Homemade ice cream, no doubt, is a delicious dessert. True, it takes a lot of time and energy to prepare it. But the result will delight you and the home, and the dish itself will become traditional on your table.
Seeding with vanilla
The taste of this dessert is familiar and dearly loved from childhood. And how to make ice cream plombir at home? The recipe you are offered does not belong to the category of super-complex and quite "to the teeth" even dilettantes from the stove. Ingredients of the dish are: milk of high fat content, fresh - 1 liter; 50 g of dry, but also fatty; Cream - 80 g (fat content not less than 35%!); Butter - 60 g, vanilla sugar - 30 g, vanilla - 1 sachet (or 3 pods), fresh egg yolks - 8 pieces (150 g), powdered sugar - 250 g. It is formed in the form of balls such ice cream plombir. At home (the recipe is designed for 10 servings), its production is limited to 30 balls of the specified number of products. Therefore, if more is required for dessert, increase the ingredients in proportion to the original parameters. Cooling should be at least 24 hours. Hence, and proceed to the ritual of the delicacy should be in advance. So: mix both kinds of milk, add cream and butter to the pan, which must be pre-cut into thin slabs. Sugar and vanilla are falling asleep. Let the mixture boil. When this happened, you need to introduce one yolk and pour in powder, stirring all the time. In order not to overcook the ice cream in the future, the recipe recommends strictly observing the temperature regime at home. The mixture should boil for about 5 minutes at +85 degrees, not higher, and constant stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula. Then the pan is quickly put on the ice for accelerated cooling. After that, ice cream is sent to the refrigerator for a day. The next day, the mass must be passed through a sieve, so that there are no random lumps left in it. Then she poured into the ice cream and whipped to the desired consistency. Spoons are formed with a spoon, crumbled in coconut shavings and laid out in saucers or kremanki, special vases. Here and your ice cream is ready . At home, the recipe advises before serving to water the balls with berry sour-sweet syrup, honey or cognac. Is it very tasty with champagne or fresh fruit, tea.
Seal for coffee
The best dessert is obtained if you follow the advice of French confectioners. They widely advertise the recipe for ice cream in the ice cream "Plombier coffee". His main secret is in choosing a good grade of coffee. And the ingredients are as follows: powdered sugar - 300 g; Yolks - 8 pieces; Coffee soluble - 75 g; Milk - 1 liter and 200 g of cream. Pour the milk into the pan. Do not turn on the gas yet. Dissolve coffee in milk. Start now to gradually warm it up. In the already warm, add the cream and boil. Remove the pan from the fire and take care of the yolks. The recipe for the preparation of ice cream "Plombier coffee" advises to beat the yolks with sugar in a lush foam, and then gradually put in hot milk. Only stir all the time, otherwise the yolks will curtail. Put the mixture on fire again and bring the temperature to 85 degrees. The process of stirring does not stop. For this you need only a wooden spatula. After 5 minutes, turn off the gas, let the future ice cream through the hair sieve and cool down - on the ice, then into the refrigerator. After 24 hours, plombir should be poured into the ice cream and beat the whole mass to an airy porous consistency. Dispense in vases and serve with dry shortbread cookies.
Experiment, try, successful desserts!