Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Senna slimming: testimonials of those who tried the remedy

Modern life dictates harsh rules. Hypodinamia plus excess weight became the norm of human life in the 21st century. To avoid this and always remain young, beautiful, energetic, it takes a little. The first condition is the mandatory occupation of sports. The second is to keep abreast of modern methods of natural maintenance of human health.

Excess weight is the number one problem

The human body contains four types of fat cell deposits:

  • Subcutaneous fat;
  • Fat, determined by the sex of a person;
  • Visceral fat;
  • Abdominal fat.

In the opinion of nutritionists and physiologists, the third group is the most problematic, to which visceral fat belongs. Defeating it without antioxidant means is very difficult. And the food that we eat daily, they contain only a small amount. As a result, a healthy body loses control over the assimilation of the most persistent type of fat, which then afflicts the figure and the body as a whole.

Senna for weight loss. Reviews. Features

Today, many people do not lose their hands and try to fight weight, sit on low-calorie diets, starve, but little use. The thing is that they do not know the true mechanism of fat burning. While the organism is slagged, metabolic processes can not go to full force. As a result of endless diets, excess weight does not go away.

Therefore, it is first necessary to cleanse the digestive and digestive organs - the liver and intestines, and then think about how to quickly remove excess folds on the abdomen and thighs.

One of the main means to make it possible is senna for weight loss. Reviews on burning visceral fat with its help are the most positive.

The main features of using senna for weight loss

In another sense, senna is also called the Alexandrian leaf or cassia. It is famous since ancient times. The therapeutic effect is exerted both by leaves and fruits of cassia in the form of beans. Many drugs and laxatives contain ingredients such as senna leaves. For weight loss is very important, since they have a laxative effect, stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, slags are rapidly excreted, and fatty acids in the intestine are practically not absorbed. Such a simple mechanism of action does not allow a person to gain excess weight. The laxative effect occurs only six to ten hours after taking the senna drug (for weight loss). Feedback about its use will depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

It is not recommended to cleanse the intestines with senna more than once every 30 days. Contraindicated to use senna pills for weight loss to people who have chronic diseases, such as chronic duodenitis, gastritis with high acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcer. It is necessary to observe special care for people who have gallstones in the gallbladder and kidneys.

The age at which it is recommended to perform the purification procedure is 16 years and older. In adolescence, senna grass for weight loss is not allowed. Comments on the favorable outcome of the use of this drug among adolescents, of course, are. But it's better not to take chances.

If you do not enter any of these categories, then with a competent approach to the purification process, you will get a tremendous effect. First, under the influence of senna, the rate of metabolic reactions in the body increases. Secondly, the work of the urinary system is strengthened, which makes it possible to remove toxins, slags and radically increase immunity.

Description of preparations

In its pure form, senna is practically not used. In the pharmacy you can buy tablets "Senna" for weight loss, as well as dry fruits and leaves of the plant. In addition, senna is very often added to the composition of various charges that help cleanse the intestines.

You all planned, ventured and chose the "Senna" tablets. Weight loss (reviews about it will be positive) will be pleasant for you, if you do not forget that you are drinking laxative extract. The dose of the drug in tablets and troches should be small, only 1-2 pieces two or three times a day before meals.

In addition, people who want to lose weight should also know the negative side. Resins and tannins that are part of the herb cassia, in large doses can lead to muscle spasms, nausea, vomiting and irritation of the intestine. Senna Meccan for weight loss with prolonged use can disrupt the proper functioning of the liver and lead to bowel dystrophy. With the continuous intake of Senna inwards from the body, along with toxins and toxins, important trace elements, such as potassium and magnesium, will be removed without hindrance. And their lack leads to disruption of the heart and blood vessels.

The first recipe

To three liters of hot boiled water, we add two packs of "Senna" (for weight loss). The grass should be dry and clean. Then add a handful of raisins. All mixed, put on the fire and bring to a boil. In a hot mix we pour out the ready-made chemist "Holosas". We insist in a dark place for 12 hours. Then we filter the mass, pour it into a convenient container and store it in the refrigerator. Begin to take the drug recommended with small doses: two or three tablespoons, followed by increasing the dose to half a glass.

The second recipe

Preliminarily grind 20 grams of medicinal dandelion, herbs of Senna, fresh parsley, nettle. Add to the mixture seeds of dill and peppermint leaves in the amount of 10 g. Brew and infuse on a water bath 1 tablespoon of the mixture per one glass of boiling water. Take cleansing tea in a warm form, after eating, in small sips.

The third recipe

Take 100 grams of raisins, 100 grams of dried apricots, 400 grams of prunes, 200 grams of figs. All the dried fruits through the meat grinder. To the resulting mixture add senna leaves (for weight loss) (50 g) and a standard pharmaceutical packaging of the drug "Holosas" (100 g). The prepared preparation should be taken twice a day for one tablespoon. Keep the medicinal mixture in the refrigerator.

If your body does not tolerate the drug "Holosas", then you can replace it with ordinary honey in the amount of 200 grams, and the rest of the actions follow the instructions. Take the resulting mixture should be once a day, a teaspoon before bedtime.

How to get out of the regime of purification and weight loss

To fix a positive result, after finishing the cleansing of the body, you must adhere to a number of rules.

  • First, the days spent on cleansing the body, consider a fun holiday, and not a severe punishment.
  • Secondly, during the meal, saturate your stomach gradually. Do not eat greasy and fried foods.
  • Thirdly, limit in your diet flour products, white bread, dishes from smoked products (sausages, sausages).
  • Fourth, refrain first time from sugar and sweets.
  • Fifth, consolidate the result obtained by a psychological device: place two photographs next to each other. In one photo you will be up to the observance of purification, and next - after the victorious end.
  • Sixth, do not eat all that is stored in your fridge. This is useful to preserve and consolidate the result after taking the senna drug (for weight loss). Feedback from your family and friends about your figure will soon be enthusiastic if you do not allow yourself to eat too high-calorie foods for one decade. Try to start with the figure of 600 kcal. And you will certainly succeed. Only endure ten days. And then multiply the number of possible calories by two. And stick to the prescribed level for another ten days.

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