. If you intend to cook rice by evaporation of water, then the liquid in the pan should exceed twice the amount of rice. In boiling water pour carefully washed grain, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook until ready. Another way I prefer, and I - a large amount of water (about 5 liters per 1 kg of rice) and a half glass of vegetable oil, added to the pan, where rice is brewed. Of course, it is also necessary to wash the grains under running water in this case. Moreover, in order to wash the starch well, it is necessary to use cold water.

Recipes for cooking rice

In Japanese

Pour a half-glass of water into a saucepan and add a teaspoon of salt. As soon as the liquid boils, pour a glass of rice. Next tightly close the lid, eliminating the steam output. Cook on low heat for 12 minutes. The same amount of time we hold the rice under the closed lid after we have turned off the fire.

In Azerbaijani

In Asia, they know exactly how to cook rice so that it is crumbly. An example is the following way. The pan is filled with salted water for three-quarters. Then tie it with a clean cloth or gauze. There rinse washed rice, under the weight of which the napkin is in boiling water. In the contents of the impromptu crockery put butter, cover with a top upside down plate and cook for 20-25 minutes with high heat.

In Vietnamese

The peculiarity of this method is that the rice is pre-fried in a frying pan with a small amount of butter until golden. After that, the fried grains should be transferred to a saucepan and poured a glass of boiling water. Cook over low heat until complete evaporation. This rice cooking recipe can be used for pilaf. It turns out just fine.

Most housewives care not only how to cook rice, so that it is crumbly, but also how to give it a snow-white color. For this purpose, add lemon juice to the saucepan, where the croup is brewed. This method is used mainly in the preparation of desserts.

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