HealthDiseases and Conditions

Catarrhal diseases: what is cough treated for

Cold usually begins with a cough. Experts divide it into two types: productive and dry. In the first case, the separation of sputum is implied, in the second the cold symptom quite often wears out the patient, giving him a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Of course, every person wants to know what cough is being treated. The methods of therapy depend on its type and on the disease that provokes it. In fact, the reflex response of the body (cough) can be of different etiologies. Among the causes are bacteria, viruses and allergies. The basis of treatment should be to eliminate the root cause, otherwise the unpleasant symptom will only subside.

Surely you want to know what cough specialists treat . Medications in this case are divided into several groups. One of them is aimed at improving the sputum evacuation as a result of reducing its viscosity and moving to the center due to increased motor activity of the bronchi. Among these drugs are the following: Gedelix, Mukaltin, Doctor Mom, Pertussin and others.

There is a group of medications that dilute the pulmonary secret, but does not increase its volume. They are called mucolytics, the feature of which is the variety of produced dosage forms (solutions, tablets, syrups, drops for inhalations), which is very important when choosing drugs for the treatment of children.

Asking what cough is being treated, from friends or friends, you are making a big mistake. Any consultation about medications should be obtained from specialists, because because of ignorance about the actions of certain drugs, you can damage your health. For example, when treating the above two groups, you should never take antitussive drugs that block the reflex at the level of the brain. As a result, the symptom disappears, and sputum remains, thus provoking complications in the form of congestive pneumonia and other pathologies.

What are the cures for people's healers?

Non-traditional medicine offers a lot of options for getting rid of an unpleasant illness. Among them, inhalation in pairs of potato broth, infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, sage), soda solution. Natural syrups are very good, which are very easy to prepare. For example, chop one fresh onion and fill it with a small amount of sugar. After a while, a sticky liquid separates, which should be drunk on a tablespoon three times a day. With a dry cough, the agent, prepared from glycerin, lemon and honey, softens the throat and respiratory ways.

Than to treat a beginning cough?

At the first sign of a cold, you should not rush to the mountains of pharmacy medicines, it is enough to increase the daily volume of liquid due to hot tea. As additives, use honey, lemon, ginger root, because they have a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. In general, folk recipes have strong properties, but they must be applied at the earliest stages of the disease.

Well, and than to treat a strong cough that does not go away within a few weeks, the attending physician will tell. Perhaps in this case, antibiotic therapy can not be avoided, but these drugs should be selected only by a specialist taking into account the collected anamnesis.

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