Education, History
After the Troubles. Russia in the 17th century. Socio-economic development
Troubled time caused irreparable damage to the Russian state. It took many years to restore the former level of well-being. The economic development of Russia in the 17th century began in the 1920s, when the territories of the Volga region, Southern Siberia, and the Northern Black Sea region were developed. It's time to rewrite history in a new way and redefine the boundaries of Russian lands. The culture of Russia in the 17th century slowly changed its priorities - the church dogmas receded into the past, the values of worldly life and of man himself became actual.
Russian politics in the 17th century
The main directions of the foreign policy of the state will be shown in the table. Russia in the 17th century for the first time after years of war and chaos could claim itself as a strong and self-sufficient state.
The foreign policy relations of the country with other states began to develop in a new way. During the Great Troubles, Russia lost territory in the north and north-west, in the south the constant raids of the Crimean khans devastated the fertile lands. The unification of the Russian lands, the strengthening of the central government, the restoration of the economy and trade are the main tasks that Russia set itself in the 17th century.
Socio-economic development
The economy of the country was formed under difficult conditions of opposition of archaic feudal-serf relations with the class of the emerging bourgeoisie. The policy of full enslavement of the peasants formed the basis of Russia's social development. The synodal code of 1649 abolished the "learned summer", the search for fugitive peasants was declared indefinite, which finally deprived the agrarians of the few rights that they received from their ancestors.
The peasants completely depended on the feudal lord, cultivated his land with his own implements and paid him a quitrent. It was the bureaucracy that characterized the rural way of life, which was the basis of Russia's domestic policy in the 17th century. Socio-economic development was subject to the laws of absolutism, which was significantly strengthened, especially after the adoption in 1649 of the Cathedral Code.
By the age of 20, handicraft production is reviving in Russia, new production enterprises are being introduced-manufactories. The new Trade Charter streamlined the rules of trade relations and stimulated the development of commerce.
Strengthening of royal power
As many as two chapters of the new code of the Russian kingdom legislatively protect the rights and prestige of royal power in the country. Gradually, all power is concentrated in the hands of one ruler - the king. The Zemsky Sobors, which had previously resolved the most important political issues, quickly lost their position. Their privileges and power are now given to the Boyar Duma. Relative stability in the economy and politics ensures the strengthening of the autocratic system, even without the support of all segments of the population. To maintain domestic policy, a centralized apparatus of government is being formed.
The role of representatives of the tsarist government in certain regions carried out orders. By the 17th century, they had already been formed, but in these institutions there was no clear distinction between the legislative and executive levers of power. During the period of distemper, the activity of orders was inconspicuous and ineffective.
Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich established several temporary orders - after fulfilling certain tasks they disbanded. His successor, Alexei Mikhailovich, had already established standing orders that carried out their functions in certain areas, including those annexed by Russia in the 17th century. The socio-economic development of the state was fully supported by the church reforms that took place in the middle of the century.
Church centralization
The accession of the Belarusian and Ukrainian territories to the lands of the Russian state led to a stream of different interpretations of the teachings of Christian Orthodoxy. The reform of Nikon was called upon to unite different church doctrines and to re-create a single Orthodox church. But these transformations caused serious grumbling of the people, and the idea of the independence of the church authority from the secular caused the discontent of the autocrat. As a result, the church split, and Nikon in 1666 was deposed.
Culture of Russia in the 17th century
The development of book printing in the Russian state begins with the publication of the first printed book, The Apostle. There are new literary genres, and in the second half of the century, portraiture, whose ancestor was S. Ushakov, declared itself .
The principles of urban planning and architecture are changing. There is a style that is characteristic only of Russia-the Moscow baroque, civil and public buildings began to be built of stone.
Schools are being developed in which officials of state institutions were trained, and at the end of the century there appeared the Slavic-Greek-Latin school, the first higher educational institution that Russia opened in the 17th century.
The socio-economic development of the state and the revival of culture in Russia at that time slowly, but confidently led the country to new reforms and a different political structure.
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