Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Egg diet for 4 weeks: detailed menu (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

One of the popular ways to lose weight these days is an egg diet for 4 weeks, a detailed description of which you will find in this article. But this option will require careful preparation for it and observe strict discipline at the same time.

Schedule such an event in advance. The month chosen for the diet should be free from any serious physical or mental tests and long trips. This is due to the fact that, like any diet, the offered by us gives the body a considerable load. If the recommendations on nutrition are violated, the efforts expended are not fated to bring results.

What is the essence of the egg diet?

As the name suggests, it is based on the reception of eggs as food. Nutritionists tacitly consider it to be among the most balanced. Because of this (provided that the regime is observed correctly), the use of additional minerals and vitamins is not required. That is, the chosen food option does not belong to mono-diets. Since the menu contains a lot of low-calorie fruit, sometimes it is called "egg-orange diet for 4 weeks."

Traditionally, eggs belong to products that are digested with difficulty. There are even suggestions of their harmfulness to the human body. In fact, this is a delusion. The importance of the adopted diet and the observed regime in human life can not be overestimated.

The ease or complexity of digestibility depends on how the products were prepared. The stomach most easily accepts those eggs that we eat hard-boiled. That is why the yolk of such an egg is the traditional lure of the baby in the first year (after teething).

Another argument of opponents of this approach is the allegedly increased caloric content of a product such as eggs. But this is also a mistake. Egg of medium size contains no more than 100 kcal. The lion's share is in the yolk - in fact it serves as the real storehouse of useful nutrients.

Despite the low caloric value, the value of such a product as eggs, is not questioned. They perfectly satisfy hunger and serve as a complete protein food. If breakfast is made up of eggs, you can eat and eat a lot less food. Below is a description of the egg diet for 4 weeks with a detailed menu.

What can we expect

Some nutritionists believe that for successful weight loss, you should definitely use them in the morning. Of course, no one will argue with the fact that egg yolks and proteins are just a storehouse of all the substances necessary to the body (from most existing vitamins to a wide range of trace elements).

If the egg diet is observed, a sharp decrease in weight is expected during the first two weeks. The other half of the term is intended to consolidate what has been achieved. As already mentioned, the egg diet for weight loss is calculated for 4 weeks, and it is recommended to resort to it no more often than once a year.

It is based on chicken eggs in combination with food of vegetable origin (low in carbohydrates and protein). That is, in the egg diet for 4 weeks - fruits and a lot of vegetables. According to various sources, you can lose weight up to 25 kilograms. It depends on its initial figure.

And what to fear

Of course, there are contraindications in the form of kidney or liver disease or allergy. This diet is not suitable for breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women.

You should also remember about sanitary measures. After all, eggs are not a product that is subjected to careful pretreatment. First of all, get them right. Discard the purchase if the shell is damaged or stained with chicken litter.

Store them in accordance with the dates indicated on the packaging, apart from dairy products, and do not forget to wash before cooking. And the cooking time should not be shorter than 5 minutes. And refrain from buying eggs that are not labeled with the stamp of a veterinarian.

Additional points

If you follow the egg diet for 4 weeks, a detailed menu - not all. The success of the process and the reliable consolidation of the result contributes to the feasible physical load. Weight control should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. Lunch, dinner and breakfast are not allowed to change places. Watch for drinking regimen. You can use spices, but you can not - butter and vegetable fat.

Under the ban and alcohol due to its high calorie content. Coffee and tea are allowed only without sugar. The very name of the "egg-orange diet for 4 weeks" refers to the use of only those fruits and vegetables that do not contain a lot of calories. Avoid bananas, figs and grapes, and from vegetables - potatoes.

On the pros and cons

The main advantages of the egg diet: the taste of chicken eggs, as a rule, is pleasant and familiar to everyone. In addition, this product has quite democratic prices. Cooking dishes from eggs can be in a variety of options, which makes the menu a certain variety. The process of culinary processing can not be called a long or particularly difficult.

Contained in eggs, protein along with calcium significantly improves the condition of nails, skin and hair. With such a diet you do not have to give up training - any of the fitness trainers will tell you about the benefits of protein nutrition.

Negative points: carbohydrates in food with a diet will be in a certain deficit, which is fraught with headaches, problems with digestion and, possibly, an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Egg Diet for 4 weeks: detailed menu for each of the days

Let's look at what exactly nutritionists have devised for these 4 weeks.

For each week, breakfast is two eggs and a half grapefruit (alternatively, a large orange). That is, in the mornings we eat quite monotonously. That's why it is sometimes called "egg-grapefruit diet for 4 weeks." And below we will look in detail the composition of each lunch and dinner.

Week One

It is most difficult to transfer it, because the organism is in the process of adapting to an unusual food regime. Here is an approximate layout for the days of the week.

On Monday, for breakfast, any dish is prepared from the already mentioned pair of eggs. In addition to the hard-boiled version, you can make an omelette in a bag or steam, and also cook poached eggs. Lunch is the so-called monofruit. That is, only a certain kind of fruit is allowed - pears or apples. The number is unlimited.

Do not forget that figs, bananas and grapes are banned. For dinner, prepare yourself a small piece of meat (low-fat). It should be baked with spices or cooked on a grill or steamed.

Tuesday. Breakfast, as mentioned above, is the same. Lunch consists of a slice of turkey meat or chicken without skin, baked in a sleeve or grilled. For dinner, some variety is provided - boiled vegetables or processed with heat, for example - tomatoes, grilled (or zucchini, or pepper), something from a pair of eggs and one fruit from the number of citrus, having an average size.

On Wednesday, have lunch with a medium-sized tomato, fry yourself a toast with low-fat cheese. Cheese sandwich is convenient to cook in the microwave. At maximum power, set the timer for 15 seconds, and ready - the cheese on the bread will perfectly melt. You can have supper with a piece of boiled meat.

On Thursday, lunch is similar to what was served on Monday. That is, we will eat only one type of fruit. Dinner on this day is also not too rich - a little boiled meat, accompanied by lettuce leaves.

On Friday, cooked vegetables are served for lunch with an addition of a pair of eggs. They are prepared hard-boiled and crushed into the resulting mixture. As a dinner, a fish with a side dish of salad or sea kale, and an orange will serve as dessert.

On Saturday, lunch can also be made fruit, but try to choose something different from Monday and Thursday. For dinner, cook a turkey on your grill.

Sunday lunch is presented with a baked or boiled chicken with a garnish of vegetables. Supper with a light salad of fruit without any refueling.

Second week

On Monday, cook meat for lunch (but do not fry) with cabbage or vegetable garnish. We dine with grapefruit, any dish from eggs and salad from tomatoes and cucumbers.

On Tuesday, we have lunch with low-fat meat with a couple of tomatoes. We are having supper with a steam omelette with the addition of zucchini. As a dessert - an apple or an orange.

On Wednesday, lunch should consist of meat, supplement - a fresh salad (cucumbers and tomatoes). For dinner, we prepare ourselves a toast of low-fat cheese, egg dishes and grapefruit dessert.

On Thursday, in the lunch menu, granulated cottage cheese, a steam omelet and boiled vegetables are added. For dinner - poultry meat, two soft-boiled eggs and an orange.

On Friday, we have lunch with baked meat with tomatoes and have dinner with grapefruit and poached egg.

On Saturday, lunch the same as on Thursday or Friday - to choose from. We dine with a light fruit salad without any refueling.

A Sunday afternoon meal consists of a chicken cooked in the oven or on a grate with a garnish of vegetables. We eat the same for dinner.

Let's go to the third week

The role of eggs is gradually decreasing. These products are allowed to use in an arbitrary amount. So Monday is a fruit day. Under the ban, only carbohydrates (already listed bananas, figs and grapes).

Tuesday is a vegetable day, but potatoes should be avoided. Vegetables are cooked in a multivark or a couple.

Thursday is a fish day. The fish boil, it is possible to make a light meal. You can supplement it with cabbage.

Friday is devoted to meat, of course, low-fat variety. You can accompany it with vegetables.

All remaining days we adhere to a diet from one kind of fruit in unlimited quantity.

And here is week four

Its main rule is a smooth transition to food diversity. These products are allowed to eat with any consistency, adhering to only volume restrictions.

So, let's begin. On Monday, the menu for the day includes four pieces of chicken or beef meat, each weighing about 75 grams, a can of canned fish, a couple of tomatoes, three cucumbers, some raw cabbage, a slice of bread and one orange.

On Tuesday and for lunch and dinner - boiled meat (or steamed) - about 200 grams, tomatoes in the number of several pieces, three cucumbers and half-packs of grainy cottage cheese (about 50 g), a slice of bread and an orange are still allowed.

Wednesday is devoted to boiled vegetables (amount - 400 g). In addition, we eat a couple of tomatoes and a couple of cucumbers, half a cup of cottage cheese, a slice of bread and grapefruit.

On Thursday it is allowed to use half a small chicken, three or four tomatoes and one orange. A similar menu can be made for yourself and for all the remaining days of the week.

Indulge yourself, for example on Saturday, boiled chicken fillet and a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes without refueling. The complement will serve kefir, cottage cheese (1 packet) and orange.

On Sunday, you can again eat a can of canned tuna, and also afford a spoonful of cottage cheese, a small amount of bread and the same grapefruit.

Recipes in the theme

And now we offer you some simple recipes for those dishes that you can eat while observing an egg diet. One of them is meat in foil. Stock up with veal fillet, a young medium-sized carrot, one or two cloves of garlic, greens (parsley, onion, basil) and the spices that are customary for your taste.

Meat is cut with a knife, and the cuts must be narrow and deep. There are laid garlic with carrots, then the whole piece is salted and peppered. On the leaf of the foil lays green, and on top - a prepared piece of meat. Everything is tightly wrapped and placed in a preheated oven for 200 degrees for an hour.

Omelette with steamed vegetables

It will take him a couple of eggs, about 300 grams of vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli) and, of course, spices. First of all, we prepare the vegetable mix using a multivark or a steamer. Then everything is poured with the egg mixture prepared for the omelette and for another quarter of an hour it is brought to full readiness.

Cooking vegetables on the grill

Ingredients in the form of any vegetables (for example, eggplants, tomatoes, etc.), mine, cut and cook for 40 minutes in the oven on the grate at the same temperature. At this time, we press garlic, mix it with spices. Refuel from the garlic mixture add to the ready-made vegetables.

Salad of chicken and vegetables

Boil the chicken meat in the amount of 200 grams. Take, in addition, carrots, one egg and a quarter cans of green peas, as well as half onions and your favorite spices. Carrots and eggs are boiled, crumbled with meat and onions, everything is mixed with the addition of green peas.

The correct way out of the diet

If you break the egg diet, the pounds will almost certainly return to their usual places. In addition, these rules need to know in order to prevent diseases of the digestive tract. Here are the most important of them:

  • Boiled vegetables are gradually replaced with fresh, the volume of fish and meat products after that slowly increases.
  • Then carbohydrates are introduced into the diet, preferably, complex ones.
  • Without exercise, the diet is ineffective, but they should be moderate.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime requires the use of at least one and a half liters of liquid daily.
  • Meals are best divided into many small (up to 6 times), the last - about 3 hours before going to bed.

They leave the diet most often during a period of time equal to one or two weeks. Recommendations of dieticians should be followed in the future, so that the results do not stop you happy.

Egg diet for 4 weeks: detailed menu in the table

Many readers are used to receiving information in a structured form - so it is easier for them to use it. Especially for such lovers, we tried to streamline and such a topic as our egg diet for 4 weeks. The detailed menu in the table below will help you quickly navigate with daily cooking.

What achievements can you expect?

The results of the egg diet, for 4 weeks calculated, largely depend on the severity of compliance with the regime and the initial weight of those who lose weight. It is believed that with careful adherence to the rules, it is possible to lose weight up to 20 kilograms.

People often share reviews about a variety of products and services, not an exception and the diet in question. Among them there are both laudatory and negative. Those who managed to lose weight actively recommend this option to a wide range, give figures of their own initial weight and rules, thanks to which an impressive result (up to 20 and even 30 kilos dropped) will be achieved. "Testers" diet are advised to take additional vitamins and visit the sauna or sauna.

Of course, a lot of negative reviews. Those who did not manage to lose weight with the help of the egg diet, they are also left. But it should be remembered that there is no absolutely effective for all method.

Doctors, dietitians to this method of weight loss are treated with sufficient respect. A protein-based egg diet for 4 weeks, with a detailed menu of which you are now familiar, gives the body everything you need for a normal life and productive work. It should only be remembered that it is not a panacea for all ills - for a normal weight loss the approach should be comprehensive.

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