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How many calories in the butter, its benefit and harm

In our diet, butter is one of the main products. It is used in the preparation of many dishes, is used for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is considered the most valuable and good edible fat, because it has high nutritional value, and also has a pleasant smell and taste. Find out how much calories are in the butter , and calculate your daily allowance.

Caloric value of oil

Caloric value of the oil, if done according to standards, should be 748 kcal per 100 g. Compared to other products, this is quite a high figure, for example, this is more than the caloric content of 100 g of the fattest chips. The most caloric fruit - a banana - has a caloric content about 8 times less than butter.

A tablespoon can hold about 30 g. One gram of butter contains 7.48 kcal. From the calculation, you can get 224.4 kcal, which are contained in a tablespoon.

How many calories in a teaspoon of butter, you can calculate the same way. Its volume is 10 g. Hence, in a teaspoon there will be 74.8 kcal.

Caloric content of bread and butter

Many people eat such a sandwich for breakfast, but they do not even suspect that the amount of fat is much higher than the calorie content. Bread with butter may well satisfy you, but that will add to your extra calories.

How do you know how many calories are in bread and butter? A sandwich of black bread with butter has a calorie content of 170 kcal. With white bread, the sandwich will be 20 kcal less. But it is more useful to eat black bread. These figures are calculated per 100 g of products. And your sandwich is probably by mass 2-3 times more, then in the snack you eat a lot of calories.

Where to use

There are many types of oils, but ghee is made from creamy. This is as follows. At 75-80 degrees, milk fat is thawed. Together with this product, other impurities are formed, but they are separated. The fat content of melted butter can hit - from 98% in its composition. But this is compensated by the almost complete lack of biologically active components. Good melted butter has no foreign taste and smell, has a granular consistency and a pleasant yellow color.

Butter is used in cooking a huge number of dishes. Bakery products can not do without its participation, many sweets have it in its composition. With butter, sandwiches are prepared, it makes the mashed potatoes and porridges tastier. But knowing how many calories in calories, sometimes repels people from using this product.

The dosage of the oil is very important in cooking. It is especially important to measure grams in the preparation of desserts. And not in order to make them less caloric. The taste and consistency of the dish depends on the amount of oil. For example, if you overdo it with butter in the preparation of a short dough, you get it after baking is rough.

What should be the oil

In shops you can find salted or unsalted butter. Salt is added to it to make it more stable when stored. For sale, four varieties of butter are allowed: extra, higher, first and second. But this does not depend on how much calories in butter.

Quality oil has a clean smell and taste. The presence of foreign flavors and strange smells, not characteristic of butter, may indicate that poor quality components were used in manufacturing or storage conditions were violated.

Consistency must be dense. Determine sufficient density of the oil simply - in the section you can observe only small water droplets, or they should not be. Homogeneous white or cream color is also an indicator of good quality of butter. Salt oil should have a uniform taste and not exceed 2% of the salt content.

The Benefits of Butter

Even if you observe a strict diet and plan to soon lose a lot of calories, you can not completely exclude butter from the diet. It gives our body useful and important substances and microelements. And if you know how many calories in 100 gr. Butter, you will simply regulate its use. So you will not gain weight and bring health benefits.

Butter can give us vitamin A, which is involved in protecting the digestive system from disease. Especially if you are predisposed to cancer, the presence of oil in your diet is mandatory. But do not use more than 15 g of oil.

If you are a man and do physical work, the benefits of oil are invaluable to you. It is a great source of energy. You will understand this by learning how many calories in a spoonful of butter. A person who works in a harsh climate will be able to maintain good performance by regularly using oil, but without overdoing it.

Fats of butter have a beneficial effect on the regeneration of brain cells. It also has a good effect on his work in general. Using a small amount of oil improves your condition, like many other products.

Dish of butter

The number of each, even the most useful product should not exceed the daily rate. Otherwise, its usefulness will turn to the other side. So, you can not abuse the oil. Overeating with oil will lead to an increase in cholesterol and the appearance of cholesterol plaques. Especially this phenomenon is dangerous for the elderly and people suffering from obesity. Another disease - atherosclerosis of the vessels - can become a consequence of excessive eating of oil. Therefore it is important to know how many calories there are in calories to convince oneself of regulating the rate of its consumption.

Often on the shelves you can find a substandard oil substitute. It has a similar composition, but contains a large amount of non-natural additives. A sandwich with such an oil will not be of use, but will only lead to diseases. Read the composition on the packaging to avoid buying a substandard product. There you will find many substances encrypted by "E". If the package shows a fat content of less than 80%, then this product will also apply to ersatz (substitutes for poor quality).

Buying butter definitely costs, because it is important for our body. But check its composition and do not abuse it.

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