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Effective simple exercises for inflating the buttocks

Beautiful and elastic buttocks are accompanied by both enthusiastic male and envious female looks. Someone seductive and appetizing forms inherited, and someone with persistent and debilitating training achieves attractive roundness. Nevertheless, with the years and sedentary life, the buttocks lose their elastic form and attractiveness. Therefore, pumping the buttocks at any age will make the figure seductive and tempting.

Over time, the buttocks lose their elasticity due to malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. Only regular training and exercises for inflating the buttocks will be able to put an end to the sagging and flabby roundness. Here, the best assistants will be a gym and a set of exercises aimed at improving external forms.

The human body is arranged in such a way that the gluteus muscle consists of three layers. Therefore, during physical exertion it is necessary to train them all. It is best to conduct classes every day. For the minimum period, the most effective result will be running on uneven terrain (with descents and ascents), special exercises for inflating the buttocks, cycling, jumping rope, playing table tennis and badminton, skiing, roller skates, skating.

To inflate the gluteus maximus, the exercises with the retraction of the leg are more suitable, and the middle and small muscles are trained from the movements of the legs to the sides. Consider some exercises for inflating the buttocks in the home, in which the most problematic part of the body should be strained:

  1. Lying on his side and leaning on his elbow, you need to raise your foot ten times so that at the highest point of the foot is parallel to the floor. The heel is at the same level as the toe. After the necessary number of repetitions, ten small, springy contractions are performed at the top. Then the leg goes down. Swap the side and repeat the same with the other foot.
  2. Lying on your stomach and pressing your chin to your chest (your forehead lies on your crossed palms), you need to bend your knees 90 degrees and gently lift your legs up. During this exercise, to inflate the buttocks, you need to make sure that the feet are together, and that the knees do not touch the surface. One approach is 10-14 repetitions.
  3. Sitting on the heels with the knees apart, you should raise your hands up and lead them back, connecting your hands. Raising the pelvis above the floor to a level of 10-15 centimeters, perform rotational movements. Load - 10 times in each direction.
  4. Lying on the back with knees bent at the feet, lifting the pelvis up to the stop and lowering, but the buttocks of the floor can not be touched. One approach consists of ten repetitions.

A good assistant in physical activity will be a simulator for inflating the buttocks. The modern industry offers a variety of adaptations to improve the shape of the legs and hips. These are steppers, exercise bikes, treadmills and ellipsoids. Doing on one of them, it should be understood that only systematic exercises and proper nutrition will give a noticeable result in a month.

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