HealthMental Health

Depression: Self-Help Methods

"Depression" ... This word is well known to many. Often, we ourselves make a diagnosis and say: "I'm depressed." Meanwhile, depression is not an ordinary mood decline, but a serious illness requiring qualified treatment. Psychotherapists call the three main signs of depression: it is hopelessly dreary , a decrease in appetite and sleep disturbance, when it is difficult for a person to fall asleep and when he wakes up at night without an obvious reason. If such symptoms do not pass within a week, there is an occasion to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to diagnose correctly and prescribe an adequate treatment. The fact is that the name "depression" unites many of its varieties. There is depression as an independent disease. True, such an ailment is extremely rare, but the classical depression ends very often with voluntary withdrawal from life. That's why it's so important to recognize this dangerous disease in time. Classical depression requires serious medication.
The state of depression can also accompany other diseases, for example, neuroses, schizophrenia or brain tumors. But more often than not, what we call "depression" turns out to be a legacy mental disorder that can be cured on its own. Although most people do nothing to cope with their condition, and they expect that the depression will pass by itself. Although in some cases this is justified: for example, when the cause causing the state of depression is eliminated, for example, some protracted conflict. In other cases, self-help or specialist help is required. But ignoring depression can only worsen the situation.
So, what should you do to cope with depression?
Psychologists and psychotherapists believe that if you follow certain recommendations within a month, you can independently overcome depression. First of all, it is necessary to normalize your work and rest regime. It is also important to distinguish responsibility: at work, think and worry only about work, at home - only about home affairs. Well, if you decide to go somewhere to rest, you need to completely disconnect from all problems.
Morning is important to start with a contrast shower (duration about 10 minutes, 5-7 switching cold and hot water).

You can not refuse breakfast, even if there is no appetite (it should be remembered that all signs of depression are especially pronounced in the morning).
Since the main target of depression is the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to exclude from the diet acute and fatty foods.
It is important to use this psychological method during the day: to monitor the switching of your attention. This means that, whatever you do, you need to focus on one particular case. If this starts to work for you, then you are on your way to recovery.
In the evening, the manifestations of depression subsided, but this does not mean that you can relax. Do not spend the evening in front of TVs, for a plentiful meal with alcohol. The main task is to earn moderate physical fatigue. To do this, you can walk outside for an hour.
Saving should be done no later than 23 hours. But to quickly fall asleep, use a proven folk remedy - a glass of warm milk for the night.

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