
Futer cloth, what is it?

The name "footer" is defined by the interweaving of threads in the canvas. Futer - cloth. What is it? Lined weave is obtained by embedding futter thread from the wrong side into the fabric. Such threads do not form loops, but are fastened to the web by broaches, as a result, an invoice appears on the wrong side, and then, after an additional technological process, This makes the thin footer warm, does not allow the passage of wind. Especially practical for working in the air in the cool season of footer fabric.

What is this in terms of quality? Futer is a knitted fabric made from cotton. At the top it is smooth, but inside can be with a fleece. This is the main feature that footer-fabric has.

What is it, what other advantages do the tissues have? This is excellent heat protection, it keeps shape well and is wear-resistant. In addition, it has the following properties:

1. It well passes air (breathes), since it is made of cotton.

2. Hypoallergenic.

3. The density of the canvas is different, 190 - 210 gr.m.2, some companies supply with a surface density of 240 - 360 gr.m2.

4. Resistant to the appearance of pellets and puffs.

The composition of modern products can include not only a footer, but also additives: viscose, polyester, lycra. They do not allow them to burn out, stretch, the products become stronger. Previously, natural materials were used, most of the time, most of clothing is made using mixed and synthetic fabrics, manufactured using modern technologies.

Such additives are needed to improve quality and consumer demand. For example, lycra is a soft, well-stretched, holding shape, thin and flexible fiber. It is designed specifically for athletes and energetic people involved in sports. Provides a sense of coolness and comfort throughout the day. Fabric footer with lycra is more wear-resistant, the products become elastic, their life is prolonged .


Futer cloth - what is it and why is it better to use it? It is used for sewing spectacular and elegant things for kids: sliders, overalls, raspashonok - because its composition is natural. For older children: panties, blouses, bright colored dresses. Futer can be monophonic and stuffed. For adults, linen, warm suits and dressing gowns are sewn.

His use he found in the manufacture of outerwear: hoodies made of dense footer, home and sportswear. Home clothes - soft suits, pajamas, from a denser fiber - sweaters, jackets.

Widely used material for the production of sportswear. The fabric is quite strong, it does not break with loads during physical exercises, it can withstand even the most intense movements. Comfortable clothes allow you to move freely. For fitness and aerobics use a fabric with a lycra. Advantages are good air exchange (tissue breathes) and moisture absorption (the fabric absorbs sweat well). So many active people prefer to buy a fabric with a lycra, which is used to produce clothing for extreme sports, for outdoor activities and tourism. When choosing warm and sportive updates or outfits for children, you should pay attention to this material. Buy a fabric footer simply, the choice is great, and the price is quite affordable.

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