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Learning to understand the cat's tongue

Cat's tongue is not limited to sonorous "meow" and lulling "murr-rr". There are still signs of the body and marks. Of course, we can not understand the intricacies of the tags, but the remaining options are exactly within our power. This article will tell you how to learn to understand a cat's tongue.

You probably noticed that the cats are talking among themselves. And how eloquently they ask for delicious bits from the owner, how confidently they show disposition or dissatisfaction, how arrogantly sometimes they meet uninvited guests and how they make it clear: "Do not touch me!" The cat's tongue is very rich, and very simple to understand.

Murmuring, for example, speaks of a wonderful mood and full satisfaction. A calming quiet rumbling can be heard when a cat feeds its offspring or communicates with the host. But there is a different purring - sad, anxious. People, too, sometimes can laugh, when in fact not to the fun. That's why cats can purse even in a state of anxiety, illness or dying ... If you love your beauty, then you must catch the difference.

Each cat, like a person, has a voice of its own color. In addition, these animals can perfectly pronounce the consonants: F, G, H, X, R, M, B. Its unchanging "meow" cat can also pronounce in different ways. And it can sound like a courteous "Good Morning" or rather rude, rather, "three-story" "Get out of here !!!"

Low sounds the cat emits during aggression and fear, and high transmits pleasant emotions. Perhaps, therefore, the animal perceives the female voice and sonorous names more.

The cat's tongue is characterized by the widest vocal range, beginning with raucous basses and ending with an indescribable subtle squeal. That there are only wedding felidas at night! It's funny, but some classics were inspired sometimes by cat's singing.

A person can quite decipher even the long phrases pronounced by this animal. It is interesting that different representatives can transmit the same message in their own way, because the cat's tongue is not only made up of sounds. It is also facial expressions, movements of the body, tail. You just need to learn how to listen and watch.

The main dictionary of the cat's language can be presented as follows:

- pupils have widened - most likely the animal is scared, narrowed - a sign of aggression;

- Half-closed eyes - a state of relaxation, wide open - a warning (it's better to move away);

- slow blinking - calmness, disposition;

- attentively looks into your eyes - interest, if the ears are guided by the beliefs - the desire to communicate;

- raised tail top - confidence and calm, twitching - discontent;

- heavy or frequent breathing - pain, fear, overheating;

- Running on the back of the wave - irritation, nervous tension;

- straight tail, "looking" back - aggression;

- wool on end - fright, fear, desire to "increase", scare;

- sharp tail flies - warning of a possible offensive;

- Back arched - intimidation (offensive posture);

- relaxed tail with calm behavior - satisfaction;

- ears are turned back and strongly pressed - readiness for fight (actually declaration of war);

- tummy for show - full of confidence and relaxation;

- rubs mustaches and muzzle - at the same time, the location and application of the rights to the owner as property;

- crossed paws - sincerely expresses love.

Cats, unlike people, creatures are open, unfeigned and direct - they never hold stones in their bosom, but communicate their intentions directly. Watch your beautiful woman, be sincere with her, and she will show you all the features of her "language" ...

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