
Health & We

The Japanese believe that there is only one cause of all diseases - this is ignorance, and from it comes three particular causes: passion, anger and greed that act on the body as a poison. There are also five kinds of gloom: envy, delusion, hesitation, laziness and mistrust. Everything else is their consequence.

All this tells us that the soul needs to be purified by love, suffering, prayer, confession, so that hatred, anger and an aggressive attitude come out of it.

The main thing for a person should be divine love, formed not by Fear, but with a conscious appreciation of the greatness of Love. Love in relation to God must be indispensable, and it will become so, if a person really knows Him, there is no other way. One must agree with the idea that it is necessary to take a step towards development, to our program, to strive to know the divine essence, to limit one's desires and pleasures, and health will arise without any effort, since many diseases are treated with benevolence, such as diseases of the gastrointestinal Tract or eye, which in particular are treated with friendliness.

It is impossible to eliminate any disease until the cause is eliminated, and in order to eliminate the cause, one must first find it. This means that in order to cure any disease, it is necessary to identify what negative qualities are rooted in a person.

About the causes of some diseases you can learn in the rezale

The influence of the external world, human relationships, everyday issues and tasks awakens feelings of a different kind in a person. One sense gives a person satisfaction, the other causes him trouble, but his spiritual life is not limited to this, they are joined by two other forces: imagination and will. Man by imagination creates images and. Thoughts, and by force of will he can influence the external world, suppress it, change its program and activities.


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