Food and drinkCooking tips

How to cook a catfish delicious?

At home, few people cook. However, at least once you try a dish from this fish, you want to implement new recipes. Many of the dishes are festive. However, how to cook a catfish depends entirely on the hostess: her abilities, desires and skills. A ready-made dish will not only decorate the table, but will surprise all guests.

How to cook a catfish in Russian

A very satisfying recipe is offered by Russian chefs. It will require:

  • Som (approximately 800 g);
  • Several potatoes (4-5 pieces);
  • Cheese is hard (about 30 g);
  • The same amount of butter;
  • 50 g of ordinary mayonnaise;
  • Spices (basic).

Pieces of fish must be freed from pits, spiced and put on a pan, which must already be lubricated with oil. On top of the catfish are laid thin potato slices. All this is filled with mayonnaise and carefully sprinkled with grated cheese. In a frying pan put another slice of butter and pour a quarter of a glass of water. In this form, the dish gets into the oven, where it is baked until cooked. The dish turns out not only fragrant, but also gentle on taste.

How to cook catfish in sour cream

A catfish carcass is obtained if it is baked in an oven with sour cream. You need to prepare ingredients such as:

  • Fish fillets (about a kilogram);
  • 250 g of sour cream;
  • 3 onions;
  • Half a cup of flour;
  • A spoonful of butter (necessarily creamy);
  • spice.

To begin with, the fillet is cut into separate pieces that are salted and then peppered. Fish are floundered in flour and sent to roast in vegetable oil. As soon as the pieces acquire a golden hue, they are put directly on the baking tray, and then poured with sour cream.

Separately chop the onions and fry in vegetable oil. The fish is sprinkled with the received onions. The whole dish is put in the oven, where half an hour languishing. In this case, almost all the sour cream should boil away, and the fragrant fish will remain.

Salad of catfish

Prepare a catfish can not only in the form of a second dish. A salad made from this fish is also excellent. Ingredients will require potatoes (about 200g), catfish fillets (0.5kg), 2 large onions, lemon, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, a third of a glass of vegetable oil, 4 eggs, a laurel and special seasonings for fish.

Catfish are boiled in water with the addition of vinegar, laurushka and salt. After that, the fish are cooled and separated from all the bones. In another saucepan, boil potatoes, which are then crushed into cubes. Onions are cut into half rings and fried.

Potatoes, onions, pieces of boiled catfish and chopped boiled eggs to mix. From above it is necessary to squeeze out the lemon juice. The entire mixture is poured with a small amount of the remaining oil. All spread in a beautiful dish, and sprinkle with chopped greens. Salad ready!

How to cook a catfish

Fish shish kebab is a great thing. It can be made from a catfish. Only the fish for this should be prepared in advance. Pieces should be large, about with a fist. Just do not need to remove the skin from the catfish

The chopped fish is put in a container. There add salt, a laurel, a pepper, and then squeeze a whole lemon on top. All this is mixed and left for half an hour. Then you can put the fish on the skewers and send it to the brazier.

"Walnut" catfish

You need a lot of patience to treat your household with such a dish as catfish in nuts. For preparation it is required:

  • Som;
  • flour;
  • Oil (necessarily vegetable);
  • 2 eggs;
  • lemon;
  • parsley;
  • Salt and pepper.

For the sauce you need to take a glass of nuts, half a slice of bread, 5 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of oil (sunflower) and the same amount of vinegar.

Fish should be cut into thin pieces (about 2 cm thick), salt and pepper. In this form, the catfish should lie for about 20-25 minutes. Only then it is roasted in oil until ready. Pieces must be laid out on a beautiful dish, sprinkle with chopped parsley and pour lemon juice.

The sauce is prepared separately. To do this, all the nuts are carefully interpreted. There is added soaked bread, squeezed garlic, vinegar and butter. All this is mixed and diluted with warm water. The resulting sauce is thoroughly beaten and served with fish.

How to cook a catfish is the business of every particular hostess. However, it is ideal for fish salads and fragrant shish kebabs. And the second dishes from this fish are obtained simply by licking your fingers!

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