
Than can be caused by a strong cough

A strong cough is unpleasant by itself, and even the body can do a lot of harm. First of all, the throat can suffer from it, since it causes inflammation, which can cause very strong discomfort. Also, a strong cough badly affects the organs of the abdominal cavity, which means that it is quite capable of causing some other illness.

This disease can appear as a result of infection with any bacterial or viral infection. Its severe form can also be observed after a severe hypothermia of the human body, which has certain problems with the respiratory tract. As a rule, coughing does not torment all day, but only in certain periods of time (morning, evening and so on). This "schedule" in most cases depends on the reason for the strong cough in general appeared. People who suffer from a persistent cough need to consult a doctor, since the consequences can be very unpredictable. In the usual case, you can recover yourself. Today everyone should know how to get rid of a strong cough.

What he really is

It is a complex reflex act, which is most directly associated with contraction of the respiratory muscles and the subsequent jerky air release from the lungs. It appears at a time when sensitive receptors of the larynx, large bronchi or trachea begins to irritate something.

This process is not meaningless, since its main goal is to purify all respiratory tract from accumulated fluid, mucus or foreign bodies. In other words, cough is another protective mechanism of our body, without which we absolutely can not do.

Very often it causes very great discomfort. This is especially noticeable at night, since the coughing person is torturing not only himself, but also those who are nearby. Coughing attacks can interfere with work, especially when it is most directly related to communicating with people. Constantly coughing a person is very difficult to express their thoughts, which means that talking with him can be difficult.

A strong cough very often torments smokers. Here it's not a matter of illness (although in many cases smoking tobacco causes the lungs to become vulnerable to all sorts of diseases), but that the body is trying to get rid of everything that got into it with tobacco smoke. By the way, it is worth noting that a person who quits smoking, as a rule, begins to cough severely. In this there is nothing terrible, because the body is just trying to cleanse itself.

Treatment of severe cough

I want to start with the fact that his symptoms can be removed for a while with the help of some hot drink or the most ordinary candy. Lollipop will help stop even the most powerful attack. It is desirable that it be minty, but regular caramel is also suitable.

Before coughing, it is worthwhile to find out whether it is dry or wet. Wet can be determined by the fact that during its out of the lungs goes phlegm, and when dry - no.

Treatment can be carried out and folk remedies, and with the help of modern drugs. For the treatment of a wet cough, folk medicine can recommend, for example, tea made from leaves of mother-and-stepmother, and when dry - you can drink a decoction of raisins. There are a lot of similar means from the "grandmother's first-aid kit", which means that everyone can choose the right one for himself.

Cough preparations can be purchased at any pharmacy. Many of them are sold without a doctor's prescription. Usually people make choices based on personal experience, advice of a doctor, pharmacist or someone they know. To buy what first caught my eye is not worth it, since it may be completely useless for you.

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