
Form-forming particles in Russian

The Russian language is very complex and includes a huge number of words. As a rule, all these philologists divide into ten groups-parts of speech, each of which has its own characteristic features that distinguish it from the others. This division allows, to some extent, to systematize the language. In the main group, in turn, there are two more subgroups: official and independent parts of speech. The official words in Russian include alliances and particles: one of the types of the latter will be discussed in the article.

Particles are the service parts of speech, used to give extra meaning to the sentence and form new grammatical forms of the word. All particles are divided into two types: form-forming and semantic.

Form-forming particles are part of the verbal form of one of two moods: conditional and imperative. The verbal conditional mood is formed with the help of the particle "would" ("b") and bears in itself the meaning of the action, the fulfillment of which was possible in the past or will be possible in the future. In the formation of the form of the conditional mood , no other shaping particles participate. Examples of verbs: would have gone, would have done, allotment , etc.

The imperative mood gives the verb a meaningful connotation of motivation for action, command. Form-forming particles entering into the form of this inclination: yes, let's (let's), let it be. Examples of verbs in the imperative mood: let's go, let him do it, let him go , etc. The particle "yes" should not be confused with the connecting and adversive unions "yes." Compare: yes, speak; Speak, but do not be shy.

In addition to verbs, the formative particles affect the forms of adjectives and adverbs, forming their comparative degrees. To this type belong particles: more, less, most. Examples of adjectives and adverbs in comparative and excellent degrees: more beautiful, less clear, the best , etc.

Form-forming particles correspond to the same grammatical features as all words related to this part of speech: their form does not change, they are not members of the sentence (the particles of the type considered in the article can be considered constituent parts of verbs whose inclination they change).

The following are sentences with forming particles, demonstrating examples of their use. I would not go there for anything in the world. She would do anything. I would say that I think about it, but I better refrain. Yes, do that want to. But tell him that he is wrong. Let's go to the lake on Sunday. Let's spend the evening in the theater. Let's first discuss the situation and only then decide what to do. Let him explain his behavior. Let her solve her problems herself. Let him do something useful. Let him say everything that is on his mind. This is the most wonderful gift I've ever received. You are the most disgusting person in the world. He is more successful than his neighbor. This city is much dirtier than my own. This restaurant serves less salty food. I would like to meet someone less narcissistic.

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