Law, Regulatory Compliance
The line for the diversion of the railway: standards, designation, indexes
представляют собой участки, предоставленные Правительством из специального фонда. The outlets of railroads are sites provided by the Government from a special fund. They are allocated for the laying of railway wagons and engineering communications, erection of artificial structures, industrial and office buildings, installation of devices, stationary sites. – в федеральной. From these signs it becomes clear, in whose property the stripes for the diversion of railways - in the federal. Let us consider in detail the features of these sections.
Essential elements
Within the considered plots are located:
- . Protective stands .
- Earthbed with drainage, artificial structures.
- Snow protection fences.
- Walling. They serve to prevent the animals and people from leaving the rail track.
- Fencing devices and structures on the areas of high-speed movement of formulations.
- Track and other buildings, power supply lines and communications, other railway structures and installations.
обозначаются специальными знаками. The boundaries of the right-of-way are indicated by special signs. They are installed along the outer perimeter on:
- Swivel sections.
- The straight sections of the path are not farther than 250 m from each other, on curves - at a radius of 600 m and more - through 1/10 of the radius, less than 600 - after 50 m.
The start and end points of the boundary curves are fixed by boundary signs.
How to use
The basic rules of work on the sites allocated for the laying of the railroad track and the construction of facilities serving it, is established by the Federal Law "On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation". The normative act provides for prohibitions on:
- Placement of capital structures, perennial green plantations and other objects that can worsen visibility and create a threat to the safety of the movement of trains.
- Construction and placement of buildings, conducting agricultural activities in the places of the sewage and water supply network, water intake facilities, other engineering and technical communications.
" предписывает: FZ "On Rail Transport in the Russian Federation " prescribes:
- Do not allow the growth of weeds and tree and shrub plantations in areas adjacent to the agricultural land. It is also forbidden to accumulate felling residues, dead wood, dead wood, petroleum products.
- от опушки лесного массива противопожарной опашкой. Separate the railroad diversion from the edge of the forest with fire-prevention opal. Its width should be 3-5 m. The compartment can be made with a mineralized strip. Its width must be at least 3 m.
Special rules
разрешено по согласованию с владельцем ж/д инфраструктуры. Placement of power transmission lines, engineering and technical communications, oil and gas pipelines, communication lines and other linear objects within the railway line is allowed in agreement with the owner of the railway infrastructure. On contractual terms, outdoor advertising is allowed on permanent fences, slopes of excavations, structures and other structures. Mounted structures must comply with the requirements of legislation, do not create a threat to the safety of operation and movement of trains.
Railroad Take-off Line: Standards
Care of the state of the sites and monitoring is entrusted to foremen of the road, railway masters and other responsible persons. ? How many meters is the railroad outage ? The width of the plot is determined by:
- The configuration (cross-section) of the web.
- Dimensions of artificial structures.
- Relief of the terrain.
- The presence of special natural conditions (areas located in the swampy territory, on a weak basis, with flooding, landslides, in the zone of gully formation, on permafrost, etc.).
- , защитных сооружений от песчаных/снежных заносов. Need to create a security zone , protective structures from sand / snow drifts.
- Population of the area.
Thus, the width of the railroad diversion (in meters) for a mound with a height of 1 m with a transverse slope of up to:
- 1:25 - 24;
- 1:10 - 21;
- 1: 5-23.
These parameters apply to the webs 1, 2, 3 of the design categories.
Additional factors
When designing new railway structures, including line facilities, strengthening existing roads, production facilities, settlements, etc., in the areas of agricultural activities, the following are taken into account:
- Cost of plots.
- The tax rate.
When deciding on the allocation of land for rail transport, it is necessary to ensure maximum savings in the territory of farmland. The placement of railway infrastructure in especially valuable areas is allowed in exceptional cases. Such areas include drained and irrigated areas, arable land, allotments occupied by perennial fruit plants and vineyards, etc. In exceptional cases, railroad wagons can be laid on specially protected areas that have cultural, historical, recreational, recreational significance.
Area selection rules
должна находиться на территории несельскохозяйственного назначения или непригодной для ведения с/х деятельности. The railroad outage line should be located on the territory of non-agricultural destination or unsuitable for agricultural activities. It is allowed to place railway infrastructure on the grounds of inferior quality, having them in mind even when special engineering measures are required for their development. Objects should be built primarily in areas that are not covered with forest. These can be deforestation, clearings, hillocks, gari. It is allowed to use sites occupied by low-value crops and shrubs. Power lines, communication lines, other communications that extend beyond the band are located along roads, boundaries of crop rotation areas.
Project Justification
, должен подтверждаться тщательными техническими и экономическими расчетами, доказывающими целесообразность использования территории. The choice of sites for the construction and operation of railway transport facilities, the installation of security zones , must be supported by thorough technical and economic calculations that prove the expediency of using the territory. At the same time, various variants of their possible placement should be considered, taking into account rational use of the terrain. In calculation are accepted:
- The amount of payment for the acquisition of plots.
- Value of tax.
- Compensation for losses of agricultural production associated with the seizure of territories.
- The cost of conducting a minimum of environmental measures.
Temporary use
The land plots are allocated to rail transport institutions and enterprises on a leasehold basis. The organizations for temporary use are provided with allotments necessary:
- For the period of construction of new roads.
- To strengthen and re-arrange the operating infrastructure for placing construction sites, link-assembling and mechanized bases, low-power quarries, warehouses of building materials, access roads, technical installations, various installations defined by the project.
Agricultural areas, forest fund plots allocated for temporary use, at the end of the lease term, are brought to a condition suitable for their use for their intended purpose.
Cloth on the hauls
The width of the sections allocated for the laying of the canvas is determined on the basis of the design rules set out in the normative document "1520 mm gauge rail". можно увидеть, что насыпи сооружены из разных материалов. If you compare the photo of the railways, you can see that the embankments are built of different materials. For example, clayey, weathered rocky, coarse clastic soils with clayey additions, silty, undrained, fine sands act as them. If drainage sands are used in the construction of the embankment, weakly weathering and coarse clastic soils (with sandy aggregate), the width of the site can be reduced by 1 m.
, ширина участка, по которому проходит полотно, различается. As can be seen from the photo of the railways , the width of the section along which the canvas passes varies. So, when placing rail 1 and 2 cat. In non-agricultural areas or in areas that are not suitable for agricultural activities, it is allowed to set a width greater than the standard by 4 m. This is necessary for the device subsequently an additional (second) path. When placing rail 1 and 2 cat. On the territory of agricultural land or on the areas of the forest fund of the Russian Federation, the additional width of the plots is allocated to the guard zone. Within its limits, the erection of capital objects and the planting of perennial crops is prohibited. The width of the plots is immediately set for 2 ways for railways 1 and 2, located in grooves with a depth of more than 6 m, and with rocky soils, on cliffs of rivers, regardless of the height of the slope, and on steep slopes.
Design Features
The width of the sections allocated for the retraction strip is defined in the project if the depth of the notches and the height of the embankments is more than the standard ones, and the configuration of the blade differs from the transverse (typical) profiles. A similar rule applies also in the case when the relief is mountainous or hilly, soils are weak and lie at the base of the embankment, as well as under other special conditions. The width of the sections allocated for the location of the canvas on the hauling grounds is defined in the documentation when designing on the terrain:
- Where the depth of the excavation and the height of the embankment is more than 12 m.
- When the steepness of the slopes is different from the typical parameters.
- When the mound is located on the slope steeper 1: 5 and the recesses on the slope are steeper than 1: 3. If the latter are located on landslide and unstable slopes, the width of the site is determined regardless of the steepness.
- When crossing flooded / flooded mounds, filtering, including river floodplains, deep ravines, small lakes.
- When the mound is located on a weak base, as well as erecting it with a reserve for sediment.
- At the device of the excavation, the depth of which is more than 2 m, in clayey soil, dusty and fine sands, rapidly eroding rocky grounds.
- When the mound is located in a marshy area, on a wet base with keyed outlets.
- When the canvas is located on the sites with the development (including possible) of talus, avalanches, avalanches, karst cavities, mudflows, stone placers, ravines, ravines.
- When constructing excavations in wetland and opening the aquifer.
- When developing excavation and erection of the embankment by the method of hydromechanization.
- At the device of a cloth on an eternal permafrost, in a seismic locality, in an area where mobile sands are widespread.
- When developing excavation blasts for the release.
- At the device in arrays with layers of sedimentary rocks or separate layers of igneous rocks at a slope towards a path more than 1: 3.
The width of the strip can be determined using a computer program that takes into account the configuration of the canvas, the features of the terrain and natural conditions, as well as economic factors.
The order of defining parameters in the project
The width of the sections that are diverted for the arrangement of the web on the runways is set taking into account a number of conditions and rules. In particular:
- If it is necessary to lay reserves for the construction of mounds, they should be located on the mountainside. These measures, as well as the filling of cavaliers during development are allowed only in non-agricultural areas or areas unsuitable for agricultural activities.
- At the device of high embankments, in the terrain with a small transverse slope (up to 1:10), reserves can be located on both sides. Their depth and width are designed in accordance with the requirements for the volume of soil for the construction and provision of drainage.
Normative acts provide for various road signs. All of them can be combined into 2 groups: basic and special. The first include:
- Kilometer pillars.
- Inclination indicators.
- Picket posts.
Signs are considered special signs:
- Borders of the right-of-way.
- The limiting water horizon and wave height.
- The axes of the passenger structure.
- On linear buildings.
- Hidden structures of the canvas.
- Arrow number.
- Repeaters.
Railroads for non-public use
To these objects the legislation makes special demands. In particular, the design and condition of the units and structures located on such tracks must comply with SNiP and provide skipping of trains with permissible load, locomotives used for infrastructure maintenance. For each unlisted railway track, there must be a technical passport, a plan, a longitudinal profile and drawings of objects. The adjoining of reconstructed, under construction or new constructions is carried out according to the rules established by the Government. The procedure is approved by Resolution No. 233. According to the Rules, it is necessary to obtain a permit for adjoining reconstructed, under construction or restored railway tracks to existing public roads. To do this, the owner of the object turns to Roszheldor. This structure is authorized to take decisions on issues related to the railway construction and operation of railway facilities, based on the powers established by the regulatory enactments of the Russian Federation.
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