
Russia in the 17th century

Russia in the 17th century was in the context of strengthening the importance of labor of the serf population, completing the formation of a nationwide single market, and the geographical specialization of the territories. Zemsky sobors were given less importance than before. Formed prerequisites for the development of absolute monarchy.

However, in the 17th century Russia still remains "rebellious". Often there are large-scale popular performances.

The external political development of Russia in the 17th century began with state intervention in the Thirty Years' War.

This century historians are conditionally divided into two stages. At the first stage, Russia in the 17th century, first of all, overcame the Time of Troubles. At the second stage, the prerequisites for carrying out the Petrine reforms began to take shape.

The newly-elected Tsar Mikhail Romanov arranged all social strata. But it should be noted that the real power was in the hands of his father - Metropolitan Philaret - long enough. Russia in the 17th century had to overcome the consequences of the Troubles. It was this task that was entrusted to the tsar.

For the implementation of the central administration, a system of orders was applied, in places the elected elders were replaced by voivods from the center. At the heart of the army were the nobles. For their service they received land allotments together with peasants. But, in connection with the flight of the latter during the Troubles, the estates were not particularly in price. The government, having increased the search term for the fugitives, transfers the files for the search to the Robber order. Since that moment, the flight of a peasant from the estate was equal to a criminal offense.

In the middle of the century, there was a need to systematize the existing laws. For this purpose, a special commission was convened. As a result, in 1649 the Sobornoe Ulozhenie was adopted , which completed the organization of serfdom. Thus, the search for fugitives became perpetual, the condition of the serf - hereditary. In addition, some articles strengthened the royal power. Thus, the estate-representative monarchy became absolute. Absolutism relied on the peasant community and the nobility.

During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the Zemsky Sobor ceases to gather, the Boyar Duma loses its significance. The king singles out specially trusted persons (the near Duma), but makes decisions independently.

Industrial development is characterized by the appearance of manufactories, the division of labor. Machines are used in production. Used and wage labor (the workers were mostly descendants of black-eared and serfs).

Attempts to modernize the country the government has undertaken by the middle of the century. Modernization meant changes in various spheres of life aimed at strengthening absolutism and serfdom. Transformations were supposed to strengthen the tax and military-technical development of the state. Such were the changes in the social, economic, spiritual and internal political spheres that characterize the 17th century.

Russia throughout this century was able to expand its territory. Thus, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich annexed the Ukraine (Little Russia) to the state. At that time in Zaporozhye Cossacks, led by Khmelnitsky, rebelled in Ukraine. The uprising turned into a people's war. Fearing subsequent military battles with the Turks and Poles, the rebels asked for help from Russia. In 1653, the Left-bank Ukraine was annexed . This provoked a war with the Rzeczpospolita. The fighting ended in the recognition of the annexation of Little Russia. In addition, Russia received Smolensk back, and in 1686 - Kiev.

Failure befell the Russian state in the Russian-Swedish war, as well as in the Crimean campaigns. But, at the same time, the East Siberian territories were annexed, the outlet to the Pacific Ocean was completed, and the border with China was also established.

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