
"Male happiness" (flower). How to take care of this miracle so that it brings good luck?

It is so destined by nature that everything must have a pair. Here and at the plant spathiphyllum, nicknamed in the people "Women's happiness", there is a couple - anthurium, or "Man's happiness" (flower). How to care for this plant, so that it became an ornament of the interior for a long time, and the owner of the house brought happiness and luck?

"Male happiness" - southern exotica on your windowsill

Anthurium - an evergreen plant with large, capable of reaching 40 cm in length leaves. Elastic, saturated green, heart-shaped or arrow-shaped, they are fixed on long solid petioles. Inflorescences have an original shape and coloring: the cob of a yellow, pink or cream shade, surrounded by a luxurious veil of bright red color - this is a flower unusual in the plant "Man's Happiness". How to care for him you will be, with great attention and care or limited only by timely watering - and so the anthurium will respond with its appearance. With due care, the adult plant can reach 80 cm in height and 50 cm in diameter and delight with its luxurious flowers all year round. Like all tropical plants, "Men's Happiness" requires the creation of some specific conditions for its comfortable growth, but in fact it is not difficult.

Step 1. Choose a place in the apartment

Anthurium ("Man's Happiness") loves intense lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, so the ideal option for him is diffuse light or partial shade. In winter, it may require additional illumination, for example, fluorescent lamps. The temperature in the room should be within + 18-20 ° C, but it is not recommended to plant the plant near the batteries. Also protect the anthurium from drafts.

Step 2. Create the right level of humidity

Like all indoor plants, whose homeland is the hot tropics, anthurium requires a high humidity in the room - at least 60%. This is all "male happiness" (flower). How to care for him in this regard? Provide the necessary humidity can be, by placing a pallet with wet pebbles next to the plant, as well as regularly spraying the flower. At the same time, only the leaves should be moistened with spraying, but not with the inflorescence.

Step 3. Correct watering

Properly organized watering is a guarantee of comfortable health for all indoor plants, not an exception and "Male happiness" (flower). How to care for him, how to properly water it at different times of the year? In summer, watering should be moderate, you should not allow both the stagnation of moisture and the drying out of the earth. Winter is a period of rest for the anthurium, at which time watering is reduced.

Step 4. Transplant and Reproduction

Anthurium transplantation is usually carried out every two years. This can be done even during flowering, as carefully as possible, by moving the plant into a new, more spacious container. Be careful: do not injure air roots and do not bury the point of growth in the ground. It should be noted that even with the best care, you will not be blessed with "Men's Happiness" flowers for more than three years. How to care for them in time to prepare the planting material and this unique specimen did not disappear from your kindergarten on the windowsill? Propagate Anthurium usually by dividing a bush or seeds.

In general, as you can see, it is not difficult to care for an anthurium. A little effort, attention and care, and on your windowsill there will be a real miracle - "Man's happiness". The photo on this page is a good example.

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