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Flag and the coat of arms of Kaluga Region

It is impossible to contain all the accumulated knowledge of heraldic symbols in one article. Their study deals with heraldry. This science originated in ancient times. Its main purpose was to determine the status of a person. There are many books, works devoted to deciphering the heraldic language.

In this article we will talk about the modern aspect of the use of heraldry. Today, many regions and cities of the Russian state have retained the attributes that have been formed historically. One of these regions is the Kaluga Region. The flag and the emblem of the cities of the Kaluga region is the topic of our article, which we offer readers.

History Facts

The emblem of the Kaluga province is based on the modern coat of arms, which was approved by the emperor Alexander II at the end of the 19th century. Prior to this important historical event, its function was fulfilled by the emblem, which was approved a hundred years ago by the Empress Catherine II.

The Kaluga coat of arms was first used for the Kaluga province, and then for the Kaluga province until the events of 1917. With the advent of Soviet power, this attribute could no longer be used. This was due not only to the use of imperial symbols in it. The region itself did not exist until the 1950s. Fifty years later, the Charter of the region was adopted, which enshrined the legal right to have the flag and the coat of arms of the Kaluga region.

The meaning of heraldic attributes

No modern state can exist without its own heraldic attributes, which are considered the main sign of difference. They play an important role in the state, they combine the characteristics of each country, its spirit. According to Russian legislation, all regions have their own heraldic symbols.

Each region has its own coat of arms and a flag. These heraldic symbols have a certain meaning. Each element of the composition has its own meaning, which speaks about the peculiarities of this unique land.

Description of the coat of arms

One of the most important heraldic symbols is the coat of arms, which is both complex and concise. The emblem carries a certain semantic load. It reflects important historical events of any state, region, region.

For your information:

Originally each family name had its own coat of arms, which was placed on the shield. This is a tribute to chivalry. Today it is the prerogative of the state.

The coat of arms of the Kaluga region is a unique work of art. The authors of the sketch of this heraldic symbol used several precious metals and paints, but the attribute looks great.

The coat of arms of Kaluga and Kaluga region consists of the following elements:

  1. The French shield, intersected by a turquoise line, on which is located a large imperial crown.
  2. The second image of the Great Imperial Crown, supplemented by St. Andrew's ribbon.
  3. A golden oak wreath with acorns, wrapped in a St. Andrew's ribbon with a massive bow.

Each symbol has its own special meaning. The imperial crown recalls those times when the region was the Kaluga province. The green French shield means hope and freedom. Acorns symbolize well-being, well-being, development.

Golden leaves personify wealth, longevity. Andreevsky tape is associated with a victory over external enemies. Her turquoise color speaks of loyalty and honesty. The horizontal bronze line points to the famous river Oka. This is the meaning of the coat of arms of the Kaluga region (photo below).

Description of the flag

At all times in all countries there were signs through which people communicated with each other. They showed belonging to certain nations, associations. This is the flag.

For your information:

The history of the flag began from ancient times. The first heraldic symbols were banners, which denoted belonging to a particular tribe. They looked different. Each banner embodies the whereabouts of the leader, the center of the army.

Today the flag is a shrine of any state, region. No important event, including sports, occurs without the use of this heraldic symbol. Aesthetic appearance, tolerance to weather conditions made it a popular attribute of advertising and political agitation. Flags began to enter the composition of different interior. They are willingly hung out on the walls, put in cabinets, etc. They serve as decoration of streets, parks, squares.

The flag of the Kaluga region is considered one of the main official heraldic symbols. It is a neat, rectangular panel of several horizontal stripes: a green lower band, a bronze middle band, a red upper band.

Each shade has its own meaning and interpretation. Red color symbolizes courage, heroism, courage. Bronze is identified with nobility, mutual respect. Green is associated with hope, abundance. On the red strip depicts a large imperial crown. The ratio of length to width is 2: 3.

Interesting Facts

For readers of this article it will be interesting to know the following facts:

  • Make a modern coat of arms is very difficult, each color, pattern, stroke have their value.
  • Under the legislation of 2003, the arms of the cities of the Kaluga region should be used only by municipal bodies, and the city can only wear an emblem.
  • The current coat of arms of the Kaluga region sustained the following changes: the crown was repainted in yellow; Removed the ears around the coat of arms, intertwined with Alexander's ribbon. The remaining elements of the composition remained untouched and survived to the present day.


Studying history, any person encounters the heraldic attributes of different countries, cities, estates, clans. In ancient times, these heraldic symbols showed the social and material status of their owner, were a sign of difference, passed down from generation to generation.

With the advent of these heraldic symbols, science arose, which at present has lost its original meaning. This is a discipline that deals with the study of arms, emblems, flags and other distinctive signs. The flag and the coat of arms of the Kaluga region have been formed historically and are of great interest for science.

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