Hobby, Needlework
Children's fancy dresses with their own hands. Masquerade and carnival costumes with their own hands
Not only the kid in the school or kindergarten may need a carnival costume. Today, many adult organizations have adopted an unspoken rule to put on any festive corporate parties sketches, which will require appropriate outfits. And for New Year and Christmas, fancy dresses are paramount! With your own hands, you can make a lot of wonderful creative and original outfits for both scenes and for celebration, you just need to include fantasy and get a little patience.
"The Snow Queen" - a fairy tale for children and adults
In the New Year many representatives of the fair sex want at least a short time to feel like a queen, even snowy. Yes, and at corporate parties, writers often pay attention to this wonderful fairy tale. After all, it's possible to play a story that has been altered to a modern day - it's an opportunity to paraphrase through your sketch the attitude to reality, somewhere to laugh, and somewhere to make the viewer think. That's where you need fancy dresses!
With his hands to create an outfit for the Snow Queen is not difficult. It will take only a crown and a beautiful dress of white or blue. You can make a crown yourself, cutting it out of cardboard and decorating with asterisks and snowflakes from foil. It will look great "lace" crown, as well as sprinkled with semolina, imitating snow. Munk needs to be poured on the spot glued with glue.
Ideas for outfits of "insects" for girls and women
In the costume of the ladybug , charming girls of any age can dress up. Only for a little girl this will be a usual outfit, but a mature matron in a short dress with polka dots and with a rim-"antennae" on her head will look ultra-extravagant!
It is very easy to build and costume bees. It will take only a striped dress. It can be made from a black outfit, by sewing yellow pieces of fabric or, conversely, the yellow one is slightly modified with the help of black matter. Handbags in the form of flowers as additional accessories will be an excellent addition to the apart.
An adult seductress in a short striped dress and tall boots can claim the right of the best sex bee during the event! That's so simple and tasteful you can dress up in order to achieve great success.
The costume of Little Red Riding Hood is relevant at all times!
More and more often old fairy tales are being played at events, reworked in a new way. And the dresses of fairies, queens and princesses, good and evil sorceresses are being prepared. However, Little Red Riding Hood can become the "nail" of the program, if over her outfit a little fantasy.
A hat can be taken from a grandmother's wardrobe, you can tie it or sew yourself. From the chosen style of the headdress depends on the fact that the costume will become serious or funny, after all, the main attributes expressing the basic masquerade ideas are masks and hats. Suit with your own hands can be done even with one piece. It is the headpiece of red that already symbolizes the carnival outfit for a fairy-tale character named Krasnaya Shapochka. And this can be, for example, a pioneer cap or bandana of red color with painted skull and bones, a wide-brimmed extravagant hat with a huge feather or veil, or a soldier's cap with earflaps, repainted in the appropriate color. And how the creative outfit will be beaten - this is not a costume, but a script writer.
Funny Baba Yaga in five minutes!
Some fancy dresses can be done in a few minutes. For example, a dress of some kind of "evil spirits": Baba Yaga, kikimor, devil, lepher. Here the main role is played by the ragged floors of clothes and crooked patches. And sewing the trays follows a contrasting color with bright thick threads over the edge. If the house has an overhead huge nose, even with a mustache - it's just wonderful! Baba Yaga just did not shave for a long time. But live for a thousand years, let's see if your mustache grows or not ...
Although there is another version of the costume for Babka Yozhka-cutie. Here, and does not need to bother - you can wear everything, what the eye falls on! The main thing is not to forget tattered or filigree felt boots (one can be replaced with an old huge male sneaker), a bright make-up, causing homeric laughter, the same costume jewelry and a few patches - quite a bit. The dress can be put on a funny Babulechka-Yagulechka extra-short, and under it fit tattered tights or elongated underpants - knitted shorts, which older women use as underwear. And the sword would not be forgotten! One hundred percent that over Grandmother Yaga, all will be crouching. But such fancy carnival costumes can not be built with their own hands.
To hell, the horns and the tail are essential attributes
To create these outfits, you can use sports suits with sewn patches. Although it is worth pokoldovat, preparing for girls fancy dresses with their own hands. Perhaps, they can add some coquetry and femininity. Therefore, it is best to use leggings, elk or thick tights.
And on the tails of cute devils, of course, you need to hang bright bows or hairpins. And it is possible and at all to pack them with intricate ornamentation on the pope "with meaning", though only the tail will differ from clothes by color.
If we make a fancy dress with our own hands for devils, then we should not lose sight of the need for making horns. Of course, they can be bought. But it is quite possible to build them independently from papier-mâché or threads, wound on a template and spread with glue, and then painted in the right way. Carnival glasses can be completely improved by adding a nice little nose-pin, and from above "increasing" their horns.
Very elegant and sexy look horns, adapted to luxurious hats or frivolous hats.
The role of hats and carnival glasses in masquerade dresses
In general, one such accessory, like a hat, can play a leading role in the appearance of the hero. Sometimes you should not bother about how to make a children's carnival costume yourself, if there is an original headdress. A pointed hat with fields and a black cloak adorned with stars-that's what the astrologer's outfit is ready for. If the same hat is worn by a woman in a black suit, then this outfit automatically gets the name "witch costume".
The checkered cap indicates that the mummer imitates the famous Russian clown Oleg Popov. A headdress with balls at the top or a rabbit and the same cloak will turn the kid into a magician. If you paste a cylinder made of cardboard, with colorful pictures, add a bow and put on a person tight fitting tights with bright appliqués, it's easy to get a circus clown.
Funny clown on holiday
This suit is suitable for boys, and girls, and adult uncles, and even elderly aunties. Young slender girls can use short skirts, tutus, and mature matrons with magnificent forms will look quite respectable in wide overalls or ridiculous wide short-sleeved pants. Wigs of different colors will be a bright creative addition to the appearance of a clown or clowness. It's very easy to make such fancy dresses with your own hands. Discussion of these outfits, laughter and cheerful replicas will only add to them the rating among all the others presented at the celebration. Certainly it will be fun.
Jack Sparrow - a favorite character for the carnival
You can make a fancy dress for a boy. Boys, and sometimes even girls, just love to dress up in sea robbers: pirates, filibusters. And adults often come up with such ideas for fancy dress. With your hands, especially Jack Sparrow's costume, it's pretty easy to make. You will need loose pants, high boots, a shirt and vest, a bandana and a curved knife made from children's toys or cardboard, pasted with foil. Long boots can be made by sewing the upper part of the tops from the cardboard. This freebie can even be cut from old boots, which are prepared for release.
The shirt would be nice to decorate with an extravagant jabot with a huge brooch - everyone knows that the legendary Jack liked to dress up nicely. You can tie a necklace or a bright bow around your neck. Satin belt on the belt also does not hurt. The symbol "skull with bones" is an indispensable attribute of any pirate, so you should think about where to place it in a dress.
If the choice falls not specifically on Jack Sparrow, but simply on the filibuster, then it is appropriate to replace the bandana with a wide-brimmed hat, you can add to the garment a dark cloak, which is tied under the chin.
Dress up in a dragon is not difficult!
There are other examples of fancy dresses. With your hands, for example, you can make a dragon outfit. It is not difficult to build it if a boy or even a girl has a black tank top with sleeves and tight-fitting leotards or tight black tights. Wings are made of either thick paper or black fabric. To maintain the shape, you must attach the pieces of wire to them. On the sleeves and trousers you can sew stripes of "noodles" made of paper or fabric. The tail can be made both from the fabric, and weave it from the usual clothesline, placing the wire inside and painting the part in the right color.
To complete the image, you can do with a half-mask consisting of masquerade points. It's only necessary to colorize and add ears. But if you want, you can build a full-fledged mask, repainting any of the available black colors. From above, in the forehead, it is recommended to paste ears and horns on it.
Snake Gorynych: options for one and three people
Very costume looks Snake Gorynycha. It can be made for one child, and immediately for two. If the outfit is prepared for one, then to the collar on the wire you need to adjust a couple more goals. But for three people they just sew a wide hoodie green or black with three necks and a long tail. One person puts one person's arm in one arm, the other in the other. Unfortunately, the third will have to be at the holiday "without hands". And sitting at the table in this outfit is not very convenient. Therefore, most often it is used only for performance.
SpongeBob and his square pants
Making children's fancy dresses with their own hands, adults often turn to cartoon characters. All the kids today are familiar with SpongeBob. And every child will want to dress up in it, regardless of gender. You can make this outfit pretty quickly from a simple white pillowcase. Just need to cut through for the head and hands holes and paint the "shirt" with ordinary paints. You can, of course, make an application with different fabrics using a sewing machine or iron and polyethylene. The main thing is to insert a solid wire or a stick into the upper seam so that the square shape does not deform.
Costumes of little animals: how to sew overalls
As you know, children just love to dress up in animals. Today you can buy any children's fancy dress in the store. How to sew it at home - this article will tell.
The main part in the outfit is a jumpsuit. It is made of fleece or flannel of the appropriate color. The pattern is easy to make from old clothes, which is recommended to cut. It is necessary to leave allowances for seams and length, if the child has already grown out of that apparel that is chosen as a template. You can also sew not overalls, but separately panties and blouse, so it will be more practical, because the suit in this case will last more than one year.
If necessary, sew pieces of fur on the collar, the tip of the tail, on the ankles or wrists.
Masks for costumes make animals for adults and boys
The easiest way is to sew a mask-cap from the same material as the overalls. For example, from the following details, a wolf mask pattern is made .
- The median rectangle is 7 cm wide. The length is calculated from the bottom point behind the back of the real person and to the virtual tip of the wolf's nose. Angles at one end should be smoothly cut, giving a shape.
- 4 identical triangular details - ears. They are connected in pairs and are turned inside out.
- Two identical sides, where the cheeks, eyes and sides of the nose enter. The shape of these parts resemble a semi-circle with a wolf's nose in profile. A semicircle is made during sewing darts or tucks in order to give the cap a roundness. The median rectangle is sewn to the top of the muzzle (on the red dotted line), at the same time the ears are stitched (on the blue punctation).
- Half open upper mouth of red or pink. Sew a mouth is necessary after the top part of a mask is sewn (green dotted line). In the course you can attach white fangs, which are most conveniently cut from the rubber insole or can be sewn from the fabric and filled with cotton. You can use cardboard.
Eyes are pasted on a ready mask or sew on buttons. You can make eyebrows from fur. The nose is stuffed with foam rubber or a sintepon, sew a button on the "pipka".
You can make a mask of paper or papier-mache. And some even manage to tie a luxurious funny muzzle out of a crocheted crochet.
In general, for fantasy when making a costume for carnival, there can be no obstacles. To the inventor let a wide field for activity be opened!
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