
How are diamonds mined? Where do diamonds come from? Where are diamonds mined in Russia?

Perhaps a diamond is not the most expensive precious stone (for example, an emerald will cost more), but it is he who is called the king of stones, and it is to him that women are so indifferent. He is surrounded by mystery. Its cold shine fascinates. Many diamonds have "their own graveyard", because for their sake for hundreds of years people have been killing each other. The diamond fever has repeatedly covered the world. Even today, many prospectors plague themselves with questions about where the deposit of these precious stones is located, and how diamonds are mined. This is what will be discussed in this review.

Expensive minerals and products from them

The most expensive diamond in the world is the "Pink Star". It is a stone of impeccable purity! Its weight is 59.6 carats. In 2013, it was sold at an auction in Geneva for $ 74.1 million. The most expensive piece of jewelry in the world is a diamond bikini weighing 150 carats and worth $ 30 million.

Where does the extraction take place?

Where do diamonds come from? In Russia, Australia, Botswana, Congo, South Africa, Canada, Angola, etc. Production is carried out in about 25 countries around the world. But the very first diamond, which had undergone faceting, was born in the middle of the 15th century in India. Hindus were the first to learn how to turn a diamond into a diamond.

Development of the first diamond deposits

The diamond was given magical and even divine qualities. These precious stones were adorned with figurines of ancient gods. Where do diamonds come from? Monopolist in this field of activity for many centuries was India. From ancient times such stones as "Kohinur", "Shah", "Orlov" are known. They were presented to the world by Indian mines. However, the diamond placers of the country have dried up over time.

At the beginning of the XVIII century numerous deposits of precious stones found in Brazil. For the first time he showed the Brazilians how diamonds are mined and how they should look, again coming from India. The Brazilian stones are of high quality, but they are small in size. Large and quite rare. There are six most famous of them: "Star of the South", "The Star of Egypt", "The Star of Minas", "Minas Gerais", "The English Diamond of Dresden" and "President Vargas". In 1867, the first diamond was found in South Africa. And the life of many South African countries has changed dramatically, most likely, it will never be the same ...

The appearance of jewelry in the bowels of the earth

Diamond mining in Africa is in full swing. The first South African stone weighed 10.75 carats and after the cut it was named "Eureka". Deposits are of two types: indigenous (kimberlite) and secondary. All diamonds of the world are not less than 100 million years old. Then in the depths of the Earth the temperature was several times higher than now, the rocks were in a liquid state. As cooling, the minerals were exposed to enormous, monstrous pressure. During the eruption of volcanoes, magma carries diamonds from the depths of the earth - so deposits are formed, called kimberlite pipes. The first such deposit of diamondiferous ore was found in Kimberley. Hence the term "kimberlite pipe". By the middle of the 20th century, diamond mining in the world was moving at a rapid pace. Leaders were the South African countries, Brazil was in second place, and India by that time almost disappeared from the distance.

Extraction of precious stones in quarries

How are diamonds mined in quarries? A shaft is created by means of the drilling rig. It is subsequently loaded with explosives. Note that in the extraction stage, you should use sparing technologies for explosions, since a diamond can simply be destroyed, despite the legendary strength. The fragments of rocks obtained as a result of the explosions are immersed in dump trucks and exported to a specialized factory where they are processed and extracted directly by diamonds.

As the depth is reached, the diamond deposit begins to be depleted. The average depth of quarries is about 600 meters. But sometimes this parameter reaches one and a half kilometers. In order to continue the extraction of diamonds, the workers proceed to the creation of the mine. It should be noted that underground mining is more expendable. But this is the only way to get to those deposits of precious stones that are too deep.

There is no beauty in quarries with diamonds

If you believe that diamond mines mean a beautiful cave full of jewels shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, then you are deeply mistaken. In reality, there is nothing romantic in the diamond mine. And looking at the walls, even to think about the presence of diamond placers in them is impossible.

The design of mines in Russia takes place in unique conditions. In addition to permafrost, a similar process is complicated by the presence of groundwater, which can dissolve the tires of dump trucks. In addition, the extraction of diamonds in Yakutia and other mines in our country is complicated by the presence of oil manifestations. During construction, workers immediately design ventilating and air-heater units.

The extraction of diamonds in mines occurs in a standard situation due to combine harvesting. In addition, many specialists working at the site of mining precious stones are trying to foresee the possibility of using a bobbin break - the destruction of the rock by explosives, laid in specially drilled wells.

How are diamonds mined? Stages

There are several stages of diamond mining. They are as follows:

  1. Intelligence service. Can last for several years. It involves trying to find a diamond and confirm the presence of deposits of jewelry.
  2. Infrastructural stage. There is a purchase of all necessary equipment, the creation of living quarters, the acquisition of equipment, etc. If diamond mining will be carried out on the ocean floor, then use special robots equipped with electronic control. When finding diamond deposits deep in the earth, mines are created.
  3. Factory stage. Implies the creation and equipment of factories, where specialists will extract diamonds from rocks.
  4. Actually prey.

Features of rock extraction technology from rocks

How are diamonds mined? Of course, photos can tell a lot to people who are interested in this field of activity. But for you to master the information to the fullest, let's consider the process of extracting jewelry from rocks.

  1. Use of fat plants. Quite a primitive method. On the table, covered with a layer of fat, comes kimberlite along with water. As a result, water and rocks are carried away, and diamonds adhere to the surface.
  2. Application of X-ray machines. A more perfect method, because as a result of irradiation, the jewels begin to glow.
  3. Connection of electromagnetic equipment. Through this technique, diamond is separated from rocks.
  4. Application of suspension plants. Rocks are placed in a liquid having a high density. Heavy stones sink, and the diamond remains on the surface.
  5. Application of devices having a foam flotator. This method is used to extract diamond dust.

Now you have at least some idea of how diamonds are mined. The process, as you see, is very, very difficult. But many people do not even think about how much labor, time and effort it takes to put sparkling pebbles on showcases of jewelry stores, and then move to the neck, ears or fingers of secular beauties.

The first diamond deposits in Russia

In the middle of the XIX century the first small placers were found in the Urals. Russian geologists did not abandon attempts to find deposits in the North. In 1954, the first diamond tube was found in Yakutia, and six more tubes were discovered during the next three years. How are diamonds mined in Yakutia? It was about this at that time most often thought of experts. But soon the terrain became obsolete, on the map appeared the cities of Mirny and Udachny. And now the process of extraction and processing of precious stones by none of the specialists raises questions. Go ahead.

15 years after the mining of diamonds began in Yakutia, an indigenous deposit was found in Australia, and in the 90s in the north of Canada. But Africa still holds the leading positions in production. The diamonds of Botswana, South Africa and Congo account for more than 45% of the global precious stones market.

Only decoration?

Interestingly, the countries that produce diamonds, more than 80% of all jewelry is not used to sell or create jewelry. These stones are indispensable in industry, since they have a hardness of 10 points on the Moss scale. Diamond is considered to be the hardest stone on the planet. However, a mineral was found, which is 58% harder. It's lonsdale.

Laboratory diamond mining

The question of where diamonds are mined would not be fully illuminated if we only mentioned mines and the ocean floor. It turns out that specialists have learned to create diamonds in a laboratory way. Studies on the cultivation of jewelry in the laboratory began in the 40's, and were crowned with success in 1953. The question of how to extract diamonds under laboratory conditions was resolved. It's about HPHT- or CVD-diamonds. HPHT stands for high pressure and temperature, and CVD is chemical vapor deposition. These stones are called synthetic, which is not entirely correct, because they do not imitate the natural mineral, but are absolutely authentic. It should be noted that about 97% of the stones used in industry are laboratory. By the way, a diamond is just one of seven ways of diamond cutting.

And one moment. The concepts of "artificial diamond" and "diamond substitute" are often confused. Substitutes yield in strength, but they also shine, although they do not play in the sun like natural or artificial gems. The most famous substitutes are mussanite and fianit. Products with similar "jewels" on a pocket practically all.

Diamonds - only for married people!

According to ancient belief, diamonds possess magical power. True, the magic abilities of a diamond are revealed only if the owner possesses a strong, strong-willed character. Not without reason it is called a stone of kings! Particularly strong is the diamond that is inherited from generation to generation. Such jewelry in any case can not be sold, because you can bring trouble. Brilliant brings good luck, wealth, protects from negative feelings, anger and sadness. It is interesting that it can not be worn by unmarried women - this may prevent you from meeting your chosen one. It is believed that such jewelry is designed exclusively for married ladies of elegant age. And the wearing of diamonds by young girls is a bad taste.

When do you need to wear diamonds?

According to the old belief, the gifted diamond must be faithful to the giver. And again there is a parallel with modernity: although "the best friends of girls are diamonds", some adhere to the cute old-fashioned opinion that it is only from very close men who accept such gifts decently. It's either the groom or the husband. You need to wear a diamond when there is a sense of happiness. The stone will "remember" this moment, prolong the feeling of joy of life. The same happens with negative emotions. Diamonds bring happiness to the honest and pure, like the stone itself, to people. However, all these nuances still have not scared off anyone. And hardly anyone will think about whether a stone suits him or not when he sees it.

We hope that after reading this article, you understand how and where diamonds are mined in Russia and in other countries of the world. Easy process this process can not be called.

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