Food and drinkCooking tips

How and how much to cook the tongue?

Beef or pork tongue can become a crown dish of any hostess's festive table, if properly cooked. And you can just pamper yourself at home with this delicate delicacy, which, moreover, is very useful. To do this, it is worth knowing how and how much to cook the language.

It is widely believed that the longer this product is brewed, the better, however this is misleading. Much depends on the type of meat and the age of the animal. So, for a veal tongue it's enough an hour and a half, beef will be cooked up to three hours, and a pork - about two. Here it is necessary for half an hour before the expiration of this time to pierce the byproduct with a fork or a sharp knife, if it comes in easily - it means that it is already ready.

Know how much to boil the tongue, it is necessary, because if it is not to be cooked, it will be tough to taste, and to digest - it can crumble and fall apart.

If a beef product is taken, it is first washed well under running water, slightly scraped with a knife to remove the mucus. On the fire put a saucepan with cold water, when it boils, it adds salt (2 tablespoons to 5 liters) and bay leaf. Put the tongue here and cook on medium heat for about 2 hours. If the foam appears, as in the cooking of ordinary meat, it is removed by a noise. After that, the product is taken and for 1 minute it is immersed in a container with cold water (you can even add a few pieces of ice). Now the upper skin should be cleaned well, which is removed. After that, the by-product can be put into the broth, where it is cooked with carrots, spices, and roots. How much to cook the tongue here - at the discretion of the cooking, but, more often, enough 15 minutes.

The welded product can be simply cut, and it is possible to make pate from it (having scrolled through a meat grinder, adding an egg and mayonnaise) or add it to a salad.

If we talk about how and how much to cook a pig's tongue, then here too everything depends on the size and method of preparation. You can make a jellied out of this product. To do this, the tongue is first soaked for 2-3 hours. Next, it is transferred to a pan, poured with boiling water and placed on a stove. After boiling, the fire decreases, put salt, spices, bay leaf. The dish is prepared 2,5-3 hours. After that, the tongue is pulled out, dipped in cold water, cleared of the skin. Then it is cut into thin pieces, which are laid out on small bowls. The broth is filtered, it is put in the gelatin soaked in advance and chopped garlic. They poured meat. The dish is decorated with greens and circles of boiled eggs.

If there is any doubt about how much you can cook the pig's tongue, you should orient yourself on the average time, which is about 2 hours. When this part of the young piglet is used, it may well be 1.5 hours. To cut a dish is better chilled, as in a warm form it can fall apart into sloppy slices.

Much better taste will help to add spices and roots when cooking. Most often, carrots, onions, celery are used here. They are added to the broth half an hour after boiling, washed and peeled, but in a general way. After 40 minutes they should be taken out with a noise. Carrots can then be cut and served with an already prepared dish.

Knowing how much to cook the tongue so that it turned out to be moderately soft, but did not fall apart, you can prepare with it delicious and various salads, which, no doubt, will be successful with those who try them. So, one of the recipes can be the following.

Fresh cucumber and boiled eggs are cut into small pieces, like boiled tongue. Cheese rubs on a medium grater. All ingredients are mixed, seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. The salad is served on the table sprinkled with herbs. You can also mix boiled tongue, green peas, pieces of boiled carrots and potatoes. Garlic-mayonnaise sauce is used for dressing.

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