LawState and Law

Commissioning of an item of fixed assets

In order to keep records of fixed assets, in particular buildings, houses and other structures, it is necessary to commission these facilities. In this case, this procedure is subject to all kinds of real estate, machinery, equipment and so on.

The document, according to which the fixed assets are put into operation, is the permission to put the facility into operation. It is this act that recognizes that the building, structure, shop or hull of the plant meets all specifications and is ready for use. This document is applied after construction from scratch, modernization or reconstruction, a complete overhaul of the facility. You can get this form from the local department of town planning and architecture. To do this, you must provide a written application and all necessary supporting documents.

In order to become the owner of the permission to commission the OS it is planned to collect the following forms:

1. Documents confirming the rights of the owner of the land.

2. The plan of this land plot, approved by the town planning committee.

3. A permit issued by the authorized body for the construction / reconstruction of a building or premises.

4. An act for the acceptance of an object subjected to major repair (in the event that the modification was carried out on the basis of a contract).

5. The document, documented by experts, fully confirming the compliance of the asset with the requirements of regulatory, technical and other standards.

6. Blank, according to which it can be argued that the work was carried out in full accordance with the project plans.

7. Diagram of the location of the altered (repaired, constructed) object, its engineering networks and communications.

8. Explanatory note.

9. Protective fire-fighting measures.

10. Activities describing actions to protect the environment.

11. Other documents.

Permission for commissioning of the facility lists all the provisions and standards according to which construction or modification of the fixed asset should be carried out. This document also allows you to confirm and legally formalize the right to own this object. Thanks to the permission, the building is connected to the communication networks.

Commissioning of equipment usually almost always implies the presence of another document - an act. This paper specifies: the date of introduction of the fixed asset into use, the physical address where the building, building or house is located, the necessary operating conditions are listed, as well as other significant items.

This act may be an annex to the main document - a contract for the provision and provision of services. Also, the main form can be another paper. So, the supply contract or another contract also carries out commissioning of equipment. The act directly depends on the category and the end uses of the object. It can contain a variety of technical characteristics, qualitative descriptions, having a huge impact on the implementation of future uninterrupted equipment operation. At the same time, the main point taken into account in the act is information on the compliance of the facility with all possible fire safety standards, as well as other requirements and state standards.

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