Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Diet "Blyudechko": the basic principles

According to experts, the problem of excess weight in many people at the moment lies in the habit of overeating. Indeed, most often the reason lies not only in the quality of food, but also in its quantity. Taking this fact into consideration, nutritionists have developed a special dietary scheme, which is popularly known as the "Blyudechko" diet. In this case, it becomes possible not to limit the composition of your diet, but lose weight. Let's talk in more detail about the basic principles of this food system.

Priority rules

From the name it becomes clear that the most basic measure of the daily diet is the most common saucer. It is noteworthy that its diameter should not exceed 10 centimeters. Diet "Blyudechko" recommends for one meal to eat no more than fit on this plate (of course, without a slide). Thus, in a week you will get used to such a fractional food, which, in turn, will give positive results in just a week. It is allowed to have 5-7 meals per day, between which there should be about two hours. As for liquid food, in this case the standard is the most ordinary glass.


First of all, thanks to such a diet as the "Blyudechko" diet, you will learn fractional nutrition. It is known to have a beneficial effect on our metabolism. The fact is that frequent nutrition promotes the development of rapid metabolism. On the other hand, the diet "Blyudechko" does not limit the diet, that is, absolutely any products are allowed. According to experts, the rate of weight loss in this case is about 500-1000 grams per week, which is the most comfortable condition for our body (the skin will not become flabby, there will not be stretch marks, etc.).


Of course, such a diet has a number of its shortcomings. For example, you will always have to carry containers of food with you, as there is every two hours.

Diet "Plate": the menu

Specialists strongly recommend the first five days to choose a transition menu. In this case, the diet is relatively strict and lean, but after a week, you can go to the usual products. Example:

  • black coffee;
  • Vegetable salad from cabbage, carrots and beets, seasoned with lemon juice;
  • Great fruit to choose from;
  • Boiled fish / meat (not more than 100 grams);
  • Egg or a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • vegetable salad;
  • Dried fruits (no more than 10 pieces);
  • A glass of kefir;

Diet "Blyudechko": the results

Eating according to the scheme proposed in this article, in just a week you will feel the first results. If you need to throw no more than five kilograms, then one month will be enough. Otherwise, a more rigid framework will be required. So, to achieve the desired effect, experts strongly recommend that you still limit the consumption of harmful food, carbonated drinks and so-called fast food. In addition, an excellent addition is considered to be sports or even the most common charging. It is not necessary to rape your body for hours in the gym, it is enough and frequent hiking.

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