Sports and FitnessWeight loss

How to lose weight on 1 kg per day? Diets, techniques

How to lose weight on 1 kg per day? Such a question often arises in the minds of girls, especially after the favorite dress ceases to fasten or the pants do not meet at the waist. Of course, there are options for how to achieve such results. Today we will consider them.

A useful cocktail of the two available ingredients

Now we will describe the effective way, thanks to which you can lose 1 kg in one day. Kefir with beets will help you in this business. From these components we will make a cocktail. To prepare it we will need:

• one liter of kefir;
• one beet.

First, boil the beetroot (water does not salt). Then pass it through a meat grinder or chop it on a fine grater. Next, combine beets with kefir. That's all, the cocktail is ready. Now divide the whole drink into 6 servings. Use the cocktail you need throughout the day instead of the usual meals. In between, you should drink water.

If you really do not like beet-kefir taste, then it can be improved. For this, add greenery to the cocktail.

Kefir diet for those who like sour-milk products

To spend such a day off, kefir (1.5 liters) will be required. The whole volume should be divided into six equal portions. You should eat kefir every three hours. The fat content of the fermented milk product should be minimal. Such a one-day diet is easily tolerated. In addition, kefir helps to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. On such a diet, we lose weight, 1 kg a day losing and getting rid of a few centimeters on the waist and hips.

Lose weight by eating porridge

How to lose weight on 1 kg a day, eating porridge? Next, consider several ways. First, we describe how to lose weight on rice porridge. This diet requires one cup of cereals. It should be filled with the same amount of water (boiling water). Cook kasha is only one minute. Then you should drain the water, pour in a new one (two glasses are already needed). Now you need to cook until ready. The resulting porridge should be divided into three equal portions and consumed throughout the day.

Another option for losing weight with rice porridge

Pre-evening, soak 200 grams of rice in water. In the morning, wash it thoroughly. Then you should pour the rump with boiling water. Cook the dish for fifteen minutes. The porridge must be divided into six receptions. You can add honey to the menu (no more than three small spoons). The product of beekeeping should in no case be confused with porridge. For one day you need to drink one and a half liters of water (and more), as well as one liter of rosehip.

Such food can lead to constipation. Therefore, before you sit on this diet, it is recommended in the evening to make an enema with the goal of emptying the intestine.

One-day unloading on buckwheat

We need buckwheat (250 grams), it needs to be washed and poured with water (two glasses). Then put it on a stove, bring it to a boil, reduce the heat and pour over the porridge for another 10 minutes. Divide the buckwheat into five parts. Use every three hours. On this day you need to drink water (at least 1.5 liters).

Exercises for weight loss

How to lose weight on 1 kg per day actively? Thanks to the exercises, you will also be able to achieve the desired results. But to burn one kilogram, it will be required, for example, to ski (at the maximum rate) without rest for twelve hours. After such a deed, you will only want to rest. You can also, wrapped in a food film, give yourself a good load, for example, on a stepper. Thanks to such actions, refraining from drinking, you can become easier, and also the volumes will go away. But such a result is temporary.

Sauna and bath help lose weight

How to lose weight by 1 kg a day, without limiting yourself in nutrition? You can go to the sauna or to the bath. They are faithful assistants in the fight against excess weight. While visiting these establishments, you are actively sweating, along with then your body is leaving slags, as well as toxins. The bath has a positive effect on the body, it improves the skin condition, cellulite becomes less noticeable. After the sauna, the arrow on the scales shifts in the desired direction. In addition, your volumes also go. To see the effect, you need to spend the maximum time in the bath. But sweating more than three hours a day is dangerous to health (as doctors say).

Diuretics and laxatives

How to lose weight by 1 kg per day with medication? Help diuretics and laxatives. This method is suitable for very desperate women. If you start taking diuretics, then water will be eliminated from the body, respectively, and the weight will decrease. Do not use more pills than prescribed.

Laxatives are no less effective . Thanks to a similar medicine you are guaranteed the result - minus 1 kg per day on the scales. There are cases that it is lost and more. But because of the taking of such drugs, there can be unpleasant sensations, severe pain in the liver, pancreas. After a diuretic, dizziness, discomfort in the kidneys and bladder may appear.

Loss of 1 kg per day: expert feedback

Doctors believe that such methods have nothing to do with losing weight. Getting rid of the fluid or as much as possible emptying the intestines, you lose pounds, but fat does not go anywhere. All losses will return after you eat or drink water. Experts advise to spend once a week days of release.
As for the bath, they say that the weight will return as quickly as you lost it.
If you touch on the theme of diuretics and laxatives, experts say that uncontrolled intake of such drugs is very dangerous for the body.

A small conclusion

It should be understood that if you are really interested in effective weight loss, 1 kg per day is not the result you should expect. Since it can be achieved only by losing fluid (or feces), but not fatty tissue. And we need to get rid of the latter. Therefore, the best way to lose weight is, of course, sports and proper nutrition. Undoubtedly, the kilos will not go away so quickly, but the result will remain for a long time, unlike the result of the above diets. Such methods are suitable only for the most extreme cases.

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