LawRegulatory Compliance

The order of selling a car in Russia

At some point, almost every car enthusiast in Russia is faced with the problem of how to sell his iron horse. As a rule, in search of a suitable option, approximately every second driver comes to a specialized market for the sale of secondary transport, where he faces a great variety of very diverse problems. So, in this article we will consider, what order of sale of the car exists in our country.

In such markets, there is often a continuous flow of sellers and buyers, it is often difficult not to fall for the swindler's tricks. Some knock down the price, while others are constantly traded. Some motorists admit that they literally live in the market, because for them it is not only the only source of income, but also a real hobby. At best, you will be able to sell an iron friend at a lower price, yielding to persuasion. And at worst - lose the "goods" and do not get money.

Undoubtedly, in addition to all the difficulties described above, it will be necessary to follow a certain procedure for the sale of a car, which, in turn, will take a lot of additional investments, forces and time. First of all, it is necessary to bring the iron horse into a decent form, that is, to wash the car, do dry cleaning of the cabin, and take care of the technical component. In addition, the procedure for the sale of a car also implies a de-registration from the traffic police. In this case, it will be necessary to additionally pay the state fee, present the necessary documents, and most importantly - to sit out a long queue.

If the inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate has questions, for example, about the documents, you will have to settle them and come back again to take the car off the register.

It is important to note that in 2011 new changes came into effect that affect the procedure for selling a car. Now, according to experts, this procedure has become much easier, unfortunately, not all agree with this fact. For example, you no longer need to compare the engine number. Indeed, it is very convenient for those citizens who buy used cars. Moreover, now the former car owner can remove the state registration number and use it on a new vehicle. In this situation, it is enough to simply go through the standard procedure for re-registration.

Then comes the registration of the purchase and sale of the car. Only occasionally an additional act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle and money is required. As a rule, this information is prescribed in the contract. In the event that even minor mistakes are made in the documents, the inspector of the traffic police will demand that the contract be drawn up anew. To avoid this kind of misunderstanding, you should look in advance on the Internet for all information on the subject of this issue. Some sellers even download from the network an exemplary contract form.

Based on all of the above, we can say with certainty that the procedure for selling a car is a rather laborious process, which, of course, requires free time and competence in this matter.

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